IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Cisco Servers, Routers, Switches, Bridges,
Firewalls, Repeaters.
- cvBasicNetwork
- VINES network number of this router.
- cvBasicHost
- VINES host (subnetwork) number of this router.
- cvBasicNextClient
- Next VINES client host (subnetwork) number to be assigned by this router.
- cvForwNeighborNeighborCount
- The number of neighbors in the neighbor table, cvForwNeighborTable.
- cvForwNeighborPathCount
- The number of paths in the neighbor table, cvForwNeighborTable.
- cvForwNeighborVersion
- The version number of the neighbor table, cvForwNeighborTable, incremented each time a route or path is added or deleted.
- cvForwNeighborTable
- A table of information about neighbors of this router.
- cvForwNeighborEntry
- Information about a neighbor of this router. Entries are indexed by network interface (ifIndex) as there may be more than one path to a given neighbor.
- cvForwNeighborNetwork
- The network part of the neighbor's VINES internet address.
- cvForwNeighborHost
- The host part of the neighbor's VINES internet address.
- cvForwNeighborPhysAddress
- The neighbor's physical address on the network interface indicated by this entry's ifIndex, interpreted according to ifType at ifIndex in ifTable.
- cvForwNeighborSource
- The source of this entry.
- cvForwNeighborRtpVersion
- The version of RTP through which the entry was learned.
- cvForwNeighborUsageType
- The way in which this path will be used to forward a message.
- cvForwNeighborAge
- The age of the entry, in seconds. The value -1 indicates not applicable, for RTP Version 0 neighbors on WAN interfaces, when the interface is configured for delta-only updates.
- cvForwNeighborMetric
- The expected one-way delay to send a message to this neighbor.
- cvForwNeighborUses
- For all cvForwNeighborSource values but 'manualRoute', the number of times the path has been used to forward a message. For a 'manualRoute', the number of static routes that use this neighbor as their first hop.
- cvForwRouteRouterCount
- The number of routers (servers) in the route table, cvForwRouteTable.
- cvForwRouteRouteCount
- The number of routes in the route table, cvForwRouteTable.
- cvForwRouteVersion
- The version number of the route table, cvForwRouteTable, incremented each time a route or server (router) is added or deleted.
- cvForwRouteUpdateCountdown
- The number of seconds until the next routing update.
- cvForwRouteTable
- A table of information about routes from this router to other VINES networks.
- cvForwRouteEntry
- Information about a route from this router to a remote VINES network.
- cvForwRouteNetworkNumber
- The remote network's VINES network number.
- cvForwRouteNeighborNetwork
- The network part of the VINES internetwork address of the neighbor that is the next hop to the remote network. Since the neighbor is a router by definition, its host number is 1.
- cvForwRouteSource
- The source of this entry.
- cvForwRouteRtpVersion
- The version of RTP through which the entry was learned.
- cvForwRouteUseNext
- Whether this route is the one to use next to get to the remote network.
- cvForwRouteForwardBroadcast
- Whether this route will be used to forward a broadcast from a serverless network.
- cvForwRouteSuppress
- Whether this route is temporarily being suppressed as normal operation before eventually advertising it.
- cvForwRouteLoadShareEligible
- Whether this route is eligible for load sharing because its metric is equal to the best metric for the same neighbor.
- cvForwRouteAge
- The age of the entry, in seconds. The value -1 indicates not applicable, for RTP Version 0 neighbors on WAN interfaces, when the interface is configured for delta-only updates.
- cvForwRouteMetric
- The expected one-way delay to send a message on this route.
- cvForwRouteUses
- The number of times the route has been used to forward a message.
- cvTotalInputPackets
- Total count of number of VINES input packets.
- cvTotalOutputPackets
- Total count of number of VINES output packets.
- cvTotalLocalDestPackets
- Total count of VINES input packets for this host.
- cvTotalForwardedPackets
- Total count of number of VINES packets forwarded.
- cvTotalBroadcastInPackets
- Total count of number of VINES input broadcast packets.
- cvTotalBroadcastOutPackets
- Total count of number of VINES output broadcast packets.
- cvTotalBroadcastForwardPackets
- Total count of number of VINES broadcast packets forwarded.
- cvTotalLanOnlyPackets
- Total count of number of VINES broadcast packets not forwarded to all interfaces because the LAN ONLY bit was set.
- cvTotalNotOver4800Packets
- Total count of number of VINES broadcast packets not forwarded to all interfaces because the OVER 4800 BPS bit was set.
- cvTotalNoChargesPackets
- Total count of number of VINES broadcast packets not forwarded to all interfaces because the NO CHARGES only bit was set.
- cvTotalFormatErrors
- Total count of number of VINES input packets with header errors.
- cvTotalChecksumErrors
- Total count of number of VINES input packets with checksum errors.
- cvTotalHopCountsExceeded
- Total count of number of VINES input packets that have exceeded the maximum hop count.
- cvTotalNoRouteDrops
- Total count of number of VINES packets dropped due to no route.
- cvTotalEncapsFailedDrops
- Total count of number of VINES packets dropped due to output encapsulation failed.
- cvTotalUnknownPackets
- Total count of number of unknown VINES input packets.
- cvTotalIcpInPackets
- Total count of number of VINES ICP packets received.
- cvTotalIcpOutPackets
- Total count of number of VINES ICP packets generated.
- cvTotalMetricOutPackets
- Total count of number of VINES ICP Metric Notification packets generated.
- cvTotalMacEchoInPackets
- Total count of number of VINES MAC level Echo packets received.
- cvTotalMacEchoOutPackets
- Total count of number of VINES MAC level Echo packets generated.
- cvTotalEchoInPackets
- Total count of number of VINES Echo packets received.
- cvTotalEchoOutPackets
- Total count of number of VINES Echo packets generated.
- cvTotalProxyOutPackets
- Total count of proxy packets sent.
- cvTotalProxyReplyOutPackets
- Total count of responses to proxy packets.
- cvIfConfigTable
- VINES interface configuration table.
- cvIfConfigEntry
- VINES interface configuration table entry.
- cvIfConfigMetric
- VINES protocol metric value.
- cvIfConfigEncapsulation
- VINES protocol default encapsulation
- cvIfConfigAccesslist
- VINES protocol outgoing access list number.
- cvIfConfigPropagate
- VINES protocol propagation control.
- cvIfConfigArpEnabled
- VINES protocol arp replies enabled.
- cvIfConfigServerless
- VINES protocol serverless support enabled.
- cvIfConfigRedirectInterval
- VINES protocol redirect interval (in ms).
- cvIfConfigSplitDisabled
- VINES protocol split horizon disabled
- cvIfConfigLineup
- VINES protocol line up/down.
- cvIfConfigFastokay
- VINES protocol fast switching supported.
- cvIfConfigRouteCache
- VINES protocol fast switching requested
- cvIfConfigInputRouterFilter
- VINES protocol filter on received routing information source address.
- cvIfConfigInputNetworkFilter
- VINES protocol filter on received routing information content.
- cvIfConfigOutputNetworkFilter
- VINES protocol filter on transmitted routing information content.
- cvIfCountInTable
- VINES interface input counter table.
- cvIfCountInEntry
- VINES interface input counter table entry.
- cvIfCountInNotEnabledDrops
- VINES protocol count of input packets discarded because interface not configured.
- cvIfCountInFormatErrors
- VINES protocol count of input packets with format errors.
- cvIfCountInLocalDestPackets
- VINES protocol count of input packets destined for this router.
- cvIfCountInBroadcastPackets
- VINES protocol input broadcast count.
- cvIfCountInForwardedPackets
- VINES protocol count of input packets forwarded to another interface.
- cvIfCountInNoRouteDrops
- VINES protocol count of input packets dropped because there was no route to the destination.
- cvIfCountInZeroHopCountDrops
- VINES protocol count of input packets dropped due to a zero hop count.
- cvIfCountInChecksumErrors
- VINES protocol count of input packets with checksum errors.
- cvIfCountInArpQueryRequests
- VINES protocol count of input ARP Query Request messages.
- cvIfCountInArpQueryResponses
- VINES protocol count of input ARP Query Response messages.
- cvIfCountInArpAssignmentRequests
- VINES protocol count of input ARP Assignment Request messages.
- cvIfCountInArpAssignmentResponses
- VINES protocol count of input ARP Assignment Response messages.
- cvIfCountInArpIllegalMessages
- VINES protocol count of input illegal ARP messages.
- cvIfCountInIcpErrorMessages
- VINES protocol count of input ICP error messages.
- cvIfCountInIcpMetricMessages
- VINES protocol count of input ICP metric messages.
- cvIfCountInIcpIllegalMessages
- VINES protocol count of input illegal ICP messages.
- cvIfCountInIpcMessages
- VINES protocol count of input IPC messages.
- cvIfCountInRtp0Messages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP type 0 messages.
- cvIfCountInRtp1Messages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP Request messages.
- cvIfCountInRtp2Messages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP type 2 messages.
- cvIfCountInRtp3Messages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP type 3 messages.
- cvIfCountInRtpUpdateMessages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP Update messages.
- cvIfCountInRtpResponseMessages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP Response messages.
- cvIfCountInRtpRedirectMessages
- VINES protocol count of input RTP Redirect messages.
- cvIfCountInRtpIllegalMessages
- VINES protocol count of input illegal RTP messages.
- cvIfCountInSppMessages
- VINES protocol count of input SPP messages.
- cvIfCountInIpUnknownProtocols
- VINES protocol count of input packets of unknown VINES protocols.
- cvIfCountInIpcUnknownPorts
- VINES protocol count of input packets of unknown VINES IPC ports.
- cvIfCountInBroadcastsHelpered
- VINES protocol count of input packets helpered to another server.
- cvIfCountInBroadcastsForwarded
- VINES protocol input broadcast forwarded to other interface(s).
- cvIfCountInBroadcastDuplicates
- VINES protocol input duplicate broadcast count.
- cvIfCountInEchoPackets
- VINES protocol count of input IPC echo messages.
- cvIfCountInMacEchoPackets
- VINES protocol count of input MAC layer echo frames.
- cvIfCountInProxyReplyPackets
- VINES protocol count of responses to proxy packets.
- cvIfCountOutTable
- VINES interface output counter table.
- cvIfCountOutEntry
- VINES interface output counter table entry.
- cvIfCountOutUnicastPackets
- VINES protocol unicast packets generated.
- cvIfCountOutBroadcastPackets
- VINES protocol broadcast packets generated.
- cvIfCountOutForwardedPackets
- VINES protocol count of forwarded packets.
- cvIfCountOutEncapsulationFailures
- VINES protocol output encapsulation failures.
- cvIfCountOutAccessFailures
- VINES protocol output access list failures.
- cvIfCountOutDownFailures
- VINES protocol output interface down count.
- cvIfCountOutPacketsNotBroadcastToSource
- VINES protocol output broadcast not sent because interface leads back to the source.
- cvIfCountOutPacketsNotBroadcastLanOnly
- VINES protocol output broadcast not sent due to 'Lan Only' class.
- cvIfCountOutPacketsNotBroadcastNotOver4800
- VINES protocol output broadcast not sent due to 'High Speed' class.
- cvIfCountOutPacketsNotBroadcastNoCharge
- VINES protocol output broadcast not sent due to 'No Charges' class.
- cvIfCountOutBroadcastsForwarded
- VINES protocol output broadcast forwarded from another interface.
- cvIfCountOutBroadcastsHelpered
- VINES protocol output broadcast helpered to a VINES server.
- cvIfCountOutArpQueryRequests
- VINES protocol count of output ARP Query Request messages.
- cvIfCountOutArpQueryResponses
- VINES protocol count of output ARP Query Response messages.
- cvIfCountOutArpAssignmentRequests
- VINES protocol count of output ARP Assignment Request messages.
- cvIfCountOutArpAssignmentResponses
- VINES protocol count of input ARP Assignment Response messages.
- cvIfCountOutIcpErrorMessages
- VINES protocol count of output IPC Error messages.
- cvIfCountOutIcpMetricMessages
- VINES protocol count of output IPC metric messages.
- cvIfCountOutIpcMessages
- VINES protocol count of output ICP messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtp0Messages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP type 0 messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtpRequestMessages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP Request messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtp2Messages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP type 2 messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtp3Messages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP type 3 messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtpUpdateMessages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP Update messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtpResponseMessages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP Response messages.
- cvIfCountOutRtpRedirectMessages
- VINES protocol count of output RTP Redirect messages.
- cvIfCountOutSppMessages
- VINES protocol count of output SPP messages.
- cvIfCountOutEchoPackets
- VINES protocol count of output IPC echo messages.
- cvIfCountOutMacEchoPackets
- VINES protocol count of output IPCMAC layer echo frames.
- cvIfCountOutProxyPackets
- VINES protocol count of proxy packets sent.
- ciscoVinesMIBGroup
- A collection of objects providing VINES monitoring.
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