MIBs list

IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Avaya network devices.


Indicates type of enclosure in which the SNMP agent operates.
Number of manageable slots in the chassis. In implementation it describes the number of manageable slots in the chassis (not all slots should be occupied).
Indicates the number of internal Ethernet buses provided by the box.
Indicates the number of internal Token Ring buses provided by the box.
Indicates the number of internal FDDI buses provided by the box.
Indicates the number of internal Local Talk buses provided by the box.
Setting the value of this attribute to ON is interpreted as a reset command for the whole chassis. It initiates a complete reinitialisation of the chassis and of all the devices incorporated inside the chassis.
Full configuration message retrieved by management stations at periodic interrogation times. Coded in compact internal application format.
Table of configuration attributes common to all SNMP agents in hubs.
An entry in the table, containing configuration attributes for a single agent.
Agent index for identifying the agent. Takes the value of the slot number where the agent card is inserted. For box agents which are not managed as Group the value of chGenAgId is chNumberOfSlots+1. For box agents which are managed as Group the value in n ...
Defines the type of the card whose management attributes are described by the SNMP agent.
This attribute describes one of the interfaces of agents existing on modules and their type. Value 'none' defines the lack of an interface whose type is recognized by the management console. Any other value defines an interface whose type is recognized by ...
This attribute defines an unique address by which the agent may be addressed by the management console. The address format should be consistent with the type defined by chGenAgMgmtIfType.
This attribute provides the OID of another group containing additional more specific information regarding this instance.
IP address of the SLIP channel of the agent
String with the Agent name.
The entity management version supported by the specific Agent. In the format: X.Y.Z (using numbers): 1st byte - major version number 2nd byte - '.' 3rd byte - minor version number 4th byte - '.' 5th byte - debug version number.
This attribute defines the Ip address by which the agent may be addressed by the management console. For NMA-RX this should include the IP address of the Side Band interface.
Table of configuration attributes of SNMP box agents in hubs.
An entry in the table, containing configuration attributes for a single box agent.
Agent index for identifying the agent. Identical to the index in chGenAgTable for the described agent.
IP address of the SLIP channel of the agent
ASCII string for description and display of the agent software version.
ASCII string for description and display of the agent operating system (kernel) version.
ASCII string describing the software version of the agent's coprocessor.
System fault emitted by agent software. It covers faults detected by the agent operating system and drivers. EnterpriseSpecific traps mechanism is used for transfering these traps to the management system.
Attribute describing the number of the bus on which management data are reported.
Attribute describing the status of the communication between the agent and its coprocessor.
Attribute describing the agent mode in which communication problem traps are sent to managers (value 'on') or are not sent to managers (value 'off').
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends Configuration Change traps to the manager.
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends Fault traps to the manager.
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends Traffic Threshold traps to the manager.
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends Group Enrollment and Group Deenrollment traps to the manager.
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends Software Fault traps to the manager.
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends periodic Hub Enrollment traps to the manager.
The value of this attributes determines whether or not the agent sends Temperature Threshold traps to the manager.
This attribute provides the OID of another group containing additional more specific information regarding this instance.
Configuration attribute describing the last physical address detected at each port. Coded in internal application format.
Configuration attribute describing the configuration of the secure addresses. Coded in internal application format.
Describes configuration of the firmware on this agent. unLoadable(1) - is returned by agents which do not support the Software Download feature; loaded(2) - is returned by agents with loaded software; downLoading(3) - when the attribute is set to this val ...
Defines the Configuration Symbol attached to any hardware module manufactured. One single character A..Z defines the CS version. For older modules which did not support this option on SNMP character '*' will be returned.
Internal temperature measured by the temperature sensor placed on the agent card. Expressed in Celsius degrees.Value '999' means not supported.
ASCII string for description and display of the agent boot software version.
A code of a sensor fault discovered by the agent.
This attribute enables/disables generation of the sensor fault trap.
A code of intercommunication fault between Main - Master processors.
This attribute enables/disables generation of the intercommunication fault trap.
The value of this attribute determines whether or not the agent sends PSU voltage threshold traps to the manager.
ASCII string for description and display of the agent hardware version.
ASCII string for description and display of the agent software information.
The value of this attribute determines whether or not the agent sends CAM last change traps to the manager.
ASCII string for description and display of the agent's application version. e.g. software running top of the Kernel
Maximum number of permanent managers.
Table of permanent managers. The Agent will send Traps to managers listed in the chLntAgPermMngrTable. A Trap will be send to the manager according to the Trap Enable/Disable flag related to the Trap. A permanent manager will be defined by the user, throu ...
An entry in the permanent managers table.
Index in the permanent managers table. It ranges from 1 to chLntAgMaxNmbOfMngrs
IP address of a permanent manager.
Value 'on' indicates that SNMP agent should send SNMP traps (traffic excluded) to the manager.
Maximum number of remote networks.
Remote networks table.
Entry in the remote networks table.
Index of a remote network. It ranges from 1 to chLntAgMaxNmbOfNets.
Address of a remote network. The host portion is always 0.
Subnet mask for the remote network.
Current date and time for NMA-TR. The format is YYMMDDhhmmssw, where w - day of the week e.g., 1=Mon, 2=Tue,..., 7=Sun.
This attribute enables the user to reset the agent.
Table of traps for each permanent manager. A Trap will be send to the manager according to the Trap Enable/Disable flag related to the Trap ID. When adding a new manager to the permanent managers table, the Agent will set its entry in this table with the ...
An entry in the permanent managers table.
Index in the permanent managers traps table. It ranges from 1 to chLntAgMaxNmbOfMngrs
The trap number is the second index in the table. The following list conclude the available traps numbers to be configured by the manager: 1: Configuration Change Traps. Default = enabled(1). 2: Fault Traps. Default = enabled(1). 3: Traffic Threshold Exce ...
defines how many ticks are counted in one second.
This attribute define the muximum trap number supported by the agent.
This attribute describes one of the interfaces of agents existing on modules and their type. Value 'none' defines the lack of an interface whose type is recognized by the management console. Any other value defines an interface whose type is recognized by ...
This attribute defines an unique address by which the agent may be addressed by the management console. The address format should be consistent with the type defined by chAgHubMgmtIfType.
Value 'on' indicates that SNMP agent should send SNMP traps (traffic ex- cluded) to the manager.
Value 'on' indicates that the SNMP agent should send traffic SNMP traps to the manager.
Attribute to be set by manager in order to instruct the agent to enter into a management session with the console. Setting this value to 'on' has the effect of performing an 'I am your manager' action upon the agent.
The attribute defines an interval during which the agent is waiting for the manager's requests. Default value 5 minutes.
Table of configuration attributes for Power Supply Units. This table can be retrieved only from agents equipped with adequate hardware.
An entry in the table, containing configuration attributes for a single Power Supply Unit.
PSU index for identifying the PSU. The index for each hub: Stackable: odd number - internal, even number - backup LET 36: 1 - lower; 2 - higher, LET 20: 1 - right; 2 - left, LET 10: 1 - main; 2 - backup.
This attribute defines the status of the PSU in what concerns supplying power to the chassis. NotActive(1) - indicates a disabled or defective PSU which cannot supply power to the chassis. Dormant(2) - indicates a functional PSU which is installed for bac ...
Describes the location of the PSU: LET-36: lower, upper. LET-20: right, left. LET-10: unknown.
Indicates voltage of PSU expressed in miliVolts.
Indicates voltage High threshold of the PSU in the HUB. The PSU output working voltage needed to support a module in the HUB should be V±5%. This value is hard-coded. The Agent will Trap the manager when the PSU will exceed the chHWPSUVoltHighThresh.
Indicates voltage Low threshold of the PSU in the HUB. The PSU output working voltage needed to support a module in the HUB should be V±5%. This value is hard-coded. The Agent will Trap the manager when the PSU will 'dive' lower than the chHWPSUVoltLowThr ...
Fault condition indicating that the temperature measured by one of the sensors internal to the box exceeded chHWIntTempThresh.
Internal enclosure temperature threshold value, expressed in degrees Celsius. When exceeded, a trap is sent to the management console.
Maximum internal temperature inside the chassis. It is the maximum of the temperature values detected by different temperature sensors inside the box.
This attribute describes the existence/absence of the fans in a hub.
This attribute contains the value of sysUpTime at the time any of the modules in the hub was enrolled/deenrolled. In addition it will be updated when a module is reset
A table containing the parameters that define the alarm policies.
An entry that contains the definition of an alarm: threshold value, threshold type (rising/falling), sample time interval, sample type (delta or absolute value), and action policy.
The value of this object identifies the alarmPolicy. It is also used in the VariableTable as a pointer from the sampled OID to the alarmPolicy defined on that item. This item uniquely identifies the policy and has a value between 1 and the maximum size of ...
This variable defines the type of variable that this policy monitors. The value of the item is an non-instanciated OID from the following list: - chHWPeakIntTemp. - ethPortFramesReceivedOK. - ethPortRunts. - ethPortPacketErrors. - ethPortCollisions. - eth ...
This value defines whether the policy is a rising alarm or a falling alarm. If the value of this item is rising(1), then the actionPolicy is executed if the value of the sampled variable is larger than the threshold. If the value of this item is falling(2 ...
The threshold value of the alarmPolicy. If the reading of the sampled instance (according to the alarmPolicyType: delta or absolute value) is above or below the value of this item (according to alarmPolicyRisingFalling), the alarmPolicyActionPolicy is car ...
The time interval between two subsequent samples of the data, in seconds. All instances that are assigned to this policy are sampled once every TimeInterval. The value of this item must be a multiple of 10 and smaller than 10,000. The agent will truncate ...
This item defines the type of sample that is compared to the threshold. If the value of this item is delta(1), then the threshold is compared to the difference between every two consecutive samples of the variable. If the value is absoluteValue(2), it is ...
This item defines the action taken by the agent upon detection of a variable larger or smaller than threshold (according to the value of alarmPolicyRisingFalling). If the value is trap(1) a trap is sent to all managers. If the value is trapAndDisconnectPo ...
This item describes the relationship between the policy table and the variable table. It is coded in proprietary coding.
This variable defines the status of the row. The values of this variables are defined and handled, according to the definitions in the IETF draft: Row creation with SNMPv1, from 19 October 1993. The createAndGo value is not supported.
An entry that points to the first available row in the policy table. If no rows are available, the value of the item is 0.
This table contains the instances to be sampled by the agent and a pointer to the relevant policy in the policyTable for each instance.
An entry that contains a single variable and the pointer to the policy by which it is monitored.
This item points to the alarm policy that is executed on the variable defined in this row. There is no limitation on the number of variables that are assigned a given policy. It is possible to create rows in the variable table only if the policy pointed ...
This item defines the first index of the variable to be sampled. The combination of this item with variableInstance2 and with the alarmPolicyParameterOID (pointed to by variablePolicy) defines the instance to be sampled by the agent.
This item is the second index of the variable to be sampled.
This variable defines the status of the row. The values of this variables are defined and handled, according to the definitions in the IETF draft: Row creation with SNMPv1, from 19 October 1993. The createAndGo value is not supported.
The number of entries in the table.
This attribute contains the value of sysUpTime at the last time any of the following changes were made to one of the alarm tables: - a policy's state was changed to or from 'active'; - a variable's state was changed to or from 'active'.
This item is a bitmap that defines the threshold status of the hub, in relation to the alarmPolicyTable. If the hub is monitored by the agent according to policy number x in the alarmPolicyTable, and the threshold condition has occurred, then the bit #x i ...
A list of all LANswitch ports in the hub. 16 bits in the bitmap are allocated for each slot in the hub. The MSB is for port 1 of slot 1, and the LSB is for port 16 of slot 16. For ports which are in the hub the value of the bit is 1, otherwise 0. For XSwi ...
A list of all LANswitch ports in the hub for which the contents of the CAM (list of MAC addresses detected at the LANSwitch Port) are currently available. 16 bits in the bitmap are allocated for each slot in the hub. The MSB is for port 1 of slot 1, and ...
Indicates the number of internal highspeed buses provided by the box.
The function of this variable is to summarize the information concerning the presence of the module and the module type for each slot of the hub. The information is coded as follows: First Octet: number of slots Second Octet: SNMP Type of information: Int ...
Indicats the number of XSwitches provided by the box. Default value for Visage hub is 1. Default value for Meritage hub is 2
This item is a bitmap that defines the threshold status of the highspeed bus, in relation to the alarmPolicyTable. If the bus is monitored by the agent according to policy number x in the alarmPolicyTable, and the threshold condition has occured, then the ...
The function of this variable is to summarize the information concerning the presence of the expansion module and the expansion module type for each slot of the stack. The information is coded as follow: First Octet: number of slots Second Octet: SNMP Ty ...
Table describing all the reset occurrences in a switch, doubly indexed by the group number and the sequential number of the reset event
An entry in the table, containing data on a single reset event that occurred to a single group.
Index which identifies the group or slot number.
Index which identifies the sequential number of a reset event. Index #1 always represents the last recent reset event that occurred. Every new reset event causes a shift in the table entries. When the maximum storage capacity of the switch is reached, the ...
An enumeration which identifies the type of the log file we fetch.
Absolute time in seconds at which the reset occurred. The absolute time is retrieved by the Agent from the net, in a standard format. In the case where the reset occurred before the Agent was already able to retrieve the absolute time, it should indicate ...
Readable text message, which will contain a full description of the reset event and its cause.
Encrypted message saved in the Flash memory, which will contain a full description of the reset event, that is understandable to the Technician only.
This MIB item contains the authorization key for SMON application, and for other applications in the future.
Table of configuration attributes for managed modules. Includes configuration data which are independent of the specific functionality of the module.
An entry in the table, containing data about a single group.
Index which identifies the group inside the chassis for which this entry contains information. Equals the number of the slot by which the group is accessed. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
ASCII string for description and display of the group software version.
ASCII string for description and display of the group kernel version.
Attribute describing the type of the group (module).
Descriptor of the group in ASCII (readable) format, mainly for use with generic management applications.
Number of ports in group. It is assumed that on each group the ports are assigned unique numbers in the range from 1 to genGroupNumberOfPorts. They correspond to the number of ports on the module (FRU)
Number of internal ports (ports connected to the chassis buses) on the module.
Setting the value of this attribute to 'on' is interpreted as a software RESET command. Sensor software is reinitialized and according to the sensor specifications, partial or total reset of the module hardware may be performed.
This attribute reflects the status of the Auto/Manual switch which defines the working mode of sensors. In the MANUAL mode no set operations may be performed on attributes related to the sensor. The sensor works according to configuration switches set by ...
Attribute describing the full configuration of a group in internal application format.
Value on(1) of this attribute defines a redundancy (backup) relationship between synchronous external ports 1 and 2 on a module. Value blocked(3) of this attribute defines that the module is in the redundancy block mode used by IMR based modules.
Value ON of this attribute defines a redundancy (backup) relationship between synchronous external ports 3 and 4 on a module.
Value ON of this attribute defines a redundancy (backup) relationship between synchronous external ports 13 and 14 on a module.
Value ON of this attribute indicates the sensor's operation Stand Alone mode . Internal ports are disabled and the card functions in a local star configuration toward its external ports.
This attribute describes the status of the communication between the microprocessor of the sensor and the microprocessor of the agent on cards with embedded agents.
This attribute describes the communication status of the group with the SNMP Agent as detected and reported by the agent.
This attribute describes the status of the group hardware as detected by the sensors software.
A value 'on' of this attribute informs of a 'voltage supply out-of-range' error condition on sensor equipped with hardware which checks this condition.
Internal temperature of the enclosure as measured by the specific module instance.Value '999' means not supported.
This attribute provides the OID of another group containing additional more specific information regarding this instance.
Defines the Configuration Symbol attached to any hardware module manufactured. One single character A..Z defines the CS version. For older modules which did not support this option on SNMP character '*' will be returned. Meritage modules will use a new f ...
This attribute contains the value of sysUpTime at the time any change pertaining to the specified group occurred.
This attribute is relevant for the cards with redundancy feature (LTR-108F). It defines the behaviour in case of main port failure: on(1) - the data path returns to the main port when its correct functionality is recovered. off(2) - the data path stays wi ...
Defines the Hardware version of the module. Current modules use a single character A - D. Very old modules which do not support this mib will be returned an asterisk '*'
This item describes the physical height of the module in Us (1U=1.75'').
This item describes the physical width of the module in HP units (1HP=0.5 mm).
Group intrusion security mode (not supported or Security Bypass or Secure) assigned to this module. Security Bypass - all ports in this group are not secure. Secure - ports in this group will perform security as defined per port, in the port level. The in ...
This item is a bitmap that defines the threshold status of the module, in relation to the alarmPolicyTable. If the ring is monitored by the agent according to policy number x in the alarmPolicyTable, and the threshold condition has occured, then the bit # ...
Group eavesdropping security mode (not supported or Security Bypass or Secure) assigned to this module. Security Bypass - all ports in this group are not secure. Secure - ports in this group will perform security as defined per port, in the port level. Th ...
ASCII string for description and display of the main CPU software version in modules that utilize more than one management processor.
This attribute defines the status of the main PS inside the stackable hub.
This attribute defines the status of the backup PS externally connected to the module.
This item should help the agent to prepare a large amount of counters. The agent should reset this value to none(1), when it has terminated to prepare the counters. fethGroupCounters(7) - This counters are only supported by RISC agents for LFE1008.
This item contains the last two bytes of the TimeStamp of the last change of each port as follows: Bytes 0 -1: port 1, Bytes 2 -3: port 2, Bytes 4 -5: port 3, and so on. No trap should be sent on the item change.
This item contains the last two bytes of the TimeStamp of the last change of each internal port as follows: Bytes 0 -1: internal port 1, Bytes 2 -3: internal port 2, Bytes 4 -5: internal port 3, and so on. No trap should be sent on the item change.
Each bit of this item describes the situation of the group regarding specific fault. For example: bit 1: on indicates 'module internal communication problem' bit 2 : on indicates 'module hardware problem' and so on. The fault traps will be sent. 1 genGr ...
This attribute defines the slot number of the Agent supporting this group. If there is multiplexor, than the value will be the multiplxor slot number. If there is no multiplexor, the value will be the mudule's slot number. The default value is the module' ...
This attribute defines the management type of the module.
Number of logical ports in group. The logical ports represent the Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) associated with that module/switch. It is assumed that on each group the logical ports are assigned unique numbers in the range from (genGroupNumberOfPorts+1) ...
The number of network interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this module. This will help determined the ifNumber for the entire system
The functional status of the P330 two cascading-up ports: ok(1) - fully functional ports, transmitting and receiving packets. rld(2) - receive link down condition on at least one of the ports. blocked(3) - stacking up problem
The functional status of the P330 two cascading-down ports: ok(1) - fully functional ports, transmitting and receiving packets. rld(2) - receive link down condition on at least one of the ports. blocked(3) - stacking down problem
The port ID. Number through which the STA Root bridge can be reached. If it is one of the P330 backplane port, its port id. will be from 201 to 204, as referring to backplane Guitar ports, numbered from 0 to 3 respectively. This will help the STA to run i ...
This variable is used internally by the P330 Master for sending a contracted instruction code to every Slave agent of the stack. The instruction is coded as follows: 1st Octet: 0 - reset the following port mirroring 1 - set the following port mirroring 2 ...
This MIB item contains the authorization key for SMON application, and for other applications in the future.
This attribute enables the user to clear all the log files attached of a specific module.
ASCII string for description and display of the booter version of the module.
This attribute contains the value of sysUpTime at the time it polled
The burnt-in identifier of the device. This is a unique 7-digits number
String that includes all information of the Show Module CLI Command. TAB String indicates new column, while CR String indicates new line.
Enable /Disable the sending of cascading up fault traps for this module.
Enable /Disable the sending of cascading down fault traps for this module.
This is a mask of the port classification values of all ports of this module. The index of the bits starts from 0, where bit 0 is unused. If the n bit has value of 1 - it means that the n port has valuable port classification. If the value of the n bit is ...
Table of configuration attributes for managed ports. Includes configuration data which are independent of the specific functionality of the port.
An entry in the table, containing data about a single port.
Index which identifies the group inside the chassis for which this entry contains information. Equals the number of the slot by which the group containing the port is accessed. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
Index which identifies the port inside the group for which this entry contains information. It generally corresponds with the number by which the port is identified and is marked on the module. This value is never greater than genGroupNumberOfPorts of the ...
Describes the functionality of the port according to international standards.
Attribute describing the type of port.
Descriptor of the port in ASCII (readable) format, mainly for use with generic management applications.
This attribute defines the status of ports that may be part of a redundancy scheme. notActive(1) - indicates a disabled port which cannot transmit or receive packets even if included in a redundancy scheme. dormant(2) - indicates an enabled port which doe ...
Security policy (noPolicy or Trap Only or Trap and Close) assigned to this port. noPolicy - do not perform intrusion control security mechanism. Trap Only - perform intrusion control security mechanism and trap the console, in case of security violation. ...
This attribute defines the security information (physical addresses) relevant for the entry. Coded in internal format, cryptographic methods may be used for privacy purposes.
The value of this attribute defines the internal port to which the port is connected. A value 0 of this attribute would indicate no internal port connection (stand-alone mode). Any other positive value equals the number of the internal port.
A disabled port neither transmits nor receives. The port must be explicitly enabled to restore operation. For token ring ports, this attribute is read-only.
This attribute provides the OID of another group containing additional more specific information regarding this instance.
This item is a bitmap that defines the threshold status of the port, in relation to the alarmPolicyTable. If the port is monitored by the agent according to policy number x in the alarmPolicyTable, and the threshold condition has occurred, then the bit #x ...
Eavesdropping security mechanism (Off or On) assigned to this port. On - perform Eavesdropping security mechanism in the port. The information is coded in internal format.
Each bit of this item describes the situation of the port regarding specific fault. For example: bit 1: on indicates 'port autopartition fault' bit4 : on indicates 'Ethernet port connection problem' and so on. The fault trap will be sent contains the genP ...
A disabled port neither transmits nor receives. The port must be Explicitly enabled to restore operation.
The functional status of the port: ok(1) - fully functional port, transmitting and receiving packets. rld(2) - receive link down condition on the port - Indicates a cable or connector failure detected by the port H/W. rxJabber(3) - partition(8) - the por ...
This MIB object defines the mapping of the LANNET box port to a MIB-II interface. If the port corresponds to a stack of interfaces - like the case of ATM ports, the interface number of this port shows the lowest interface in the ifStack, the one that typi ...
This item defines the VLAN operation mode of the port: perPortOnly(1) - indicates that all received packets are mapped to the VLAN, defined on the port, and packets are transmitted in untagged format; dot1QTagging(2) - indicates that all received packets ...
This item defines whether or not the Agent is permitted to change a Port Status from Disable to Enable. Permit(1) - The agent is permitted to do so. NotPermit(2) - The agent is not permitted to do so. Default value is: permit(1).
Name of the port in ASCII format, mainly filled by network managers for easily recognize the specific use of a switched port.
Classification assigned to this port. regular - this port is connected to regular stations. Topology changes that may occur on it will not generate the sending of topology change (notification) BPDUs, will not generate a fast aging on the local forwarding ...
VLAN binding mode assigned to this port. static - this port supports only the egress VLAN list as configured manually in its corresponding dot1qVlanStaticEgressPort. This is the default VLAN Binding mode. bindToReceive - this port supports the whole range ...
Table of configuration attributes of internal ports. Internal ports are physical and/or logical entities which transfer information and connect modules to the internal networks (buses).
An entry in the table, containing data about a single port.
Index which identifies the group inside the chassis for which this entry contains information. Equals the number of the slot by which the group containing the internal port is accessed. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
Index which identifies the port inside the group for which this entry contains information. This value is never greater than genGroupNumberOfIntPorts of the group to which the port belongs.
Defines the capability of the internal port to transmit or receive data. A disabled internal port neither transmits or receives. The port must be explicitly enabled to restore operation.
This attribute defines the status of internal ports that may be part of a redundancy scheme. notActive(1) - indicates a disabled port which cannot transmit or receive packets even if included in a redundancy scheme. dormant(2) - indicates an enabled port ...
The value of this attribute defines the shared bus or virtual network to which the internal port is connected. The value '0' indicates that the port is disconnected from the bus. In switch environments (virtual net) 0 and 255 are read only values
The value of this attribute defines the type of the bus to which the internal port is connected.
This attribute provides the OID of another group containing additional more specific information regarding this instance.
This attribute enables monitoring of a specified bus (RMON).
Table of attributes which define software redundancy links defined by means of the chassis SNMP agents.
An entry in the table, containing data about a single software redundancy link.
Index which identifies the software redundancy link which for which the current entry provides information.
Logical name of the software redundancy link
ID of the group to which the main port on the software redundancy link belongs. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
ID of the main port on the software redundancy link.
ID of the group to which the secondary port on the software redundancy link belongs. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
ID of the secondary port on the software redundancy link.
Status of the entry in the softRedundancy Table: valid(1) indicates that row is busy with meaningful values; createRequest(2) will be set by manager when creating a new row; underCreation(3) indicates that agent accepts create command and performs it; inv ...
This attribute is used to allow the user to preserve the information, configured in the SWRedundancy table, although not activating it. The user can disable it when STA is enable in the switch.
Table of attributes which define the unique fast redundancy link defined by means of the chassis SNMP agents.
The unique entry in the table, containing data about the fast redundancy link.
Index which identifies the fast redundancy link for which the current entry provides information. Since only a single entry is supported, it will be always 1.
Logical name of the fast redundancy link. The default value for this item is 'fast'
ID of the group to which the main port on the fast redundancy link belongs. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
ID of the main port on the fast redundancy link.
ID of the group to which the secondary port on the fast redundancy link belongs. This value is never greater than chNumberOfSlots.
ID of the secondary port on the fast redundancy link.
Status of the entry in the fastRedundancy Table: valid(1) indicates that the row is set with meaningful values; createRequest(2) will be set by Console when creating the row; underCreation(3) indicates that agent accepts create command and performs it; in ...

MIBs list