


MIBs list

This MIB allows management of Cisco Unified MeetingPlace (CUMP) features, CUMP is the key conferencing solution component for Cisco Unified Communications. The CUMP MIB runs on the CUMP application server and provides the status/usage information, and minor/major system alarms to the monitoring station. The monitoring station can either pull application server information through the MIB or set as a trap destination to receive alarms.

IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Cisco Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges, Firewalls, Repeaters.


This object specifies the current status of the notification. The notifications are generated when the object is set to 'true'. The notifications, which are controlled by this MIB object, include the cmpT1Down, cmpGWSimAlarm, cmpMajHwAlarm, cmpMinHwAlarm, ...
This object indicates MeetingPlace Exception Code. This is the primary code associated with each MeetingPlace exception condition. Each exception code is associated with a description, and the monitoring station will receive the cmpAlarmDesc and the excep ...
This object indicates MeetingPlace Server Unit (Component) Number. This is the unit (component) number of the server that reported the exception. In the MeetingPlace Server, there are multiple units, such as database, SIP signaling, ..., etc.
This object indicates MeetingPlace Hardware Device Code. This defines the class of device that generated a hardware fault. 'mpTemperature' - indicates the hardware temperature is high 'mpPowerSupply' - indicates the power supply failure 'mpSerialPort' - i ...
This object indicates MeetingPlace Hardware Device Unit Number. This is the unit number of the hardware device that generated a fault. For a disk this would be the SCSI ID. For a blade this would the the logical card number as defined in the system conf ...
This object indicates MeetingPlace Hardware Device Slot Number. This is the location of the hardware device that generated a fault. For a blade this would be the slot number
This object indicates MeetingPlace Hardware Device Port Number. This is the logical port number associated with a hardware fault. For a T1 alarm, this is the logical span number.
This object indicates MeetingPlace Alarm Description. This is a one-line text description of the exception condition. It comprises a string indexed by the exception code filled in with context-specific values. The exception code and alarm description has ...
This object indicates the maximum number of meetings that has been scheduled during the last 24 hours time frame.
This object indicates the peak hour which has the maximum number of meetings in last 24 hours. For example, if the meetingplace server has maximum number of meetings at 2pm, it will give value of 14.
This object indicates the number of meeting on current moment at this meetingplace server.
This object indicates the number of audio license is used on this node. .
This object indicates the maximum number of audio license that can be used on this meetingplace system.
This object indicates the number of video license is used on this node.
This object indicates the maximum number of video license that can be used on this meetingplace system.
This object indicates the number of video ports in use at this meetingplace server on the current moment.
This object indicates the maximum number of video ports available on this meetingplace server.
This object indicates the number of audio ports in use at this meetingplace server on the current moment.
This object indicates the maximum number of audio ports available on this meetingplace server.
This object indicates the maximum number of audio ports has been used during the last 24 hours.
This object indicates the maximum number of video ports has been used during the last 24 hours.
This object indicates the meetingplace deployment type. It can be webex type I, webex type II and audio only.
This object indicates the role of this MeetingPlace node, this meetingplace node can be acting as a master node, leaf node, replica node, or TSPP node.
This object indicates which geographic region the meetingplace server is located.
This object indicates which geographic site the meetingplace server is located.
A collection of objects representing alarms within MeetingPlace.
A collection of objects representing the MeetingPlace application server status information.

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MIBs list