MIBs list

OID list for registration time

Cisco Call Manager Express Ephone Registration Time
ccmeEphoneRegTime (defined in CISCO-CCME-MIB)
Time this phone registered to this device.
Cisco Cdma Session Registration Life Time
cCdmaSessionRegLifeTime (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The amount of time, measured in hundredths of a second, granted before registration is considered expired.
Cisco Cdma Session Registration Time To Expire
cCdmaSessionRegTimeToExpire (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The amount of time, measured in hundredths of a second, remaining before registration is considered expired.
Cisco Cdma RP Registration Life Time Zero Requests
cCdmaRPRegLifeTimeZeroRequests (defined in CISCO-CDMA-PDSN-MIB)
The number of valid registration requests received with life time zero since system was last restarted.
Cisco Dot11 Csc Registration Life Time
cDot11CscRegistrationLifeTime (defined in CISCO-DOT11-CONTEXT-SERVICES-CLIENT-MIB)
The maximum time after which the registration of this 802.11 station with its parent WDS entity expires.

MIBs list