


MIBs list

This MIB module defines managed objects that facilitate to monitor performance of any physical entity, which are listed in the ENTITY-MIB (RFC 4133) entPhysicalTable. The performance monitoring includes utilization, input/output packet/byte rates, etc. This monitoring is through the measurement periods of current, 1-minute, 5-minutes, 15-minutes. The performance data calculation method would vary for each entity for a specific interval, hence users of this MIB should obtain the information using the object cepStatsAlgorithm for a specific interval. The performance statistics can be accumulated for the 1-minute, 5-minutes and 15-minutes (recommended) intervals. At any one time, an agent maintains one current (incomplete) interval for each interval type and up to 96 completed interval number. Fewer than 96 interval number of data will be available if the agent has been restarted within the last 24 hours for 15 minutes interval, 8 hours for 5 minutes interval, and 1.36 hours for 1 minute interval. There is no requirement for an agent to ensure fixed relationship between the start of a one/five/fifteen minute intervals and wall clock, however some agents may align the fifteen minutes interval with quarter hours.

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This table maintains the specific performance information for each physical entity, which supports performance monitoring. An agent creates a conceptual row to this table corresponding to a physical entity upon detection of a physical entity supporting th ...
A conceptual row in the cepEntityTable. There is an entry in this table for each entity which supports performance monitoring, as defined by a value of entPhysicalIndex.
This object provides the number of times the entity is reloaded, since the entity host is up.
This object provides the entity last reload time.
This table maintains the performance configuration information for each physical entity at various performance time intervals such as current, 1 minute, etc. An agent creates a conceptual row to this table corresponding to a physical entity for each suppo ...
A conceptual row in the cepConfigTable. There is an entry in this table for each entity by a value of entPhysicalIndex, the supported performance time interval by a value of cepConfigInterval, and the supported performance type by a value of cepConfigPerf ...
This object identifies the time interval for which the performance configuration being applied. The interval values can be current, 1 minute, etc. as specified in the CiscoEntPerfInterval.
This object identifies the performance measurement type for which the performance configuration being applied.
This object indicates the range used by the performance configuration objects such as cepConfigRisingThreshold, etc. for the specific performance measurement type.
This object contains the rising threshold value for a specific performance measurement type at a specific performance time interval. The value of this object must be greater than cepConfigFallingThreshold. The supported range of this object can be identif ...
This object contains the falling threshold value for a specific performance measurement type at a specific performance interval. The value of this object must be less than cepConfigRisingThreshold. The supported range of this object can be identified by t ...
This object provides the control to the threshold notification for a specific entity performance type at a specific interval. The notification will be sent based on this object value and the global object 'cepThresholdNotifEnabled'. The following table wo ...
This table maintains entity running performance, which are collected at various performance intervals. An agent creates a conceptual row to this table corresponding to a physical entity for each supported performance measurement and a performance interval ...
A conceptual row in the cepStatsTable. There is an entry in this table for each entity by a value of entPhysicalIndex, the supported performance time interval by a value of cepConfigInterval, and the supported performance type by a value of cepConfigPerfT ...
This object provides the algorithm used to calculate the entity performance statistics over the specified interval.
This object provides a specific performance measurement of the entity over the specified interval. The range of this object can be identified by the object 'cepConfigPerfRange'.
This table maintains the interval information for each entity at various interval period. An agent creates a conceptual row to this table corresponding to a physical entity upon detection of a physical entity supporting the specific performance interval s ...
A conceptual row in the cepEntityIntervalTable. There is an entry in this table for each entity by a value of entPhysicalIndex, and the supported performance history time interval by a value of cepHistInterval.
This object identifies the time interval for which the performance history being applied. The interval values can be 1 minute, 5 minutes, etc. as specified in the CiscoEntPerfHistInterval.
This object provides the number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the chosen interval on this entity. If for some reason, such as an adjustment in the system's time-of-day clock, the current interval exceeds the maximum value, the agent ...
This object provides the number of completed intervals for which valid entity performance data has been collected for the chosen interval. The value will be 96 unless the entity was brought online within the last 1.36/8/24 hours for 1/5/15 minutes interva ...
This table contains specific performance statistics collected by each entity over the specified interval. The table has the maximum of 96 buckets for all the supported intervals. The following table would list the total hours of history maintained for var ...
A conceptual row in the cepIntervalStatsTable. There is an entry in this table for each entity by a value of entPhysicalIndex, the supported performance history time interval by a value of cepHistInterval, the supported performance statistics by a value o ...
An interval number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most recently completed interval and 96 is the least recently completed interval. For example, if it is 15 minutes interval history, then the 96 is the interval number completed 23 hours and 45 minutes p ...
This object indicates whether the performance statistics for this interval is valid. The value 'true' means the performance statistics is valid, otherwise the performance statistics is invalid for the interval.
This object provides the range information for the object 'cepIntervalStatsMeasurement'.
This object provides the specific performance statistics of an entity over the specified interval. The range of this object can be identified by object 'cepIntervalStatsRange'.
This object provides the time stamp at which the specific performance statistics gets created.
This object controls the entity performance measurement rising/falling threshold notification. When this object contains a value of 'true', then generation of entity rising/falling threshold notification is enabled. If this object contains a value of 'fal ...
This group contains collection of entity information objects.
This group contains collection of configuration objects related to performance.
This group contains collection of performance statistics information objects.
This group contains collection of performance interval data objects.
This group contains collection of performance interval statistics objects.
This group contains collection of notification control objects.

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MIBs list