
traffic_counters monitor - SNMP

MIBs list

OIDs - traffic_counters monitor

The objects described here can be monitored with the IPHost Network Monitor. You can start SNMP monitoring using free 30-day trial version of IPHost right now.

OID list for traffic counters

Cisco Class Based Qos Traffic Shaping Delay Counters Group
cbQosTrafficShapingDelayCountersGroup (defined in CISCO-CLASS-BASED-QOS-MIB)
Optional objects to provide CB QoS traffic-shaping information.
ibmfr BRS Traffic Class Clear Counters
ibmfrBRSTrafficClassClearCounters (defined in ibm-ibmfrbrs)
Clear all the statistics counters associated with this traffic class. The counters are cleared immediately on completion of the set operation and the previous counter values are saved.
qos Switch8948 Traffic Class Counters Table
qosSwitch8948TrafficClassCountersTable (defined in AT-QOS-MIB)
Traffic class counters indexed by port, policy and traffic class.
qos Switch8948 Traffic Class Counters Entry
qosSwitch8948TrafficClassCountersEntry (defined in AT-QOS-MIB)
A traffic class counters entry containing QOS counters for a particular port, policy and traffic class.
qos Switch8948 TC Counters Traffic Class Index
qosSwitch8948TCCountersTrafficClassIndex (defined in AT-QOS-MIB)
The index of the traffic class for this entry in the traffic class counter table. The index is one of the indices defined for traffic classes for this port and policy. Traffic class indices for CLI commands start at 0, while SNMP indices must start at 1. This means that the traffic class index in this MIB variable is 1 more than the index for the same traffic class as entered for CLI commands.

MIBs list