
interval_errors monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - interval_errors monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for interval errors

GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Errors Out
gwiaStatIntervalErrorsOut (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of failed transfers to GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise Internet Agent Statistics Interval Errors In
gwiaStatIntervalErrorsIn (defined in GWIAMIB)
The number of failed transfers from GroupWise Internet Agent in statistics interval.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Interval Errors Out
gwsmtpStatIntervalErrorsOut (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
The number of failed transfers to SMTP in statistics interval.
GroupWise SMTP Statistics Interval Errors In
gwsmtpStatIntervalErrorsIn (defined in GWSMTPMIB)
The number of failed transfers from SMTP in statistics interval.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Update Errors
cDnsErrorIntUpdateErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total number of updates resulting in errors or failures.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Ixfr In Errors
cDnsErrorIntIxfrInErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total in-bound IXFR errors.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Ixfr Out Errors
cDnsErrorIntIxfrOutErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total IXFR error responses sent.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Axfr In Errors
cDnsErrorIntAxfrInErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total in-bound AXFR errors.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Axfr Out Errors
cDnsErrorIntAxfrOutErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total AXFR error responses sent.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Sent Total Errors
cDnsErrorIntSentTotalErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total number of requests the server answered with errors.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Sent Format Errors
cDnsErrorIntSentFormatErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total number of requests received which were unparseable.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Sent Other Errors
cDnsErrorIntSentOtherErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total number of requests which were aborted for other local server errors.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Sent Refusal Errors
cDnsErrorIntSentRefusalErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total number of requests which resulted in REFUSED.
Cisco Dns Error Interval Received Format Errors
cDnsErrorIntRcvdFormatErrors (defined in CISCO-DNS-SERVER-MIB)
Total number of responses received with FORMERR status.
vrrp Stats Advertise Interval Errors
vrrpStatsAdvertiseIntervalErrors (defined in ibm-vrrp)
The total number of VRRP advertisement packets received for which the advertisement interval is different than the one configured for the local virtual router.
Juniper Otn Interval Otu Fec15min Corrected Errors
jnxOtnIntervalOtuFec15minCorrectedErrors (defined in JUNIPER-OTN-MIB)
Interval 15 minute FEC Corrected Errors counter

MIBs list