Software monitor- SNMP OIDs

MIBs list

OIDs - Software monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for software

Sys System Software Revision
a3ComSysSystemSoftwareRevision (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
The revision number of the Switching Systems software. Each byte indicates the following: byte 0: major release number. byte 1: minor release number. byte 2: update number. byte 3: bits 7-6: release type. bits 5-0: supplemental identifier.
Sys Control Panel Software Revision
a3ComSysControlPanelSoftwareRevision (defined in A3COM-SWITCHING-SYSTEMS-MIB)
An 8-bit value specifying the revision level of the control panel software.
Acme Packet Software Boot Table
apSwBootTable (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
The table of booting software inventory
Acme Packet Software Boot Entry
apSwBootEntry (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
An entry in the software inventory table
Acme Packet Software Boot Index
apSwBootIndex (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
Unique index for the software inventory table. Index always begins at 1, and increases by 1. The table length depends on the size of software inventory. The index is not associated with any specific inventory entry
Acme Packet Software Boot Description
apSwBootDescr (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
Textual description of the software image. It maybe file name, data and time this image was built, or the unique identifier of this software. Examples are: 1. boot image: for host address is, and image name is sd121p3.gz 2. boot image: /tffs0/sd121p3.gz for boot from flash 0, and image name is sd121p3.gz 3. boot loader: bank0:03/18/2004 10:58:25 for boot from bank 0, and version is 'march 18 2003, 10:58:25' 4. boot loader: :
Acme Packet Software Boot Type
apSwBootType (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
The software entity type
Acme Packet Software Boot Status
apSwBootStatus (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
The software entity status
Acme Packet Software Configuration Current Version
apSwCfgCurrentVersion (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
current version of saved configuration
Acme Packet Software Configuration Running Version
apSwCfgRunningVersion (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
current version of running configuration
Acme Packet Software Configuration Backuptable
apSwCfgBackuptable (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
The table of backup configuration files
Acme Packet Software Configuration Backup Entry
apSwCfgBackupEntry (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
An entry in the backup configuration files table
Acme Packet Software Configuration Backup Index
apSwCfgBackupIndex (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
Unique index for the backup configuration files table. Index always begins at 1, and increases by 1. The table length depends on the size of backup configuration. The index is not associated with any specific entry
Acme Packet Software Configuration Backup Name
apSwCfgBackupName (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
Textual description of the condifuration file name. Examples are: p1604, 063004-cfg
Acme Packet Software Configuration Trap Previous Version
apSwCfgTrapPreviousVersion (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
The previous version before this trap happened
Acme Packet Software Configuration Trap Current Version
apSwCfgTrapCurrentVersion (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
The current version after this trap happened
Acme Packet Software Boot Objects Group
apSwBootObjectsGroup (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
A collection of objects providing the software booting inventory
Acme Packet Software Configuration Objects Group
apSwCfgObjectsGroup (defined in APSWINVENTORY-MIB)
A collection of objects providing the configuraion files
ups Ident UPS Software Version
upsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion (defined in rfc1628)
The UPS firmware/software version(s). This variable may or may not have the same value as upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion in some implementations.
ups Ident Agent Software Version
upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion (defined in rfc1628)
The UPS agent software version. This variable may or may not have the same value as upsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion in some implementations.
svr Clu Software Vendor
svrCluSoftwareVendor (defined in SVRCLU)
Cluster software vendor name.
svr Clu Software Version
svrCluSoftwareVersion (defined in SVRCLU)
Cluster software version.
svr Clu Software Status
svrCluSoftwareStatus (defined in SVRCLU)
Status of the cluster software: installed, running, failed, etc.
rbtws Ap Status Ap Status Software Version
rbtwsApStatApStatusSoftwareVer (defined in rbtws-ap-status-mib)
The software version for this AP.
rbtws Ap Status Ap Status Mac Software Version
rbtwsApStatApStatusMacSoftwareVer (defined in rbtws-ap-status-mib)
The software version for this AP.
bsn AP Software Version
bsnAPSoftwareVersion (defined in AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB)
Major Minor Software Version of AP
Cisco Dot11 Client Software Version
cDot11ClientSoftwareVersion (defined in CISCO-DOT11-ASSOCIATION-MIB)
This is the Cisco IOS software version if the other end of the association is a bridge, access point, or repeater. If it is a wireless client, this is the firmware version of the client card.

MIBs list