With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
data Source Copy Caps
PortCopy function capabilities of the specified dataSource. Note that these are static capabilities, which SHOULD NOT be adjusted because of current resources or configuration. - copySourcePort(0) The agent sets this bit if this dataSource is capable of acting as a source of a portCopy operation. The agent clears this bit otherwise. - copyDestPort(1) The agent sets this bit if this dataSource is capable of acting as a destination of a portCopy operation. The agent clears this bit otherwise. - copySrcTxTraffic(2) If the copySourcePort bit is set: The agent sets this bit if this dataSource is capable of copying frames transmitted out this portCopy source. The agent clears this bit otherwise. This function is needed to support full-duplex ports. Else: this bit SHOULD be cleared. - copySrcRxTraffic(3) If the copySourcePort bit is set: The agent sets this bit if this dataSource is capable of copying frames received on this portCopy source. The agent clears this bit otherwise. This function is needed to support full-duplex ports. Else: this bit SHOULD be cleared. - countDestDropEvents(4) If the copyDestPort bit is set: The agent sets this bit if it is capable of incrementing portCopyDestDropEvents, when this dataSource is the target of a portCopy operation and a frame destined to this dataSource is dropped (for RMON counting purposes). Else: this BIT SHOULD be cleared. - copyErrFrames(5) If the copySourcePort bit is set: The agent sets this bit if it is capable of copying all errored frames from this portCopy source-port, for errored frames received on this dataSource. Else: this BIT SHOULD be cleared. - copyUnalteredFrames(6) If the copySourcePort bit is set: The agent sets the copyUnalteredFrames bit If it is capable of copying all frames from this portCopy source-port without alteration in any way; Else: this bit SHOULD be cleared. - copyAllGoodFrames(7) If the copySourcePort bit is set: The agent sets this bit for the dataSource if all good frames received on this dataSource are normally capable of being copied by the agent. The agent clears this bit if any good frames are not visible for the RMON portCopy operation, e.g., the dataSource is a non-promiscuous interface or an internal switch interface which may not receive frames which were switched in hardware or dropped by the bridge forwarding function. Else: this bit SHOULD be cleared.
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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor dataSourceCopyCaps on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco multiplexers right now.