

APS-MIB Download

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This management information module supports the configuration and management of SONET linear APS groups. The definitions and descriptions used in this MIB have been derived from Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) Transport Systems: Common Generic Criteria, GR-253-CORE Issue 3, September 2000, section 5.3. The MIB is also consistent with the Multiplex Section Protection (MSP) protocol as specified in ITU-T Recommendation G.783, Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment function blocks, Annex A and B.

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OID list for APS-MIB

The count of APS groups. This count includes all rows in apsConfigTable, regardless of the value of apsConfigRowStatus.
This table lists the APS groups that have been configured on the system.
A conceptual row in the apsConfigTable.
A textual name for the APS group.
The status of this APS group entry. An entry may not exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. Also, all associated apsChanConfigEntry rows must represent a set of consecutive channel numbers beginning with 0 or ...
The architecture of the APS group. onePlusOne The 1+1 architecture permanently bridges the working line to the protection line. oneToN The 1:n architecture allows one protection channel to protect up to n working channels. When a fault is detected on one ...
The revertive mode of the APS group. nonrevertive Traffic remains on the protection line until another switch request is received. revertive When the condition that caused a switch to the protection line has been cleared the signal is switched back to the ...
The directional mode of the APS group. unidirectional The unidirectional mode provides protection in one direction. bidirectional The bidirectional mode provides protection in both directions. This object may not be modified if the associated apsConfigRow ...
This object enables or disables the transfer of extra traffic on the protection channel in a 1:n architecture. This object must be set to disabled if the architecture is 1+1. It may be necessary to disable this in order to interwork with other SONET netwo ...
The Signal Degrade Bit Error Rate. The negated value of this number is used as the exponent of 10 for computing the threshold value for the Bit Error Rate (BER). For example, a value of 5 indicates a BER threshold of 10^-5. This object may be modified if ...
The Signal Failure Bit Error Rate. The negated value of this number is used as the exponent of 10 for computing the threshold value for the Bit Error Rate (BER). For example, a value of 5 indicates a BER threshold of 10^-5. This object may be modified if ...
The Wait To Restore period in seconds. After clearing of a condition that necessitated an automatic switch, the wait to restore period must elapse before reverting. This is intended to avoid rapid switch oscillations. GR-253-CORE specifies a Wait To Resto ...
The value of sysUpTime at the time the row was created
The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
This table provides status information about APS groups that have been configured on the system.
A conceptual row in the apsStatusTable.
The current value of the K1 and K2 bytes received on the protection channel.
The current value of the K1 and K2 bytes transmitted on the protection channel.
The current status of the APS group. modeMismatch Modes other than 1+1 unidirectional monitor protection line K2 bit 5, which indicates the architecture and K2 bits 6-8, which indicate if the mode is unidirectional or bidirectional. A conflict between the ...
A count of Mode Mismatch conditions. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of apsStatusDiscontinuityTime.
A count of Channel Mismatch conditions. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of apsStatusDiscontinuityTime.
A count of Protection Switch Byte Failure conditions. This condition occurs when either an inconsistent APS byte or an invalid code is detected. An inconsistent APS byte occurs when no three consecutive K1 bytes of the last 12 successive frames are identi ...
A count of Far-End Protection-Line Failure conditions. This condition is declared based on receiving SF on the protection line in the K1 byte. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at oth ...
This field is set to the number of the channel that is currently switched to protection. The value 0 indicates no channel is switched to protection. The values 1-14 indicate that working channel is switched to protection.
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this APS group's counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this APS group of any Counter32 object contained in apsSta ...
The count of SONET LTE interfaces on the system. Each interface that is included has an ifType value of sonet(39).
This table lists the SONET LTE interfaces on the system. Each interface that is listed has an ifType value of sonet(39).
A conceptual row in the apsMapTable.
A textual name for the APS group which this channel is included in. If the channel is not part of an APS group this value is set to a string of size 0. When an instance of apsChanConfigIfIndex is set equal to an instance of ifIndex that has an ifType val ...
This field is set to a unique channel number within an APS group. The value 0 indicates the null channel. The values 1-14 define a working channel. If the SONET LTE is not part of an APS group this value is set to -1. When an instance of apsChanConfigIfIn ...
This table lists the APS channels that have been configured in APS groups.
A conceptual row in the apsChanConfigTable.
A textual name for the APS group which this channel is included in.
This field is set to a unique channel number within an APS group. The value 0 indicates the null channel. The values 1-14 define a working channel. This field must be assigned a unique number within the group.
The status of this APS channel entry. An entry may not exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value. A row in the apsChanConfigTable may not be created, deleted, set to notInService or otherwise modified if the apsCh ...
The Interface Index assigned to a SONET LTE. This is an interface with ifType sonet(39). The value of this object must be unique among all instances of apsChanConfigIfIndex. In other words, a particular SONET LTE can only be configured in one APS group. T ...
The priority of the channel. This field deterimines whether high or low priority SD and SF codes are used in K1 requests. This field is only applicable if the channel is to be included in a group using the 1:n architecture. It is not applicable if the cha ...
The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.
This table allows commands to be sent to configured APS groups.
A conceptual row in the apsCommandTable. This row exists only if the associated apsConfigEntry is active.
Allows the initiation of an APS switch command on the APS group and channel specified by the index values. When read this object returns the last command written or noCmd if no command has been written to this channel since initialization. The return of t ...
Allows the initiation of an APS control command on the APS group and channel specified by the index values. When read this object returns the last command written or noCmd if no command has been written to this channel since initialization. This object do ...
This table contains status information for all SONET LTE interfaces that are included in APS groups.
A conceptual row in the apsChanStatusTable.
Indicates the current state of the port. lockedOut This bit, when applied to a working channel, indicates that the channel is prevented from switching to the protection line. When applied to the null channel, this bit indicates that no working channel may ...
A count of Signal Degrade conditions. This condition occurs when the line Bit Error Rate exceeds the currently configured value of the relevant instance of apsConfigSdBerThreshold. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initializatio ...
A count of Signal Failure conditions that have been detected on the incoming signal. This condition occurs when a loss of signal, loss of frame, AIS-L or a Line bit error rate exceeding the currently configured value of the relevant instance of apsConfigS ...
When queried with index value apsChanConfigNumber other than 0, this object will return the number of times this channel has switched to the protection line. When queried with index value apsChanConfigNumber set to 0, which is the protection line, this ob ...
When queried with index value apsChanConfigNumber other than 0, this object will return the value of sysUpTime when this channel last completed a switch to the protection line. If this channel has never switched to the protection line, the value 0 will be ...
The cumulative Protection Switching Duration (PSD) time in seconds. For a working channel, this is the cumulative number of seconds that service was carried on the protection line. For the protection line, this is the cumulative number of seconds that the ...
Provides the ability to enable and disable notifications defined in this MIB. switchover Indicates apsEventSwitchover notifications should be generated. modeMismatch Indicates apsEventModeMismatch notifications should be generated. channelMismatch Indic ...
A collection of apsConfigTable objects providing configuration information applicable to all linear APS groups.
The apsConfigTable object that provides information which is applicable to groups supporting a configurable WTR period.
The apsCommandTable object which is applicable to groups implementing the linear APS 1+1 architecture. Also, set operations must be supported.
A collection of apsCommandTable objects which are applicable to groups implementing the linear APS 1:n architecture. Also, set operations must be supported.
A collection of apsStatusTable objects providing status information applicable to all linear APS groups.
A collection of channel objects providing information applicable to all linear APS channels.
The apsChanConfigTable object that provides information which is only applicable to groups implementing the linear APS 1:n architecture.
A collection of objects providing optional counts of configured APS groups and SONET LTE interfaces.
A collection of apsMapTable objects providing a mapping from sonet(39) InterfaceIndex to group name and channel number for assigned APS channels and a list of unassigned sonet(39) interfaces.

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