What file state parameters can be tracked with IPHost Network Monitor?
What file state parameters can be tracked with IPHost Network Monitor? Q: I need to keep tracks on file state (attributes) change. What are my options? A: Files are common objects for monitoring. Those could be system log files; mailboxes, application-generated files containing important information and so on. Depending on the task, it could be […]
How to check a file for presence of given string?
How can I check a file’s content? Q: I need to trigger a specific alert if a file contains certain data. How can I do that? A: Some examples of custom monitors are delivered with IPHost Network Monitor installation. One of them is a script that checks a file content (and extracts specified value from […]
How can I monitor directory size?
How can I monitor a directory size? Q: I need to monitor a directory size (sum of file sizes in the directory). How can I do that? A: Some examples of custom monitors are delivered with IPHost Network Monitor installation. One of them is a program that counts a directory size. This program (dirsize_kb.exe) is […]