connection_out_octets monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - connection_out_octets monitor

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OID list for connection out octets

Cisco Aal5 Virtual Channel Connection Out Octets
cAal5VccOutOctets (defined in CISCO-AAL5-MIB)
The number of AAL5 CPCS PDU octets transmitted on this AAL5 VCC at the interface associated with an AAL5 entity.
Cisco Aal5 Virtual Channel Connection Out Dropped Octets
cAal5VccOutDroppedOctets (defined in CISCO-AAL5-MIB)
The number of AAL5 CPCS PDU Octets dropped at the transmit side of this AAL5 VCC at the interface associated with an AAL5 entity.
Cisco Aal5 Virtual Channel Connection High Capacity Out Octets
cAal5VccHCOutOctets (defined in CISCO-AAL5-MIB)
This is 64bit (High Capacity) version of cAal5VccOutOctets counters.
Cisco Aal5 Virtual Channel Connection Out Dropped Octets
cAal5VccOutDroppedOctets (defined in CISCO-AAL5-EXT-MIB)
The number of AAL5 CPCS PDU Octets dropped at the transmit side of this AAL5 VCC at the interface associated with an AAL5 entity.
Cisco's Airline protocol support Remote Peer Connection Out Octets
alpsRemPeerConnOutOctets (defined in CISCO-ALPS-MIB)
Number of octets transmitted on this ALPS remote peer connection.
cisco Data Link Switching T Connection Operation Out Data Octets
ciscoDlswTConnOperOutDataOctets (defined in CISCO-DLSW-MIB)
The number octets in Switch-to-Switch Protocol (SSP) messages of type DGRMFRAME, DATAFRAME, or INFOFRAME transmitted on this transport connection. Each message is counted starting with the first octet following the SSP message header.
ibmdlsw T Connection Group Operation Out Data Octets
ibmdlswTConnGroupOperOutDataOctets (defined in ibm-ibmiroc)
The number of octets in Switch-to-Switch Protocol (SSP) messages of type DATAFRAME transmitted for this group. Each message is counted starting with the first octet following the SSP message header.

MIBs list