With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Nortel device in your network.
x25 Dte Peer Link To Remote Group
This is a link to a RemoteGroup component. The RemoteGroup components logically divide up the X.25 Interface such that a number of Protocol Ports (and consequently a number of Virtual Routers) may share the same X.25 Interface into a Wide Area Network. In particular, the remote host identified by this Peer component is designated as belonging to the RemoteGroup linked by this attribute. The set of all Peer components and PermLcn components which link to a given RemoteGroup determine the subset of remote hosts which are accessible to a particular Protocol Port (and ultimately a Virtual Router).
Back to Nortel-Magellan-Passport-X25DteMIB MIB page.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor x25DtePeerLinkToRemoteGroup on Allied Telesis device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Nortel secure routers right now.