
global_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - global_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for global statistics

Logging SNMP Notifications Statistics Global Notifications Logged
nlmStatsGlobalNotificationsLogged (defined in NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB)
The number of Notifications put into the nlmLogTable. This counts a Notification once for each log entry, so a Notification put into multiple logs is counted multiple times.
Logging SNMP Notifications Statistics Global Notifications Bumped
nlmStatsGlobalNotificationsBumped (defined in NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB)
The number of log entries discarded to make room for a new entry due to lack of resources or the value of nlmConfigGlobalEntryLimit or nlmConfigLogEntryLimit. This does not include entries discarded due to the value of nlmConfigGlobalAgeOut.
Enterasys Load Sharing Network Address Translation MIB Global Statistics Group
etsysLsnatMIBGlobalStatsGroup (defined in enterasys-lsnat-mib)
The statistics group for LSNAT global statistical and configuration information.
Enterasys Nat MIB Global Statistics Group
etsysNatMIBGlobalStatsGroup (defined in enterasys-nat-mib)
The information group for NAT global resources and operations.
Enterasys Twcb MIB Global Statistics Group
etsysTwcbMIBGlobalStatsGroup (defined in enterasys-twcb-mib-2)
The statistics group for TWCB global statistical information.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Global Statistics Table
cagwGlobalStatisticsTable (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
The Global Statistics Table contains measurement for a particular ASN-Gateway.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Global Statistics Entry
cagwGlobalStatisticsEntry (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
ASN-GW global statistics entry.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Global Statistics Group
cagwGlobalStatisticsGroup (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
These objects describe the statistics of the ASN GW.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Global Statistics Group Rev1
cagwGlobalStatisticsGroupRev1 (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
These objects describe the statistics of the ASN GW.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Global Statistics Group Rev2
cagwGlobalStatisticsGroupRev2 (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
These objects describe the statistics of the ASN GW.
Cisco's ASN Gateway Global Statistics Group Rev2 Sup1
cagwGlobalStatisticsGroupRev2Sup1 (defined in CISCO-ASN-GATEWAY-MIB)
Additional object to describe the statistics of the ASN GW.
Cisco Call Applications Application Global Statistics Logging
ccapAppGblStatsLogging (defined in CISCO-CALL-APPLICATION-MIB)
Enable or disable the Application Information System for gathering statistics for all the call application types on this gateway.
Cisco Call Applications Application Global Statistics Clear
ccapAppGblStatsClear (defined in CISCO-CALL-APPLICATION-MIB)
Perform clearing of the entire Application History Global level stats and History Application Type stats.
Cisco Call Applications Application Interface Global Statistics Logging
ccapAppIntfGblStatsLogging (defined in CISCO-CALL-APPLICATION-MIB)
Enable/ disable the Application Interface Information System to gather statistics for all the application interface types on this gateway. Call application interface types are AAA, ASR, Flash, HTTP, SMTP, RAM, RTSP, TFTP, TTS.
Cisco Call Applications Application Interface Global Statistics Clear
ccapAppIntfGblStatsClear (defined in CISCO-CALL-APPLICATION-MIB)
Perform resetting of the entire Application Interface stats and/or evtlogs for all the interface types and all the associated servers records. Server records are not purged.
Cisco Content Service Global Statistics Table
ccsGlobalStatsTable (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
This table contains the global statistical information in content billing feature.
Cisco Content Service Global Statistics Table Entry
ccsGlobalStatsTableEntry (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
Each row in this table contains statistical information for content billing feature. entPhysicalIndex identifies the entity that that provides the content services.
cisco Content Services Global Statistics Group
ciscoContentServicesGlobalStatsGroup (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
Global Statistic objects.
cisco Content Services Global Statistics Group Sup1
ciscoContentServicesGlobalStatsGroupSup1 (defined in CISCO-CONTENT-SERVICES-MIB)
Collection of objects providing aggregate statistics for all the BMAs and Quota Managers. This group augments the objects contained in the ciscoContentServicesGlobalStatsGroup.

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