


MIBs list

This MIB defines the management information for the ACTDAX List 3 product. The ACTDAX is a T1 LIU controller for the ACT1241 Channel Bank.

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The password string used for authentication of SNMP messages between Proxy Agent and ACTDAX. Maximum of 12 characters. The factory default is 'PASSWORD'. This password is NOT the same as either the read-only or read/write passwords for the EASYMENU term ...
The device address for this ACTDAX. The device address is used to access the device from the proxy agent.
The current ACTDAX time value. A sequence of ASCII characters encoded as HH:MM:SS. For example, 1:15 pm is 13:15:00.
The current ACTDAX date value. A sequence of ASCII characters encoded as MM/DD/YY. For example, April 28, 1994 is 04/28/94.
Resets Performance Monitor DS1 statistic counters in ACTDAX. Parameter value 1 resets all lines, 2 resets line 1 (DS1-A), 3 resets line 2 (DS1-B).
A Get performs an audit of the units Program Code and returns the result as PASS or FAIL.
A Set restarts ACTDAX and performs unit self-test. Results of last unit self-test are shown as PASS or FAIL.
A Set resets ALL provisioning to the factory defaults.
The Primary Facility Timing for the ACT 1241 and the ACTDAX. The timing set on the ACT OIU must match the timing set on the ACT DAX. 'localOrExternal' indicates that the ACTDAX is timed either a local free-running oscillator or frequency locked to an ext ...
The Backup Facility Timing for the ACT 1241 and the ACTDAX. The backup timing is only used if the adDAX3primaryTiming is either 'loopA' or 'loopB'. 'local' indicates that if the DS1 line fails, which is the primary timing source, then the ACTDAX will tim ...
The DS1 Line A transmit pre-equalizer circuitry provisioning for conditioning the T1 output signal for connection to a CSU, other customer premises equipment, or the DSX-1 cross-connect through various cable lengths between 0 and 655 feet. '0-110' indicat ...
The DS1 Line B transmit pre-equalizer circuitry provisioning for conditioning the T1 output signal for connection to a CSU, other customer premises equipment, or the DSX-1 cross-connect through various cable lengths between 0 and 655 feet. '0-110' indicat ...
The DS1 Line A Operational Status. 'disabled' turns off the faceplate indicators for DS1 A, disables EASY-MENU alarmsfor DS1 A, and stops data transmission for DS1 A. 'enabled' reverses the effect of 'disabled'.
The DS1 Line B Operational Status. 'disabled' turns off the faceplate indicators for DS1 B, disables EASY-MENU alarmsfor DS1 B, and stops data transmission for DS1 B. 'enabled' reverses the effect of 'disabled'.
This item indicates how trunk processing will be initiated towards the channel units in the ACT bank in response to a DS1 alarm. This item changes based on the cross-connect matrix configuration. 'liuA' indicates that all connected digroup channels conne ...
The ACTDAX Remote Port Baud Rate. Changing the remote port buad rate WILL TERMINATE communications to this device at the current baud rate.
The ACTDAX Remote Port Protocol.
The ACTDAX Remote Port Connection Type. Changing the connection type may disrupt communication to this device. 'direct' indicates a direct connection to the proxy agent. 'dialUp' indicates a dial-Up connection to the proxy agent. The adDAX3phone should ...
The dialing sequence (phone number) to reach the network manager. Maximum of 35 characters.
The modem initialization command string. The initialization string will be sent to the modem on unit power-up, before a call is made, and on user command. Maximum of 40 characters. Any control character should be entered as '^' plus the character. The ...
The modem dialing command string. The dialing command will be sent to the modem before the phone number. Maximum of 15 characters. The factory default is 'ATDT'.
The modem dialing command suffix. The dialing command suffix will be sent to the modem after the phone number. Maximum of 5 characters. Any control character should be entered as '^' plus the character. The factory default is '^M'.
The modem hang-up command. The hang-up command will be sent to the modem to hang-up the line. Maximum of 15 characters. Any control character should be entered as '^' plus the character. The first three characters should be the escape code sequence fo ...
A Set will send the modem initialization string to the modem connected to the remote port. This WILL DISRUPT communications to this device.
Disable/Enable the Local Rear Panel Port of the ACTDAX for Daisy Chain operation. 'off' indicates that the Local Rear Panel Port will run the EASYMENU terminal interface. 'on' indicates that the Local Rear Panel Port can be connected to the remote port of ...
The ACT DAX channel configuration table which shows what intelligent devices are active in each channel.
The channel number of this table entry
The unit name plugged into this channel slot, for example, DSUDP
The device name of the PM loop unit connected to the channel unit, for example, LR-IV
The device name of the PM loop unit connected to a secondary loop, for example, DDST-IV
The device name of the PM loop unit connected to a secondary loop, for example, DDST-IV
The device name of the PM loop unit connected to a secondary loop, for example, DDST-IV
The ACTDAX cross-connect matrix table.
An entry in the ACTDAX cross-connect matrix table.
This object is the identifier of one of the three ports. The ACTDAX serves a a cross-point matrix switch between 72 total DS0 channels distributed in three ports of 24 channels each, and can be configured to cross-connect any of the 72 DS0 channels to any ...
This object is the identifier of one of the 24 channels in the DS1 port identified by adDAXFromPort. For 'a1' or 'b1' this object identifies a time slot in the DS1 stream. For 'a0' this object identifies a physical channel slot in the channel bank.
The Connection Status for the channel. 'unmapped' indicates that the channel is not connected. 'connected' indicates that the channel is connected to the channel indicated by adDAXToPort and adDAXToChannel with the attributes defined by the other objects ...
The port of the DS0 channel connected to the channel indicated by adDAXFromPort and adDAXFromChannel. The three possible ports are the DS1 Line A port (a1), the DS1 Line B port (b1), and the channel bank (a0).
The channel in adDAXToPort that is connected to the channel indicated by adDAXFromPort and adDAXFromChannel.
The ciruit type for the connection. The ciruit type will determine the settings for adDAXSgnlState, adDAXTroubleInsert, adDAXTroubleCode, adDAXFromTC, and adDAXToTC. For voice circuit types such as 'fxo-fxs', 'fxo' represents the from channel and 'fxs' ...
The termination status of the circuit. Terminating the circuit in one direction is equivalent to not connecting the circuit in that direction. The Unassigned Channel Code will be transmitted in that direction of the circuit instead of circuit data. In ...
The signaling state of the circuit. 'transparent' indicates that no signal bit robbing is performed. 'state2' indicates that the A-bit is robbed and inserted in both the A-bit and B-bit positions in the outgoing data stream. 'state4' indicates that both t ...
If the source channel's port is in an alarm state, the the Trouble Insertion Code will be inserted toward the DS0 channel in place of the outgoing data. The available options include two common trouble codes, TRB (7f hex) and MOS (9a hex). The Trouble I ...
The Trouble Insertion Code that will be inserted toward a DS0 channel instead of outgoing data when the source channels's port is in an alarm state. The TroubleCode will be the same for both the From and To channels. If adDAXTroubleInsert is set to 'non ...
The trunk conditioning bits that will be inserted in the From channel in place of received signaling bits during an alarm state on the To channel port. The first two bits will be inserted for the A-bit and B-bit, respectively, during the first 2.5 second ...
The trunk conditioning bits that will be inserted in the To channel in place of received signaling bits during an alarm state on the From channel port. The first two bits will be inserted for the A-bit and B-bit, respectively, during the first 2.5 second ...
The Unassigned Channel Code (UAC) is transmitted towards the From channel when the channel is not not assigned to a connection, or the channel is terminated in a connection. The factory default is Command Mode Idle (FEh). The Unassigned Channel Code shou ...
This object indicates if Zero Code Suppression is enabled or disabled for the from channel. If Zero Code Suppression is enabled, zero bytes transmitted from the DS1 interface for this channel will be replaced with the code '00000010'. Zero Code Suppressi ...
The response to the last set operation performed on an object in this table. The repsonse indicates either SUCCESS or an explanation of failure.
The ACTDAX cross-connect map table.
An entry in the ACTDAX cross-connect map table.
This object is the identifier of one of the three ports. The ACTDAX serves a a cross-point matrix switch between 72 total DS0 channels distributed in three ports of 24 channels each, and can be configured to cross-connect any of the 72 DS0 channels to any ...
The DSO channel connected to channel 1 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 2 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 3 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 4 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 5 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 6 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 7 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 8 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 9 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 10 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 11 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 12 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 13 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 14 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 15 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 16 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 17 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 18 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 19 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 20 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 21 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 22 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 23 of adDAXPort.
The DSO channel connected to channel 24 of adDAXPort.
This bit map variable indicates alarm status for the ACTDAX and the ACT 1241 channel bank. This item does not include DS1 line status. The various alarm event bit positions are: 1 System Hardware Failure 2 System Software Failure 4 Channel Bank Out ...
This bit map variable arms or disarms an individual or group of events identified in adDAX3AlarmStatus as a source for generation of System Alarm Trap. The various arm event bit positions are: 1 System Hardware Failure 2 System Software Failure 4 Ch ...
This item can be polled to determine if there are any active alarms on the ACTDAX or its corresponding intelligent units.
This is a global enable/disable for all enterprise traps from this node controller.
This variable contains bit encoded values for the ACTDAX LED status: 1 RLBK-A (1=off, 0=yellow) 2 ESF-A (1=off, 0=green) 4 B8ZS-A (1=off, 0=green) 8 RLBK-B (1=off, 0=yellow) 16 ESF-B (1=off, 0=green) 32 B8ZS-B (1=off, 0=green) 64 TES ...
The DS1 Alarm/Alert Event Table.
An entry in the DS1 Alarm/Alert Event Table.
The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1 interface. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by dsx1LineIndex in DS1 MIB.
This bit map variable indicates both alarm and loopback status for the DS1 Line. The various alarm event bit positions are: 1 Far end LOF ( a.k.a., Yellow Alarm ) 2 Near end sending LOF Indication 4 Far end sending AIS ( Blue Alarm ) 8 Near end se ...
This bit map variable arms or disarms an individual or group of events identified in adDAX3LineStatus as a source for generation of DS1 Alarm Trap. The various arm event bit positions are: 1 Far end LOF ( a.k.a., Yellow Alarm ) 2 Near end sending LOF ...
This DS1 performance status variable indicates Threshold Crossing Alerts for Near End Current 15 minute interval. An alert bit is set in this variable when the value of the dsx1CurrentTable object exceeds the Threshold Value. This variable contains the su ...
This DS1 performance status variable indicates Threshold Crossing Alerts for Near End Total performance variables. An alert bit is set in this variable when the value of the dsx1TotalTable object exceeds the Threshold Value. This variable contains the sum ...
This DS1 performance status variable indicates Threshold Crossing Alerts for Far End Current 15 minute interval. An alert bit is set in this variable when the value of the dsx1FarEndCurrentTable object exceeds the Threshold Value. This variable contains t ...
This DS1 performance status variable indicates Threshold Crossing Alerts for Far End Total performance variables. An alert bit is set in this variable when the value of the dsx1FarEndTotalTable object exceeds the Threshold Value. This variable contains th ...
This variable arms and disarms an individual or group of alerts identified in adDAX3CurrentAlert as a source for the generation of Threshold Crossing Alert Trap. This variable contains the sum of Arm values. Threshold Crossing Arm bit position values: 1 ...
This variable arms and disarms an individual or group of alerts identified in adDAX3TotalAlert as a source for the generation of Threshold Crossing Alert Trap. This variable contains the sum of Arm values. Threshold Crossing Arm bit position values: 1 ES ...
This variable arms and disarms an individual or group of alerts identified in adDAX3FarCurrentAlert as a source for the generation of Threshold Crossing Alert Trap. This variable contains the sum of Arm values. Threshold Crossing Arm bit position values: ...
This variable arms and disarms an individual or group of alerts identified in adDAX3FarTotalAlert as a source for the generation of Threshold Crossing Alert Trap. This variable contains the sum of Arm values. Threshold Crossing Arm bit position values: 1 ...
The DS1 Current Threshold Table.
An entry in the DS1 Current Threshold Table.
The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1 interface. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by dsx1LineIndex in DS1 MIB.
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is 65 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Severely Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is 10 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Severely Errored Framing Seconds parameter. The default value is 2 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Unavailable Seconds parameter. The default value is 10 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Controlled Slip Seconds parameter. The default value is 1 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Path Coding Violations parameter, when the Line Type is Super Frame (AT&T D4 format) DS1. Default value for an approximate BER level of (10**-5) is 72 Framing errors.
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Path Coding Violations parameter, when the Line Type is Extended Super Frame (ESF) DS1. Default value for an approximate BER level of (10**-5) is 13,296 CRC errors.
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Line Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is 65 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Bursty Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is ?? for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Current 15 minute Line Code Violations parameter. The default value is 13,340 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 Total Threshold Table.
An entry in the DS1 Total Threshold Table.
The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1 interface. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by dsx1LineIndex in DS1 MIB.
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is 648 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Severely Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is 100 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Severely Errored Framing Seconds parameter. The default value is 17 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Unavailable Seconds parameter. The default value is 10 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Controlled Slip Seconds parameter. The default value is 4 for an approximate BER level of(10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Path Coding Violations parameter, when the Line Type is Super Frame (AT&T D4 format) DS1. The default value for an approximate BER level of (10**-5) is 691 framing errors.
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Path Coding Violations parameter, when the Line Type is Extended Super Frame (ESF) DS1. The default value for an approximate BER level of (10**-5) is 132,960 CRC errors.
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Line Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is 648 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Bursty Errored Seconds parameter. The default value is ??? for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 performance monitor Threshold Value for the Total Line Code Violations parameter. The default value is 133,400 for an approximate BER level of (10** -5).
The DS1 Daily Interval Table.
An entry in the DS1 Daily Interval Table.
The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1 interface to which this entry is applicable. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value as a dsx1LineIndex object instance.
A number between 1 and 6, where 1 is the most recently completed 15 minute interval and 6 is the least recently completed daily interval (assuming that all 6 intervals are valid).
Indicates if this daily interval contains valid data.
The number of Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the prevoius daily intervals.
The number of Severely Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Severely Errored Framing Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Unavailable Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Controlled Slip Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Path Coding Violations encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Line Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Bursty Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Degraded Minutes encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Line Code Violations encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The DS1 Daily Interval Table.
An entry in the DS1 Daily Interval Table.
The index value which uniquely identifies the DS1 interface to which this entry is applicable. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value as a dsx1LineIndex object instance.
A number between 1 and 6, where 1 is the most recently completed 15 minute interval and 6 is the least recently completed daily interval (assuming that all 6 intervals are valid).
Indicates if this far end daily interval contains valid data.
The number of Far End Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the prevoius daily intervals.
The number of Far End Severely Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Severely Errored Framing Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Unavailable Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Controlled Slip Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Path Coding Violations encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Line Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Bursty Errored Seconds encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Degraded Minutes encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.
The number of Far End Line Code Violations encountered by a DS1 interface in one of the previous daily intervals.

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MIBs list