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This MIB supports managing the devices offeringWireless Domain Services and Wireless Network Services as applicable to Structured Wireless Aware Network.

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This object identifies the type of service this infrastructure node will offer. none(1) - This infrastructure node is not configured to offer any services. wds(2) - This infrastructure node is configured to offer Wireless Domain Services. To configure thi ...
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cDot11csParentNodeIpAddress.
The IP address of the immediate parent node of this infrastructure node in the wireless services hierarchy. The semantics for this object are defined as follows. If the value of cDot11csServiceType is 'rootWns' and the value of this object is, th ...
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cDot11csPrimaryRootNodeAddr.
The IP address of the infrastructure node to be configured as the primary root node. The primary root node performs infrastructure authentication for all the infrastructure nodes in the wireless services network. The semantics for this object are defined ...
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cWSSecondaryRootNodeAddr.
The IP address of the Secondary root node acting as a standby for the primary root node. The semantics for this object are defined as follows. If the values of cDot11wsServiceType, cDot11wsIsRootNode and this object are 'wds', 'true' and respect ...
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cDot11csCurrentRootNodeAddr.
The IP address of the infrastructure node that is currently the root node. This object's value is if this infrastructure node is the root node. Else, this object's value is the IP address of the root node. Thus, the object's value is if e ...
The name associated with the WNS being offered by this infrastructure node. This name is unique across the wireless services network at the campus level. This is applicable only if the infrastructure node offers WNS. This object is not applicable for r ...
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cDot11csMnaIpAddress.
The IP address of the Mobile Node Authenticator. The semantics for this object are defined as follows. If the value of cDot11csServiceType, cDot11csIsRootNode and this object are 'wds', 'true' and respectively, this node is the MN Authenticator. I ...
This object indicates if this infrastructure node is the root node. If the value of this object is 'true', this node is the root node.
This object indicates the mode which this infrastructure node is currently operating in. The semantics are described as follows. adminStandAlone - An infrastructure node in this mode has been configured to be the highest level node in the wireless servic ...
This table holds the information about the subnets that are bound to each WNS entity. This WNS-to-WDS mapping is configured in the root WNS entity. A WDS entity requests the root WNS entity for the parent WNS entity. This table is applicable only for a ...
An entry corresponds to one WDS-to-WNS mapping configured in the root WNS entity.
The name of the WNS entity that serves a given set of subnets. This object holds the value configured in cDot11csWnsEntityName.
Represents the type of Internet addresses stored in cDot11csWnsSubnetAddr and cDot11csWnsSubnetMask.
The address of the subnet configured to be served by the WNS entity identified by cDot11csWnsIndex.
The subnet mask associated with the subnet address given by cDot11csWnsSubnetAddr.
The status column used for creating and deleting instances of the columnar objects in the cDot11csWnsTable. The following information must be provided by the WNM while creating a row. The subnet address (cDot11csWnsSubnetAddr), the subnet mask ( cDot11csW ...
This table holds the list of IP addresses of those WNMs that have been identified as recipients of the notifications sent by a WS entity. In case of multiple WDS entities running in a single box, this table is common across all the WDS entities. Notifica ...
An entry corresponds to one WNM instance that is identified as a recipient of the notifications sent by an infrastructure node configured to provide wireless services.
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cDot11csWnmConfigIpAddress.
The IP address of this WNM.
The semantics for this object are defined as follows. unauthenticated - The WNM hasn't initiated the authentication process yet. authenticationInProgress - The WNM has initiated the the authentication process to get authenticated with the WS entity and th ...
The status column used for creating and deleting instances of the columnar objects in cDot11csWnmConfigTable. The administrator must specify the following information while creating a row. The IP address type (cDot11csWnmConfigIpAddressType) The IP addres ...
This table contains the list of WDS entities currently configured in this device on each of the logical interfaces/VLANs. This table is applicable only if the value of cDot11csServiceType is 'wds'. Before adding a row to this table, the object cDot11csSe ...
An entry represents a WDS entity currently associated with one of the logical interfaces/VLANs configured in this device.
This object identifies this entry corresponding to a particular WDS entity in the infrastructure node.
This object represents the node identifier of this WDS entity.
This object specifies the ifIndex corresponding to the interface / VLAN which this WDS entity is bound to.
This object specifies the priority value being configured by the administrator for this WDS entity. Based on the priority value, a WDS entity candidate gets elected as the active WDS. 1-127 are typically used for backup WDS candidates and 128 to 255 are ...
This object indicates the current state of this WDS entity. A value of 'active' indicates that this is an active WDS entity that sends periodic WDS advertisement messages for APs to pick those messages and identify the WDS entity they can register with. ...
The status column used for creating, modifying, and deleting instances of the columnar objects in the cDot11csWdsInstanceTable. The administrator must specify the following to create a row in this table and activate it. 1) The ifIndex of the interface / V ...
This table provides information about the status of wireless service entities currently being configured in this device.
An entry provides information about the entity currently offering wireless services and associated with one of the logical interfaces/VLANs configured in this device. For a WDS entity bound to a logical interface/VLAN, a row is added to this table wheneve ...
This object uniquely identifies an active wireless service entity. For an active WDS entity, this object holds the same value as the object cDot11csWdsInstanceNodeIndex in cDot11csWdsInstanceTable. For a WNS entity, this will hold a value of type CDot11c ...
The desired status of the services offered by this entity to its descendants. This has a default value of 'up' whenever a row is created by the agent in this table. Setting this to 'down' disables the services provided by this entity to its descendants. ...
The current operational status of the wireless services provided by this entity. The agent sets the value of this object whenever the administrative status value is modified either through explicit management action or by detecting failures in the functi ...
The value of sysUpTime at the time a state transition occurs in cDot11csStatusOperStatus.
This object indicates the time interval between transmission of advertisement messages.
The number of descendant infrastructure nodes registered with this entity since the last reboot of this device.
The number of descendant infrastructure nodes de-registered with this entity since the last reboot of this device.
The number of descendant infrastructure nodes currently registered with this entity since the operational status of this entity last changed to 'up'.
The number of advertisement messages sent by this entity since the last reboot of this device.
This object controls the generation of the cDot11csElectedAsWdsEnable notification. If the value of this object is set to 'true', the agent shall send the cDot11csElectedAsWds notification to the intended trap recipients.
This object controls the generation of the cDot11csInRegisteredWithWs notification. If the value of this object is set to 'true', the agent shall send the cDot11csInRegisteredWithWs notification to the intended trap recipients.
This object controls the generation of the cDot11csInDeRegisteredWithWs notification. If the value of this object is set to 'true', the agent shall send the cDot11csInDeRegisteredWithWs notification to the intended trap recipients.
This table contains the list of the descendant nodes currently registered with this infrastructure node. This table has an expansion dependent relationship on the cDot11csStatusTable, relating one or more descendants with a wireless service entity and hol ...
An entry represents an descendant infrastructure node that is currently registered with the WS entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex. A row is added to the table by the agent when a descendant infrastructure node registers with the entity identifie ...
The MAC address of this descendant IN.
This object specifies the type of the infrastructure node. 'ap' - Access Point. 'wds' - Wireless Domain Services Entity. 'wns' - Wireless Network Services Entity.
Represents the type of Internet address stored in cDot11csDescendantInIpAddressType.
The IP address of the descendant IN.
The time elapsed since this infrastructure node has registered with the WS entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex.
The number of context transfer key refreshes done by this infrastructure node with the WS entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex.
The network session key timeout value assigned by the AAA server to this infrastructure node.
This table has an expansion dependent relationship on the cDot11csStatusTable, relating one or more mobile clients with a wireless service entity and holds entries carrying information about the mobile nodes registered with the entity identified by cDot11 ...
An entry represents a mobile node that is currently registered with the entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex. A row is added to the table by the agent when a mobile node registers with the entity identified by the object cDot11csStatusNodeIndex. A ...
The MAC address of this mobile node.
The Service Set Identifier of this mobile node.
The hostname by which the mobile node is uniquely identified in the network.
The name of this mobile node's user.
Represents the type of Internet addresses stored in cDot11csMnContextIpAddress and cDot11csMnParentInIpAddress.
The IP address of this mobile node.
The IP address of the parent infrastructure node of this mobile node.
The time elapsed since this mobile node has registered with the wireless service entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex in hundredths of a second. This object is not applicable if the entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex is not a MN Authent ...
The network session timeout value assigned by the AAA server to this mobile node in hundredths of a of a second. This object is not applicable if the entity identified by cDot11csStatusNodeIndex is not a MN Authenticator.
The type of the cipher negotiated for privacy and authenticity. The various types are described as follows. none - No protocol in use for privacy and authenticity. wep - Wired Equivalent Privacy. tkip - Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. ckip - A ...
This collection of objects provide information about the wireless services configured in a device and their current status.
A collection of objects that contain information about all the descendant infrastructure nodes of a wireless service entity.
The collection of objects that provide mobile node context information cached in a wireless service entity.

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MIBs list