


MIBs list

This MIB module defines objects that describe collections and measurement information for each sensor supporting historical data collection. The sensor measurement either represents a measured value or a SMA (Simple Moving Average) value for a specified interval rate over a period of time.

IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Cisco Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges, Firewalls, Repeaters.


This table lists each collection of historic data maintained by the system for each supported sensor. This table has an expansion dependent relationship on the ceshCollectionIntervalTable, containing zero or more rows for each corresponding collection.
Each entry in the ceshCollectionTable contains collection attributes describing the collection. For each supported sensor, the system creates a row for each prescribed collection. This creation process happens at startup and following the insertion of a ...
This object indicates the length of the sampling interval for the collection.
This object indicates the number of intervals for which data has been collected.
This object indicates the number of intervals in the range of '0' to the value of the corresponding instance of ceshCollectionIntervals, for which no data is available. The value of this column will typically be '0', except in certain circumstances when s ...
This object indicates the maximum number of intervals maintained for the collection.
This object indicates the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the current interval.
This object indicates the algorithm used in collecting historic data from the corresponding sensor.
This table contains the historic data for each collection maintained by the system. This table has an expansion dependent relationship on the ceshCollectionTable, containing zero or more rows for each corresponding collection.
An entry describes the data collected for an interval. The system creates a row in the ceshCollectionIntervalTable after it has sampled a sample for a given collection. The maximum allowable entries for a collection should be less than or equal to the val ...
This object indicates the interval number identifying the interval. The interval identified by the value '1' represents the most recent interval, and the interval identified by the value (n) represents the interval immediately preceding the interval iden ...
This object indicates the sensor value for the corresponding physical entity during the interval. To correctly display or interpret this variable's value, you must also know the sensor's type, scale, and precision indicated by the corresponding entry in t ...
This object indicates the value of sysUpTime when the system sampled the corresponding sensor.
This group contains collection of attribute objects related to entity sensor history collection
This group contains collection of interval objects related to entity sensor history collection

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MIBs list