
pool_statistics monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - pool_statistics

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for pool statistics

sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics Pool Index
sfcsBwPortPoolStatsPoolIndex (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
This index specifies which Pool within Port we are dealing with. This reference is in the same format as MIB II's Interface index.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics Connection Count Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatConnCntFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The current total number of calls in the forward direction.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics Available Bandwidth Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatAvailBwFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The current amount of available Bw in the forward direction.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics Peak Bandwidth Revision
sfcsBwPortPoolStatPeakBwRev (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The peak amount of allocated Bw in the reverse direction since the port was initialized OR the switch was reset.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics Previous Adver MAXCR Revision
sfcsBwPortPoolStatPrevAdverMAXCRRev (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The amount of physical reverse BW reported to PNNI in the latest reporting period.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics CBR Connection Rejected Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatCBRConnRejFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The number of CBR forward connections rejected since the port was initialized or the switch was reset last.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics CBR Allocation Bandwidth Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatCBRAllocBwFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The amount of forward allocated Bw that is CBR service class.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics ABR Connection Count Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatABRConnCntFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The number of currently established ABR connections for the forward direction.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics ABR Aggregate PCR Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatABRAggPCRFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The aggregated forward PCR for all established ABR connections.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics ABR Previous Adver CDV
sfcsBwPortPoolStatABRPrevAdverCDV (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The CDV for the forward direction reported to PNNI for the last update period for ABR service class.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics VBR Connection Count Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatVBRConnCntFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The number of currently established VBR connections for the forward direction.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics VBR Aggregate PCR Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatVBRAggPCRFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The aggregated forward PCR for all established VBR connections.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics VBR Previous Adver MAXCTD
sfcsBwPortPoolStatVBRPrevAdverMAXCTD (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The maxCTD for the forward direction reported to PNNI for the last update period for VBR service class.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics VBR Previous Adver CDV
sfcsBwPortPoolStatVBRPrevAdverCDV (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The CDV for the forward direction reported to PNNI for the last update period for VBR service class.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics UBR Connection Rejected Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatUBRConnRejFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The number of UBR forward connections rejected since the port was initialized or the switch was reset last.
sfcs Bandwidth Port Pool Statistics UBR Allocation Bandwidth Forward
sfcsBwPortPoolStatUBRAllocBwFwd (defined in ctron-sfcs-mib)
The amount of forward allocated Bw that is UBR service class.
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics PCS Pool Size
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolSize (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
sfps Anib Ifo Statistics PCS Pool Drops
sfpsAnibIfoStatsPCSPoolDrops (defined in ctron-sfps-esys-mib)
Address Statistics Total Pool Addresses
alAddressStatsTotalPoolAddresses (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
Total number of legal addresses defined in pool. This does not include Network and Broadcast addresses.
Address Statistics Pool Group Table
alAddressStatsPoolGroupTable (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
The list of trap destinations.
Address Statistics Pool Group Entry
alAddressStatsPoolGroupEntry (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
An entry in the alAddressStatsPoolGroupTable.
Address Statistics Group Total Pool Addresses
alAddressStatsGrpTotalPoolAddresses (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
Total number of legal addresses defined in pool. This does not include Network and Broadcast addresses.
Address Statistics Held Pool Id
alAddressStatsHeldPoolId (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
The Global Address Pool ID for this entry.
Address Statistics Group Held Pool Id
alAddressStatsGrpHeldPoolId (defined in ALTIGA-ADDRESS-STATS-MIB)
The Global Address Pool ID for this entry.
Call Resource Pool Dnis Statistics Group Name
ccrpDnisStatisticsGroupName (defined in CISCO-CALL-RESOURCE-POOL-MIB)
Name of DNIS group containing this DNIS. Value corresponds to ccrpDnisGroupName. If DNIS is not a member of a DNIS group, this value is a zero-length string. ::= { ccrpDnisStatisticsEntry 2 } SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "sessions Number of active sessions for this DNIS in the customer profile. Includes non-overflow and overflow sessions. ::= { ccrpDnisStatisticsEntry 3 } SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "sessions Total number of sessions for this DNIS in the customer profile since last system re-initialization. Includes non-overflow and overflow sessions. Includes all calls which were answered then terminated by post-answer restrictions for authorization failures. ::= { ccrpDnisStatisticsEntry 4 } SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "sessions The maximum number of active sessions which has occurred for this DNIS since last system re-initialization. Includes non-overflow and overflow sessions. ::= { ccrpDnisStatisticsEntry 5 } SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "sessions Number of calls with this DNIS which were rejected due to call type mismatch, as defined in the ccrpCallDiscriminatorTable, since last system re-initialization. ::= { ccrpDnisStatisticsEntry 6 } -- Call Discriminator Statistics SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcrpCDStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Table of call discriminator statistics. The information provided in this table may be used to better understand usage of network resources and improve capacity planning. ::= { ccrpCDStatistics 1 } SYNTAX CcrpCDStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the table, containing statistics about a single call discriminator definition. An entry is created for each call discriminator within the ccrpCallDiscriminatorTable. AUGMENTS { ccrpCallDiscriminatorEntry } ::= { ccrpCDStatisticsTable 1 } CcrpCDStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ccrpCDRejected Counter32 } SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "sessions Number of calls rejected due to matching this call discriminator definition, as defined in the ccrpCallDiscriminatorTable, since last system re-initialization. ::= { ccrpCDStatisticsEntry 1 } -- ****************************************************************** -- Notifications -- ****************************************************************** ccrpMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCallResourcePoolMIB 2 } -- ****************************************************************** -- Conformance and Compliance -- ****************************************************************** ccrpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCallResourcePoolMIB 3 } ccrpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccrpMIBConformance 1 } ccrpMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ccrpMIBConformance 2 } -- compliance statements ccrpMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION The compliance statement for entities which implement the CISCO CALL RESOURCE POOL MIB

MIBs list