Expression Object Sample Type
The method of sampling the selected variable. An 'absoluteValue' is simply the present value of the object. A 'deltaValue' is the present value minus the previous value, which was sampled expExpressionDeltaInterval seconds ago. This is intended primarily for use with SNMP counters, which are meaningless as an 'absoluteValue', but may be used with any integer-based value. A 'changedValue' is a boolean for whether the present value is different from the previous value. It is applicable to any data type and results in an Unsigned32 with value 1 if the object's value is changed and 0 if not. In all other respects it is as a 'deltaValue' and all statements and operation regarding delta values apply to changed values. When an expression contains both delta and absolute values the absolute values are obtained at the end of the delta period.