
server_request monitor - SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - server_request monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for server request

atmx Service Arp Request Server
atmxServiceArpRequestServer (defined in XYLAN-ATM-MIB)
The Arp request server. 0 = not applicable, 1 = Non arp server, 2 = arp server.
dns Server Counter Request Refusals
dnsServCounterReqRefusals (defined in rfc1611)
Number of DNS requests refused by the server.
dns Server Counter Request Unparses
dnsServCounterReqUnparses (defined in rfc1611)
Number of requests received which were unparseable.
dns Server Option Counter Self Request Refusals
dnsServOptCounterSelfReqRefusals (defined in rfc1611)
Number of DNS requests refused by the server which originated from a resolver on the same host.
dns Server Option Counter Self Request Unparses
dnsServOptCounterSelfReqUnparses (defined in rfc1611)
Number of requests received which were unparseable and which originated from a resolver on the same host.
dns Server Option Counter Friends Request Refusals
dnsServOptCounterFriendsReqRefusals (defined in rfc1611)
Number of DNS requests refused by the server which were received from `friends'.
dns Server Option Counter Friends Request Unparses
dnsServOptCounterFriendsReqUnparses (defined in rfc1611)
Number of requests received which were unparseable and which originated from `friends'.
rdbms Server Info Request Recvs
rdbmsSrvInfoRequestRecvs (defined in rfc1697)
The number of receive operations made processing any requests on inbound associations. The meaning of operations is product specific, and is not comparable between products. This is intended to capture lower-level i/o operations than shown by HandledRequests, between clients and servers, or between peers. For instance, it might roughly correspond to the amount of data given with an 'insert' statement. It is not intended to capture disk i/o described in rdbmsSrvInfoDiskReads and rdbmsSrvInfoDiskWrites.
rdbms Server Info Request Sends
rdbmsSrvInfoRequestSends (defined in rfc1697)
The number of send operations made processing requests handled on inbound associations. The meaning of operations is product specific, and is not comparable between products. This is intended to capture lower-level i/o operations than shown by HandledRequests, between between clients and servers, or between peers. It might roughly correspond to the number of rows returned by a 'select' statement. It is not intended to capture disk i/o described in DiskReads.
Cabletron Agent Dhcp Server REQUEST Messages Received
ctAgentDhcpServerREQUESTMessagesReceived (defined in ct-fastpath-dhcpserver-mib)
The no. of DHCP messages of type DHCPREQUEST that have been received by the DHCP server.
ALTIGA Dhcp Server Statistics Request Timeouts
alDhcpServerStatsReqTimeouts (defined in ALTIGA-DHCP-SERVER-STATS-MIB)
The number of request timeouts that occurred.
Cisco AAA Server Protocol Directed Request
cAAAServerProtoDirectedReq (defined in CISCO-AAA-SERVER-EXT-MIB)
This object is to specify whether a user could choose a AAA server for authentication during login. The value 'true(1)' indicates that a user can specify the remote AAA server for authentication during login. If the user specifies the login name as 'username@hostname', then the authentication request will be sent to remote AAA server 'hostname' with username as 'username'. An entry should exist in cAAASvrExtConfigTable with 'cAAAServerAddr' value 'hostname'. The configuration in cAAASvrExtAppSvrGrpConfigTable is not used, if the specified remote AAA server fails to respond. The value 'false(2)' indicates user cannot specify the remote AAA server for authentication during login. If user specifies the login name as 'username@hostname', then the complete string will be treated as username and the user will be authenticated as per configuration in cAAASvrExtAppSvrGrpConfigTable.
Cisco FTP Client Request Server
cfcRequestServer (defined in CISCO-FTP-CLIENT-MIB)
The domain name or IP address of the FTP server to use.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Boot Request Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerBootRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of Boot Request packets received.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Dhcp Request Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerDhcpRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP request packets received.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Ifc Stats Boot Request Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerIfcStatsBootRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of Boot Request packets received.
Juniper JUNOS DHCP Local Server Ifc Stats Dhcp Request Received
jnxJdhcpLocalServerIfcStatsDhcpRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCP-MIB)
The number of DHCP request packets received.
Juniper Jdhcpv6 Local Server Information Request Received
jnxJdhcpv6LocalServerInformationRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCPV6-MIB)
The number of DHCPv6 Information Request packets received.
Juniper Jdhcpv6 Local Server Request Received
jnxJdhcpv6LocalServerRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCPV6-MIB)
The number of DHCPv6 Request packets received.
Juniper Jdhcpv6 Local Server Ifc Stats Information Request Received
jnxJdhcpv6LocalServerIfcStatsInformationRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCPV6-MIB)
The number of DHCPv6 Information Request packets received.
Juniper Jdhcpv6 Local Server Ifc Stats Request Received
jnxJdhcpv6LocalServerIfcStatsRequestReceived (defined in JUNIPER-JDHCPV6-MIB)
The number of DHCPv6 Request packets received.

MIBs list