Number of concurrent TCP connections
The TCP/IP stack in Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed limits the number of concurrent, incomplete outbound TCP connection attempts. When the limit is reached, subsequent connection attempts are put in a queue and resolved at a fixed rate so that there are only a limited number of connections in the incomplete state.
Please see longer explanation here.
Notable Changes in Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2
SP2 removes the limit of 10 half open outbound TCP connections. By default, SP2 has no limit on the number of half open outbound TCP connections.
Please see longer explanation here.
RFC3584: Translating Notification Parameters
This section describes how parameters used for generating notifications are translated between the format used for SNMPv1 notification protocol operations and the format used for SNMPv2 notification protocol operations.
Please see full text in RFC 3584, clause 3.1.
Quick Logins with ssh Client Keys
When you're an admin on more than a few machines, being able to navigate quickly to a shell on any given server is critical. Having to type "ssh" (followed by a password) is not only tedious, but it breaks one's concentration.
Please see full instructions here.
Firebird ODBC Driver
Please select and download proper ODBC driver from here.
Nagios Plugin API
Please find information on Nagios Plugin API here.
Nagios Plugins
Please browse Nagios Plugins repository here.
Use different user credentials to connect to network shares on the same host
You may receive the following error message: "The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different user name and password. To connect using a different user name and password, first disconnect any existing mappings to this network share." Please review the Knowledge Base article here.
Windows 10 can't access SYSVOL share via UNC path
You can't access sysvol & netlogon shares via an UNC path from Windows 10 by default. However, you can explicitly allow Windows 10 to use UNC paths to access system domain shares as described here.