
remote_time monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - remote_time

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for remote time

Cabletron Remote Physical Alarm Time Out
ctRemPhysAlarmTimeOut (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
Whenever the physical port is configured for nailed-up PPP this object specifies the time the physical port must remain in a failed state as a condition to begin the backup procedure. The backup procedure is begun for any active interface(s) that were connected over the failed physical port and which have been configured for backup.
Cabletron Remote Interface Ent Backup If Time To Connect
ctRemIntEntBackupIfTimeToConnect (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies how long to wait in seconds before attempting to switchover to the backup interface. Allowed values are in increments of five seconds including zero.
Cabletron Remote Interface Ent Backup If Time To Disconnect
ctRemIntEntBackupIfTimeToDisconnect (defined in ctron-remote-access-mib)
This object identifies how long to wait in seconds before attempting to switchover to the primary interface. Allowed values are in increments of five seconds including zero.
EdgeServer Total Remote Time
esTotalRemoteTime (defined in ACTONA-ACTASTOR-MIB)
The total duration of all remote synchronous CIFS requests sent to the CoreServer
CIFS Total Remote Time
cfTotalRemoteTime (defined in ACTONA-ACTASTOR-MIB)
Total duration of time taken by CIFS AO to process all remote requests
Cisco CMTS Remote Query Cmts Cable Modem Poller Start Time
cdrqCmtsCmPollerStartTime (defined in CISCO-DOCS-REMOTE-QUERY-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when the last polling cycle started. cdrqCmtsCmPollerStartTime is set to 0 when the CMTS is first restarted and doesn't get reset after the poller is disabled.
Cisco CMTS Remote Query Cmts Cable Modem Poller Stop Time
cdrqCmtsCmPollerStopTime (defined in CISCO-DOCS-REMOTE-QUERY-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when the last polling cycle finished. cdrqCmtsCmPollerStopTime is set to 0 when the CMTS is first restarted and doesn't get reset after the poller is disabled.
Cisco CMTS Remote Query Cmts Cable Modem Poll Time
cdrqCmtsCmPollTime (defined in CISCO-DOCS-REMOTE-QUERY-MIB)
The value of sysUpTime when this CM entry was polled. If this value is larger than the cdrqCmtsCmPollerStopTime, either by receiving it from the cdrqCmtsCmRQDoneNotification or by polling the object itself, it indicates that the status has already been overwritten by a new polling cycle. To avoid this to happen, the NMS can increase the cdrqCmtsCmPollInterval so that the cdrqCmtsCmPollTime would fall in between the cdrqCmtsCmPollerStartTime and the cdrqCmtsCmPollerStopTime.

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