The MIB for Transaction Capabilities(TCAP)
messages transported over Signalling System
No. 7 (SS7) Network via Cisco IP Transfer
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- cgtcapTranErrorNotifEnabled
- The notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that the following TCAP error notifications are enabled. ciscoGtcapProtoErrTranAbortRcvd, ciscoGtcapProtoErrTranAbortSent. 'false' Indicates that the TCAP Transaction error notification generation is disable ...
- cgtcapCompErrorNotifEnabled
- The notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that the following TCAP error notifications are enabled. ciscoGtcapProtoErrCompRejectRcvd, ciscoGtcapProtoErrCompRejectRcvd. 'false' Indicates that the TCAP Component error notification generation is disable ...
- cgtcapUsrErrorNotifEnabled
- The notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that the following TCAP error notifications are enabled. ciscoGtcapTCUserErrRejectRcvd, ciscoGtcapTCUserErrRejectSent. 'false' Indicates that the TCAP User error notification generation is disabled.
- cgtcapThreshldExcdNotifEnabled
- The notification truth value. 'true' Indicates that ciscoGtcapActiveTranExceedThreshold notification generation is enabled. 'false' Indicates that ciscoGtcapActiveTranExceedThreshold notification generation is disabled.
- cgtcapNotifWindowTime
- This object specifies the time interval used to monitor the following notifications: ciscoGtcapProtoErrTranAbortRcvd, ciscoGtcapProtoErrTranAbortSent, ciscoGtcapProtoErrCompRejectRcvd, ciscoGtcapProtoErrCompRejectRcvd, ciscoGtcapTCUserErrRejectRcvd, cisco ...
- cgtcapUtilSampleInterval
- This object specifies the time interval used to monitor the utilization of TCAP transactions. Changes to the polling interval will take effect after the completion of the current sample interval.
- cgtcapStatsInterval
- For distributed platforms, the value in seconds specifies how often information on measurements will be refreshed on supervisor. The valid range for distributed platforms is from 10 seconds to 1 hour. For a single processor platform, the value will be alw ...
- cgtcapInstTable
- TCAP information per instance of signalling point.
- cgtcapInstTableEntry
- Transaction Capabilities information per instance of signalling point.
- cgtcapInstTotalTCMsgsSent
- Total number of transaction messages sent from the local TCAP (Q752/13.1 bis).
- cgtcapInstTotalTCMsgsRcvd
- Total number of transaction messages received from the remote TCAP (Q752/13.2 bis).
- cgtcapInstTotalCompSent
- Total number of Components sent from the local TCAP (Q752/13.3).
- cgtcapInstTotalCompRcvd
- Total number of Components received from the remote TCAP (Q752/13.4).
- cgtcapInstActiveExceedThresholds
- Total number of times the number of open transactions exceeded the Signalling point threshold (Q752/13.11).
- cgtcapInstUnidirectionalTranRcvd
- Total number of Unidirectional type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstUnidirectionalTranSent
- Total number of Unidirectional type transactions sent (Q752/13.2).
- cgtcapInstBeginQueryTranRcvd
- Total number of Begin(ITU) or Query(ANSI) type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstBeginQueryTranSent
- Total number of Begin(ITU) or Query(ANSI) type transactions sent (Q752/13.2).
- cgtcapInstBeginQueryWOPermTranRcvd
- Total number of Begin(ITU) or Query(ANSI) Without Permission type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstBeginQueryWOPermTranSent
- Total number of Begin(ITU) or Query(ANSI) Without Permission type transactions sent (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstEndResponseTranRcvd
- Total number of End(ITU) or Response(ANSI) type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstEndResponseTranSent
- Total number of End(ITU) or Response(ANSI) type transactions sent (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstContinueConvTranRcvd
- Total number of Continue(ITU) or Conversation(ANSI) type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstContinueConvTranSent
- Total number of Continue(ITU) or Conversation(ANSI) type transactions Sent (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstContConvWOPermTranRcvd
- Total number of Continue(ITU) or Conversation(ANSI) Without Permission type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstContConvWOPermTranSent
- Total number of Continue(ITU) or Conversation(ANSI) Without Permission type transactions Sent (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstAbortTranRcvd
- Total number of Abort type transactions received (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstAbortTranSent
- Total number of Abort type transactions sent (Q752/13.1).
- cgtcapInstClass1TCLocalCancelInd
- Total number of TC_L_CANCEL indications for Class 1 operations (Q752/14.7).
- cgtcapInstTotalDiscardsAllReasons
- Total number of TCAP messages discarded for all reasons. This includes END messages with unrecognized TIDs (Q752/14.8).
- cgtcapInstProviderAbortsRcvd
- Total number of provider aborts received (Q752/14.10).
- cgtcapInstTotalRejectsRcvd
- Total number of rejects received in TCAP components for this signalling point (Q752/14.11).
- cgtcapInstTotalTransactionErr
- Total number of errors detected in transaction portion (Q752/14.12).
- cgtcapUtilTable
- A table that contains the utilization measurements for the TCAP level transactions estimated during every configured cgtcapUtilSampleInterval. This table is provided to allow an NMS to collect the information during a normal poll cycle.
- cgtcapUtilTableEntry
- A collection of entries used to store tcap utilization measurements.
- cgtcapUtilSlot
- The slot number containing the CPU that is performing TCAP operations.
- cgtcapUser
- The slot number containing the CPU that is performing TCAP operations.
- cgtcapNewTransInInterval
- This counter indicates the number of new transactions during the interval.
- cgtcapMeanOpenTransIdInInterval
- This counter indicates the mean number of open transaction ids during the interval.
- cgtcapCumulativeMeanDurationOfTran
- This counter indicates the cumulative mean duration of transactions estimated during the interval.
- cgtcapMaxOpenTransIdInInterval
- This counter indicates the maximum number of open transactions ids estimated during the interval.
- cgtcapUtilEndTimestamp
- This timestamp indicates when time period ended for this sample.
- cgtcapUtilPhysicalIndex
- The entPhysicalIndex of the physical entity for which the statistics in this entry are maintained. The physical entity can be a CPU chip, a group of CPUs, a CPU card etc. The exact type of this entity is described by its entPhysicalVendorType value. If t ...
- cgtcapProtoTranRcvdErrorsTable
- Total number of protocol errors received in transaction portion - abort received with different P-abort cause.
- cgtcapProtoTranRcvdErrorsTableEntry
- Measurements are available per instance.
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtRcvdUnrecogMsgType
- Total number of protocol errors received in transaction portion - abort received with P-abort cause of unrecognized message type (Q752/14.1).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtRcvdIncorrectTP
- Total number of protocol errors received in transaction portion - abort received with P-abort cause of incorrect TP (Q752/14.1).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtRcvdBadFmtTP
- Total number of protocol errors received in transaction portion - abort received with P-abort cause of badly formatted TP (Q752/14.1).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtRcvdUnrecogTID
- Total number of protocol errors received in transaction portion - abort received with P-abort cause of unrecognized TID (Q752/14.1).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtRcvdResrcLimit
- Total number of protocol errors received in transaction portion - abort received with P-abort cause of resource limitation (Q752/14.1).
- cgtcapProtoTranSentErrorsTable
- Total number of protocol errors sent in transaction portion - abort sent with different P-abort cause.
- cgtcapProtoTranSentErrorsTableEntry
- Measurements are available per instance and TCAP user.
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtSentUnrecogMsgType
- Total number of protocol errors sent in transaction portion - abort sent with P-abort cause of unrecognized message type (Q752/14.4).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtSentIncorrectTP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in transaction portion - abort sent with P-abort cause of incorrect TP (Q752/14.4).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtSentBadFmtTP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in transaction portion - abort sent with P-abort cause of badly formatted TP (Q752/14.4).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtSentUnrecogTID
- Total number of protocol errors sent in transaction portion - abort sent with P-abort cause of unrecognized TID (Q752/14.4).
- cgtcapPrTranAbrtSentResrcLimit
- Total number of protocol errors sent in transaction portion - abort sent with P-abort cause of resource limitation (Q752/14.4).
- cgtcapProtoCompErrorsTable
- Total number of protocol errors sent and received in component portion - reject sent and received with different problem codes.
- cgtcapProtoCompErrorsTableEntry
- Measurements are available per instance.
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdUnrecogCompGP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of unrecognized component - general problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentUnrecogCompGP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of unrecognized component - general problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdMistypedCompGP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of mistyped component - general problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentMistypedCompGP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of mistyped component - general problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdBadStructCompGP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of badly structured component - general problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentBadStructCompGP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of badly structured component - general problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdUnrecogLinkedIdIP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of unrecognized linked id - invoke problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentUnrecogLinkedIdIP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of unrecognized linked id - invoke problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdUnrecogInvIdRRP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of unrecognized invoke id - return result problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentUnrecogInvIdRRP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of unrecognized invoke id - return result problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdRetRsltUnexpRRP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of return result unexpected - return result problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentRetRsltUnexpRRP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of return result unexpected - return result problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdUnrecogInvIdREP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of unrecognized invoke id - return error problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentUnrecogInvIdREP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of unrecognized invoke id - return error problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctRcvdUnexpRetErrREP
- Total number of protocol errors received in component portion - reject received with a problem code of return error unexpected - return error problem (Q752/14.2).
- cgtcapPrCompRjctSentUnexpRetErrREP
- Total number of protocol errors sent in component portion - reject sent with a problem code of return error unexpected - return error problem (Q752/14.5).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdErrorsTable
- Total number of TCAP user generated problems - reject received due to different component problems.
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdErrorsTableEntry
- Measurements are available per instance.
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdDupInvIdIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - duplicate invoke id - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdUnrecogOpIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - unrecognized operation - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdMistypedParamIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - mistyped parameter - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdResourceLimitIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - resource limitation - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdInitReleaseIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - initiating release - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdLinkedRespUnexpIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - linked response unexecpted - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdUnexpLinkedOpIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - unexpected linked operation - invoke problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdUnrecogErrREP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - unrecognized error - return error problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdUnexpErrREP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - unexpected error - return error problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdMistypedParamRRP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - mistyped parameter - return result problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctRcvdMistypedParamREP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - mistyped parameter - return error problem (Q752/14.3).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentErrorsTable
- Total number of TCAP user generated problems - reject sent due to different component problems.
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentErrorsTableEntry
- Measurements are available per instance and TCAP user.
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentDupInvIdIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - duplicate invoke id - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentUnrecogOpIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - unrecognized operation - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentMistypedParamIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - mistyped parameter - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentResourceLimitIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - resource limitation - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentInitReleaseIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - initiating release - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentLinkedRespUnexpIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - linked response unexecpted - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentUnexpLinkedOpIP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - unexpected linked operation - invoke problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentUnrecogErrREP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject sent - unrecognized error - return error problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentUnexpErrREP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - unexpected error - return error problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentMistypedParamRRP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - mistyped parameter - return result problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapUsrRjctSentMistypedParamREP
- Total number of TC user generated problems - reject received - mistyped parameter - return error problem (Q752/14.6).
- cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration
- Duration elapsed since the start of the cgtcapNotifWindowTime interval. This duration value can range from 0 upto cgtcapNotifWindowTime. For the notifications generated at the end of the interval, this value will be equal to cgtcapNotifWindowTime.
- cgtcapIntervalActiveTranExceeds
- Number of times during which the number of open transactions exceeded the Signalling point threshold during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapTCUser
- TCAP user information for the notification.
- cgtcapIntTranAbrtUnrecogMsgType
- Number of protocol errors in transaction portion - aborts with P-abort cause of unrecognized message type (Q752/14.1 & 14.4) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntTranAbrtIncorrectTP
- Number of protocol errors in transaction portion - aborts with P-abort cause of incorrect TP (Q752/14.1 & 14.4) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntTranAbrtBadFmtTP
- Number of protocol errors in transaction portion - aborts with P-abort cause of badly formatted TP (Q752/14.1 & 14.4) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntTranAbrtUnrecogTID
- Number of protocol errors in transaction portion - aborts with P-abort cause of unrecognized TID (Q752/14.1 & 14.4) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntTranAbrtResrcLimit
- Number of protocol errors in transaction portion - aborts with P-abort cause of resource limitation (Q752/14.1 & 14.4) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctUnrecogCompGP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of unrecognized component - general problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctMistypedCompGP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of mistyped component - general problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctBadStructCompGP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of badly structured component - general problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctUnrecogLinkedIdIP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of unrecognized linked id - invoke problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctUnrecogInvIdRRP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of unrecognized invoke id - return result problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctRetRsltUnexpRRP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of return result unexpected - return result problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctUnrecogInvIdREP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of unrecognized invoke id - return error problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntCompRjctUnexpRetErrREP
- Number of protocol errors in component portion - rejects with a problem code of return error unexpected - return error problem (Q752/14.2 & 14.5) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctDupInvIdIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - duplicate invoke id - invoke problem (Q752/14.3 & 14.6) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctUnrecogOpIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - unrecognized operation - invoke problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctMistypedParamIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - mistyped parameter - invoke problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctResourceLimitIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - resource limitation - invoke problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctInitReleaseIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - initiating release - invoke problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctLinkedRespUnexpIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - linked response unexecpted - invoke problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctUnexpLinkedOpIP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - unexpected linked operation - invoke problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific gtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctUnrecogErrREP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - unrecognized error - return error problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctUnexpErrREP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - unexpected error - return error problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctMistypedParamRRP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - mistyped parameter - return result problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- cgtcapIntUsrRjctMistypedParamREP
- Number of TC user generated rejects - mistyped parameter - return error problem (Q752/14.3) during this specific cgtcapNotifIntervalDuration interval.
- ciscoGtcapGlobalEntryGroup
- Gateway TCAP Scalar objects.
- ciscoGtcapInstTableEntryGroup
- TCAP Instance specific measurement objects.
- ciscogtcapUtilTableEntryGroup
- TCAP Instance specific utilization measurement objects.
- ciscoGtcapProtoTranRcvdErrorsGroup
- Protocol errors received in Transaction sublayer.
- ciscoGtcapProtoTranSentErrorsGroup
- Protocol errors sent in Transaction sublayer.
- ciscoGtcapProtoCompErrorsGroup
- Protocol errors in Component sublayer.
- ciscoGtcapUsrRjctRcvdErrorsGroup
- TCAP user generated errors received.
- ciscoGtcapProtoCompSentErrorsGroup
- Protocol errors sent in Component sublayer.
- ciscoGtcapNotifInfoGroup
- TCAP notification information objects.
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