


MIBs list

This MIB module defines notifications to be generated by network devices with APPN capabilities. It presupposes support for the APPN MIB. It also presupposes support for the DLUR MIB for implementations that support the DLUR-related groups.

IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Cisco Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges, Firewalls, Repeaters.


An object to turn APPN notification generation on and off. Setting a notification type's bit to 1 enables generation of notifications of that type, subject to further filtering resulting from entries in the snmpNotificationMIB. Setting this bit to 0 disa ...
A count of the number of times a row in the appnLocalTgTable has changed status since the APPN node was last reinitialized. This counter is incremented whenever a condition is detected that would cause a appnLocalTgOperStateChangeTrap or appnLocalTgCpCpCh ...
A count of the number of times a row in the appnPortTable has changed status since the APPN node was last reinitialized. This counter is incremented whenever a condition is detected that would cause a appnPortOperStateChangeTrap notification to be sent, w ...
A count of the number of times a row in the appnLsTable has changed status since the APPN node was last reinitialized. This counter is incremented whenever a condition is detected that would cause a appnLsOperStateChangeTrap notification to be sent, wheth ...
A count of the number of times a row in the dlurDlusTable has changed status since the APPN node was last reinitialized. This counter is incremented whenever a condition is detected that would cause a dlurDlusStateChangeTrap notification to be sent, wheth ...
A collection of objects for reducing the polling associated with the local topology tables in the APPN MIB. Nodes that implement this group SHALL also implement the appnTrapMibTopoNotifGroup.
A collection of objects for reducing the polling associated with the dlurDlusTable in the DLUR MIB. Nodes that implement this group SHALL also implement the appnTrapMibDlurNotifGroup.

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MIBs list