With IPHost Network Monitor you can run WMI Working Set Peak monitoring of various devices in your network.
To create a WMI monitor for Working Set Peak, provide host name (it must be a Windows host) and specify custom WQL query:

Working Set Peak is the maximum size, in bytes, of the Working Set of this process at any point in time. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the process. If free memory in the computer is above a threshold, pages are left in the Working Set of a process even if they are not in use. When free memory falls below a threshold, pages are trimmed from Working Sets. If they are needed they will then be soft-faulted back into the Working Set before they leave main memory.
% Job object Details shows detailed performance information about the active processes that make up a Job object.
IPHost Network Monitor is an advanced and easy tool for monitoring LAN and WAN networks, network servers, workstations and TCP/IP devices. Use IPHost Network Monitor to monitor your servers, domains, computers and devices.