With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
protocol Dir Host Config
This object describes and configures the probe's support for the network layer and application layer host tables for this protocol. When the probe creates entries in this table for all protocols that it understands, it will set the entry to notSupported(1) if it doesn't have the capability to track the nlHostTable for this protocol or if the alHostTable is implemented but doesn't have the capability to track this protocol. Note that if the alHostTable is implemented, the probe may only support a protocol if it is supported in both the nlHostTable and the alHostTable. If the associated protocolDirType object has the addressRecognitionCapable bit set, then this is a network layer protocol for which the probe recognizes addresses, and thus the probe will populate the nlHostTable and alHostTable with addresses it discovers for this protocol. If the value of this object is notSupported(1), the probe will not track the nlHostTable or alHostTable for this protocol and shall not allow this object to be changed to any other value. If the value of this object is supportedOn(3), the probe supports tracking of the nlHostTable and alHostTable for this protocol and is configured to track both tables for this protocol for all control entries and all interfaces. If the value of this object is supportedOff(2), the probe supports tracking of the nlHostTable and alHostTable for this protocol but is configured to not track these tables for any control entries or interfaces. Whenever this value changes from supportedOn(3) to supportedOff(2), the probe shall delete all related entries in the nlHostTable and alHostTable. Note that since each alHostEntry references 2 protocol directory entries, one for the network address and one for the type of the highest protocol recognized, that an entry will only be created in that table if this value is supportedOn(3) for both protocols.
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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor protocolDirHostConfig on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco switches right now.