DHS3224-MIB Download
The Structure of Layer 2 Network Management Information for the
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Firewalls, Repeaters.
OID list for DHS3224-MIB
- swDevInfoSystemUpTime
- The value of sysUpTime at the time the switch entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization, then this object contains a zero value. This value is in units of seconds.
- swDevInfoTotalNumOfPort
- The number of ports within this switch. This value is the sum of the ports within this switch.
- swDevInfoNumOfPortInUse
- The number of ports in this switch connected to the segment or the end stations.
- swDevInfoConsoleInUse
- This usage indication of console system.
- swDevInfoFrontPanelLedStatus
- This object is a set of system LED indications. The first two octets is defined as system LED . The first LED is power LED . The second LED is console LED . . The other octets following the first two octets are the logical port LED (following dot1dBasePor ...
- swL2DevCtrlStpState
- This object can be enabled or disabled spanning tree algorithm during runtime of the system.
- swL2DevCtrlBcastStormCtrl
- This object indicates broadcast storm control function is enabled or disabled.
- swL2DevCtrlMcastStormCtrl
- This object indicates multicast storm control function is enabled or disabled.
- swL2DevCtrlProtoCapability
- This object control which protocol capability will be enable (or disable) when the switch hub restart at the startup (power on) or warm start . To change the value will immediately restart the device .
- swL2DevCtrlSaveCfg
- As the object is set to active, the current device configuration is save into to NV-RAM.If set to normal, do nothing.
- swL2DevCtrlCleanAllStatisticCounter
- As the object is set to active, all the statistic counters will be cleared. If set to normal, do nothing.
- swL2DevCtrlIGMPSnooping
- This object indicates layer 2 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) capture function is enabled or disabled .
- swL2DevAlarmNewRoot
- When the device has become the new root of the Spanning Tree, this object decide whether to send a new root trap.
- swL2DevAlarmTopologyChange
- This object determine to send a trap or not when the switch topology was changed. If the object is enabled(3), the topologyChange trap is sent by the device when any of its configured ports transitions from the Learning state to the Forwarding state, or f ...
- swL2UnitInfoTable
- A table that contains information about every unit.
- swL2UnitInfoEntry
- A list of information for each unit of the device.
- swL2UnitInfoUnitIndex
- This object indicates the unit number .(1..Max unit number)
- swL2UnitInfoFanStatus
- This object indicates the status of the Fan. good(1) - The is fan working . fail(2) - The is fan failed.
- swL2PortInfoTable
- A table that contains information about every port.
- swL2PortInfoEntry
- A list of information for each port of the device.
- swL2PortInfoUnitIndex
- Indicates ID of the unit in the device
- swL2PortInfoModuleIndex
- Indicates ID of the module on the unit .(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2PortInfoPortIndex
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2PortInfoType
- This object indicates the connector type of this port.
- swL2PortInfoDescr
- Provides port type information in displayed string format
- swL2PortInfoLinkStatus
- This object indicates the port link status.
- swL2PortInfoVDSLStatus
- This object indicates the VDSL port current speed
- swL2PortInfoEtherStatus
- This object indicates the Ethernet port current speed .
- swL2PortInfoNwayStatus
- -- "This object indicates the port speed and duplex mode. A table that contains VDSL information about every port.
- swL2PortVDSLInfoEntry
- A list of VDSL information for each port of the device.
- swL2PortVDSLInfoUnitIndex
- Indicates ID of the unit in the device
- swL2PortVDSLInfoModuleIndex
- Indicates ID of the module on the unit .(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2PortVDSLInfoPortIndex
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2PortVDSLInfoUsTxPowerStatus
- VDSL port current US TX power display in string format The range of TX power is -55.00 ~ -90.00 dBm/Hz
- swL2PortVDSLInfoDsTxPowerStatus
- VDSL port current DS TX power display in string format The range of TX power is -55.00 ~ -90.00 dBm/Hz
- swL2PortVDSLInfoUsSnrStatus
- VDSL port current US SNR display in string format
- swL2PortVDSLInfoDsSnrStatus
- VDSL port current DS SNR display in string format
- swL2PortCtrlTable
- A table that contains control information about every port.
- swL2PortCtrlEntry
- A list of control information for each port of the device.
- swL2PortCtrlUnitIndex
- Indicates ID of the unit in the device
- swL2PortCtrlModuleIndex
- Indicates ID of the module on the unit.(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2PortCtrlPortIndex
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2PortCtrlAdminState
- This object decide the port enabled or disabled.
- swL2PortCtrlNwayState
- Chose the N-Way function mode.
- swL2PortCtrlFlowCtrlState
- Set IEEE 802.3x compliant flow control function as enabled or disabled. And IEEE 802.3x compliant flow control function work only when the port is in full duplex mode.
- swL2PortCtrlBackPressState
- Depending on this object determine to enable or disable the backpressure function when the port is working in half duplex mode.
- swL2PortCtrlVDSLPowerConfig
- Provides port VDSL DS TX power configuration in displayed string format The range of TX power is -55.00 ~ -90.00 dBm/Hz
- swL2PortStTable
- A list of port statistic Counter entries.
- swL2PortStEntry
- This entry include all the port statistic Counter which support by the device, like Bytes received, Bytes Sent ...
- swL2PortStUnitIndex
- This object indicates ID of the unit in the device
- swL2PortStModuleIndex
- This object indicates ID of the module on the unit.(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2PortStPortlndex
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2PortStRxBytes
- This counter is incremented once for every data octet of good packets received .
- swL2PortStRxPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received good packet .
- swL2PortStRxCRCErrorPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which has invalid CRC .
- swL2PortStRxBcastPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which has broadcast destination MAC address (0xFFFFFFFFFFFF).
- swL2PortStRxUndersizePkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which meets any one the following conditions: 1.Receive byte count < 64 bytes and not CRC error . 2.Receive byte count < 68 bytes and tag packet and not CRC error .
- swL2PortStRxOversizePkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which meets any one the following conditions: 1.Receive byte count >1518 . 2.Receive byte count > 1522 and tag packet .
- swL2PortStRxFragmentsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which meets any one the following conditions: 1.Receive byte count < 64 bytes and CRC error . 2.Receive byte count < 68 bytes and tag packet and CRC error .
- swL2PortStRxJabbersPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which meets any one the following conditions: 1.Receive byte count > 1518 and CRC error . 2.Receive byte count > 1522 bytes and tag packet and CRC error .
- swL2PortStRx64OctsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet with size of 64 bytes .
- swL2PortStRx65To127OctsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet with size of 65 to 127 bytes .
- swL2PortStRx128To255OctsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet with size of 128 to 255 bytes .
- swL2PortStRx256To511OctsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet with size of 256 to 511 bytes .
- swL2PortStRx512To1023OctsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet with size of 512 to 1023 bytes .
- swL2PortStRx1024To1518OctsPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet with size of 1024 to 1536 bytes .
- swL2PortStTxBytes
- This counter is incremented once for every data octet of a trans- mitted good packet .
- swL2PortStTxExDeferPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every transmitted packet which excessive defer .
- swL2PortStTxExCollPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every transmitted packet which has transmit excessive collision .
- swL2PortStTxSingleCollPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every transmitted packet which has transmit collision count = 1 .
- swL2PortStTxCollPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every transmitted packet which has transmit collision .
- swL2PortStRxDropPkts
- This counter is incremented once for every received packet which has dropped for any reason .
- swL2PortStHCRxPkts
- This high capability (64 bit) counter is incremented once for every received good packet.
- swL2PortStHCTxBytes
- This high capability (64 bit) counter is incremented once for every data octet of a transmitted good packet .
- swL2PortStHCTxPkts
- This high capability (64 bit) counter is incremented once for every transmitted good packet.
- swL2PortLBtestTable
- A list of port Loop back test entries.
- swL2PortLBtestEntry
- This entry include the configuatoin/status of port local loop back and line loop back test .
- swL2PortLBtestUnitIndex
- Indicates ID of the unit in the device
- swL2PortLBtestModuleIndex
- Indicates ID of the module on the unit.(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2PortLBtestPortIndex
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2PortLBtestLocalLBCtrlState
- This object trigger the loop back test .
- swL2PortLBtestLocalLBCount
- This object decide how many times of the local loop back test to proceed .
- swL2PortLBtestLocalLBStatus
- This status of local loop back test.
- swL2PortLBtestLineLBCtrlState
- This object trigger the line loop back test .
- swL2PortLBtestLineLBCount
- This object decide how many times of the line loop back test to proceed .
- swL2PortLBtestLineLBStatus
- This status of line loop back test.
- swL2PortSecurityTable
- A list of port lock entries.
- swL2PortSecurityEntry
- This entry include all the port lock infomation INDEX { swL2PortSecurityUnitIndex,swL2PortSecurityModuleIndex,swL2PortSecurityPortIndex } ::= { swL2PortSecurityTable 1 } SwL2PortSecurityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { swL2PortSecurityUnitIndex INTEGER, swL2PortSecu ...
- swL2PortSecurityModuleIndex
- Indicates ID of the module on the unit.(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2PortSecurityPortIndex
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2PortSecurityLockCtrlState
- This object set the port Lock enable or disable .
- swL2PortSecurityNumOfMac
- This object set the number of MAC of this port lock entry .
- swL2IGMPMaxSupportedVlans
- Maximum number of Vlans in the layer 2 IGMP control table (swL2IGMPCtrlTable) .
- swL2IGMPMaxIpGroupNumPerVlan
- Maximum number of multicast ip group per Vlan in the layer 2 IGMP information table (swL2IGMPQueryInfoTable) .
- swL2IGMPCtrlTable
- The table controls the Vlan's IGMP function. Its scale depends on current VLAN state (swL2VlanInfoStatus). If VLAN is disabled mode, there is only one entry in the table, with index 1. If VLAN is in Port-Base or 802.1q mode, the number of entries can be u ...
- swL2IGMPCtrlEntry
- The entry in IGMP control table (swL2IGMPCtrlTable). The entry is effective only when IGMP capture switch (swL2DevCtrlIGMPSnooping) is enabled.
- swL2IGMPCtrlVid
- This object indicates the IGMP control entry's VLAN id. If VLAN is disabled , the Vid is always 0 and cannot be changed by management users. If VLAN is in Port-Base mode, the Vid is arranged from 1 to 12 , fixed form. If VLAN is in 802.1q mode, the Vid se ...
- swL2IGMPQuerierVersion
- The version of IGMP querier. 0 indicate Non querier
- swL2IGMPQueryInterval
- The timer value for sending IGMP query packet when none was sent by the multicast router in the LAN. The timer works in per-VLAN basis. Our device will be activated to send the query message if the timer is expired. Please reference RFC2236-1997. And it r ...
- swIGMPRobustness
- The Robustness Variable allows tuning for the expected packet loss on a subnet. If a subnet is expected to be lossy, the Robustness Variable may be increased. IGMP is robust to (Robustness Variable-1) packet losses.
- swIGMPMaxResponseTime
- The maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2 queries on this interface.
- swL2IGMPCtrState
- This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so are different from each of the following values. disable(2) - IGMP funtion is disabled for this entry. enable(3) - ...
- swL2IGMPQueryInfoTable
- The table contains the number current IGMP query packets which is captured by this device, as well as the IGMP query packets sent by the device.
- swL2IGMPQueryInfoEntry
- Information about current IGMP query information, provided that swL2DevCtrlIGMPSnooping and swL2IGMPCtrState of associated VLAN entry are all enabled.
- swL2IGMPInfoVid
- This object indicates the Vid of associated IGMP info table entry. It follows swL2IGMPCtrlVid in the associated entry of IGMP control table (swL2IGMPCtrlTable).
- swL2IGMPInfoQueryCount
- This object indicates the number of query packets received since the IGMP function enabled, in per-VLAN basis.
- swL2IGMPInfoTxQueryCount
- This object indicates the send count of IGMP query messages, in per-VLAN basis. In case of IGMP timer expiration, the switch sends IGMP query packets to related VLAN member ports and increment this object by 1.
- swL2IGMPInfoTable
- The table containing current IGMP information which captured by this device, provided that swL2DevCtrlIGMPSnooping and swL2IGMPCtrlState of associated VLAN entry are all enabled. Note that the priority of IGMP table entries is lower than Filtering Table, ...
- swL2IGMPInfoEntry
- Information about current IGMP information which captured by this device , provided that swL2DevCtrlIGMPSnooping and swL2IGMPCtrlState of associated VLAN entry are all enabled.
- swL2IGMPVid
- This object indicates the Vid of individual IGMP table entry. It shows the Vid of IGMP report information captured on network.
- swL2IGMPGroupIpAddr
- This object is identify group ip address which is captured from IGMP packet, in per-Vlan basis.
- swL2IGMPMacAddr
- This object is identify mac address which is corresponding to swL2IGMPGroupIpAddr, in per-Vlan basis..
- swL2IGMPPortMap
- This object indicates which ports are belong to the same multicast group, in per-Vlan basis. Each multicast group has a octect string to indicate with port map. The most significant bit represents the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit re ...
- swL2IGMPIpGroupReportCount
- This object indicate how much report packet was receive by our device corresponding with this entry from IGMP function enabled, in per-Vlan basis. .
- swL2UcastFdbMaxSupportedEntries
- Maximum number of entries in the Unicast MAC address forwarding table .
- swL2UcastFdbCurrentTotalEntries
- Current applied number of entries in the MAC address forwarding table .
- swL2UcastFdbCtrlTable
- This table defines for frames with specific unicast destination MAC address, the port that the frame will be forwarded to . Note that the priority of FDB table entries is lower than Filtering Table , i.e. if there is a table hash collision between the ent ...
- swL2UcastFdbCtrlEntry
- A list of information about a specific unicast MAC address for which the switch has filtering information .
- swL2UcastFdbVid
- This object indicates the VLAN-ID.
- swL2UcastFdbMacIndex
- This object indicates a unicast MAC address for which the switch has forwarding information .
- swL2UcastFdbUnit
- Indicates ID of the unit in the device
- swL2UcastFdbModule
- Indicates ID of the module on the unit.(1..Max module number in the unit)
- swL2UcastFdbPort
- This object indicates the module's port number.(1..Max port number in the module)
- swL2UcastFdbStatus
- This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so differ from the following values. invalid(2) - writing this value to the object removes the corresponding entry. per ...
- swL2FilterAddrMaxSupportedEntries
- Maximum number of entries in the MAC address filtering table (swL2FilterAddrCtrlTable) .
- swL2FilterAddrCurrentTotalEntries
- Current applied number of entries in the MAC address filtering table .
- swL2FilterAddrCtrlTable
- This table defines information for the device to filter packets with specific MAC address (either as the DA and/or as the SA) . The MAC address can be a unicast address or a multicast address .This table has higher priority than both static FDB table and ...
- swL2FilterAddrCtrlEntry
- A list of information about a specific unicast/multicast MAC address for which the switch has filtering information .
- swL2FilterAddrVid
- This object indicates the VLAN-ID. If VLAN is in disabled mode, the object indicates the default VLAN-ID (0) .
- swL2FilterAddrMacIndex
- This object indicates a unicast/multicast MAC address for which the switch has filtering information . But if the swL2FilterAddrState = src-addr then the object can not be a multicast MAC address .
- swL2FilterAddrState
- This object indicates the status of this entry. other(1) - this entry is currently in use but the conditions under which it will remain so are different from each of the following values . dst-addr(2) - recieved frames's destination address are currently ...
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