
port_group_list monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - port_group_list

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for port group list

gm Group List Port Slot
gmGroupListPortSlot (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
The slot id of the port for which the group list is requested.
gm Group List Port Interface
gmGroupListPortInterface (defined in XYLAN-VLAN-MIB)
The physical port number for which the group list is requested.
Repeater Port Source Address List Port Group Id
rptrPortSrcAddrListPortGrpId (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
Returns an index to a port group for which the information in this table pertains.
Repeater Port Security List Port Group Id
rptrPortSecurityListPortGrpId (defined in repeater-rev4-mib)
The port group for which this security list entry pertains.
Enterasys Cos Transmit Queue Port Group List
etsysCosTxqPortGroupList (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
The list of dot1dBridge ports to be assigned to this group. Ports in this list MUST : o Be mutually exclusive from other entries in this table o Be comprised of the same port type as defined by the etsysCosTxqPortTypeIndex.
Enterasys Cos Inbound Rate Limiting Port Group List
etsysCosIrlPortGroupList (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
The list of dot1dBridge ports to be assigned to this group. Ports in this list MUST : o Be mutually exclusive from other entries in this table o Be comprised of the same port type as defined by the etsysCosIrlPortTypeIndex.
Enterasys Cos Outbound Rate Limiter Port Group List
etsysCosOrlPortGroupList (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
The list of dot1dBridge ports to be assigned to this group. Ports in this list MUST : o Be mutually exclusive from other entries in this table o Be comprised of the same port type as defined by the etsysCosOrlPortTypeIndex.
Enterasys Cos Flood Control Port Group List
etsysCosFloodCtrlPortGroupList (defined in enterasys-class-of-service-mib)
The list of dot1dBridge ports to be assigned to this group. Ports in this list MUST : o Be mutually exclusive from other entries in this table o Be comprised of the same port type as defined by the etsysCosFloodCtrlPortTypeIndex.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Port Acl Hit Count Group
caqPortAclHitCountGroup (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
A collection of object providing the set of physical ports where ACL hit count feature is enabled.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Qos Port Rate Group
caqQosPortRateGroup (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
A collection of object providing the five minute linearly-decayed packets drop rate per interface.
Cisco Access Control List QoS Qos Port Peak Group
caqQosPortPeakGroup (defined in CISCO-CATOS-ACL-QOS-MIB)
A collection of object providing the peak rate of packets over past five minute period per interface.

MIBs list