


MIBs list


The minimum expExpressionDeltaInterval this system will accept. A system may use the larger values of this minimum to lessen the impact of constantly computing deltas. For larger delta sampling intervals the system samples less often and suffers less ov ...
For every instance of a deltaValue object, one dynamic instance entry is needed for holding the instance value from the previous sample, i.e. to maintain state. This object limits maximum number of dynamic instance entries this system will support for wil ...
The number of currently active instance entries as defined for expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum.
The highest value of expResourceDeltaWildcardInstances that has occurred since initialization of the managed system.
The number of times this system could not evaluate an expression because that would have created a value instance in excess of expResourceDeltaWildcardInstanceMaximum.
A table of expression definitions.
Information about a single expression. New expressions can be created using expExpressionRowStatus. To create an expression first create the named entry in this table. Then use expExpressionName to populate expObjectTable. For expression evaluation to s ...
The owner of this entry. The exact semantics of this string are subject to the security policy defined by the security administrator.
The name of the expression. This is locally unique, within the scope of an expExpressionOwner.
The expression to be evaluated. This object is the same as a DisplayString (RFC 1903) except for its maximum length. Except for the variable names the expression is in ANSI C syntax. Only the subset of ANSI C operators and functions listed here is allow ...
The type of the expression value. One and only one of the value objects in expValueTable will be instantiated to match this type. If the result of the expression can not be made into this type, an invalidOperandType error will occur.
A comment to explain the use or meaning of the expression.
Sampling interval for objects in this expression with expObjectSampleType 'deltaValue'. This object has no effect if the the expression has no deltaValue objects. A value of 0 indicates no automated sampling. In this case the delta is the difference from ...
An object prefix to assist an application in determining the instance indexing to use in expValueTable, relieving the application of the need to scan the expObjectTable to determine such a prefix. See expObjectTable for information on wildcarded objects. ...
The number of errors encountered while evaluating this expression. Note that an object in the expression not being accessible, is not considered an error. An example of an inaccessible object is when the object is excluded from the view of the user whose ...
The control that allows creation and deletion of entries.
A table of expression errors.
Information about errors in processing an expression. Entries appear in this table only when there is a matching expExpressionEntry and then only when there has been an error for that expression as reflected by the error codes defined for expErrorCode.
The value of sysUpTime the last time an error caused a failure to evaluate this expression.
The one-dimensioned character array index into expExpression for where the error occurred. The value zero indicates irrelevance.
The error that occurred. In the following explanations the expected timing of the error is in parentheses. 'S' means the error occurs on a Set request. 'E' means the error occurs on the attempt to evaluate the expression either due to Get from expValue ...
The expValueInstance being evaluated when the error occurred. A zero-length indicates irrelevance.
A table of object definitions for each expExpression. Wildcarding instance IDs: It is legal to omit all or part of the instance portion for some or all of the objects in an expression. (See the DESCRIPTION of expObjectID for details. However, note that i ...
Information about an object. An application uses expObjectEntryStatus to create entries in this table while in the process of defining an expression. Values of read-create objects in this table may be changed at any time.
Within an expression, a unique, numeric identification for an object. Prefixed with a dollar sign ('$') this is used to reference the object in the corresponding expExpression.
The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of this object. The OID may be fully qualified, meaning it includes a complete instance identifier part (e.g., ifInOctets.1 or sysUpTime.0), or it may not be fully qualified, meaning it may lack all or part of the instance ide ...
A true value indicates the expObjecID of this row is a wildcard object. False indicates that expObjectID is fully instanced. If all expObjectWildcard values for a given expression are FALSE, expExpressionPrefix will reflect a scalar object (i.e. will be 0 ...
The method of sampling the selected variable. An 'absoluteValue' is simply the present value of the object. A 'deltaValue' is the present value minus the previous value, which was sampled expExpressionDeltaInterval seconds ago. This is intended primarily ...
The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of a TimeTicks, TimeStamp, or DateAndTime object that indicates a discontinuity in the value at expObjectID. This object is instantiated only if expObjectSampleType is 'deltaValue' or 'changedValue'. The OID may be for a leaf o ...
A true value indicates the expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID of this row is a wildcard object. False indicates that expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID is fully instanced. This object is instantiated only if expObjectSampleType is 'deltaValue' or 'changedValue'. N ...
The value 'timeTicks' indicates the expObjectDeltaDiscontinuityID of this row is of syntax TimeTicks. The value 'timeStamp' indicates syntax TimeStamp. The value 'dateAndTime indicates syntax DateAndTime. This object is instantiated only if expObjectSam ...
The OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) of an object that overrides whether the instance of expObjectID is to be considered usable. If the value of the object at expObjectConditional is 0 or not instantiated, the object at expObjectID is treated as if it is not inst ...
A true value indicates the expObjectConditional of this row is a wildcard object. False indicates that expObjectConditional is fully instanced. NOTE: The simplest implementations of this MIB may not allow wildcards.
The control that allows creation/deletion of entries. Objects in this table may be changed while expObjectEntryStatus is in any state.
A table of values from evaluated expressions.
A single value from an evaluated expression. For a given instance, only one 'Val' object in the conceptual row will be instantiated, that is, the one with the appropriate type for the value. For values that contain no objects of expObjectSampleType 'del ...
The final instance portion of a value's OID according to the wildcarding in instances of expObjectID for the expression. The prefix of this OID fragment is 0.0, leading to the following behavior. If there is no wildcarding, the value is 0.0.0. In other ...
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'counter32'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'unsigned32'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'timeTicks'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'integer32'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'ipAddress'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'octetString'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'objectId'.
The value when expExpressionValueType is 'counter64'.
Expression definition resource management.
Expression definition.
Expression value.

MIBs list