MIBs list

This MIB module defines a set of objects that allow to delegate management scripts to distributed managers.


This table lists supported script languages.
An entry describing a particular language.
The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated with this language entry. The value is expected to remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization. Note that the data type ...
The globally unique identification of the language.
The version number of the language. The zero-length string shall be used if the language does not have a version number. It is suggested that the version number consist of one or more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first number is called the ...
An object identifier which identifies the vendor who provides the implementation of the language. This object identifier SHALL point to the object identifier directly below the enterprise object identifier {1 3 6 1 4 1} allocated for the vendor. The value ...
The version number of the language implementation. The value of this object must be an empty string if version number of the implementation is unknown. It is suggested that the value consist of one or more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the firs ...
A textual description of the language.
This table lists supported language extensions.
An entry describing a particular language extension.
The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated with this language extension entry. The value is expected to remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
The globally unique identification of the language extension.
The version number of the language extension. It is suggested that the version number consist of one or more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first number is called the major version number.
An object identifier which identifies the vendor who provides the implementation of the extension. The object identifier value should point to the OID node directly below the enterprise OID {1 3 6 1 4 1} allocated for the vendor. The value must by the obj ...
The version number of the extension implementation. The value of this object must be an empty string if version number of the implementation is unknown. It is suggested that the value consist of one or more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the fir ...
A textual description of the language extension.
This table lists and describes locally known scripts.
An entry describing a particular script. Every script that is stored in non-volatile memory is required to appear in this script table.
The manager who owns this row in the smScriptTable.
The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this script. This object allows an smScriptOwner to have multiple entries in the smScriptTable. This value of this object may be used to derive the name (e.g. a file name) which is used by the Script ...
A description of the purpose of the script.
The value of this object type identifies an entry in the smLangTable which is used to execute this script. The special value 0 may be used by hard-wired scripts that can not be modified and that are executed by internal functions. Set requests to change t ...
This object either contains a reference to the script source or an empty string. A reference must be given in the form of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) as defined in RFC 2396. The allowed character sets and the encoding rules defined in RFC 2396 sectio ...
The value of this object indicates the desired status of the script. See the definition of smScriptOperStatus for a description of the values. When the smScriptAdminStatus object is set to `enabled' and the smScriptOperStatus is `disabled' or one of the e ...
The actual status of the script in the runtime system. The value of this object is only meaningful when the value of the smScriptRowStatus object is `active'. The smScriptOperStatus object may have the following values: - `enabled' indicates that the scri ...
This object defines whether this row and the script controlled by this row are kept in volatile storage and lost upon reboot or if this row is backed up by non-volatile or permanent storage. The storage type of this row always complies with the value of t ...
A control that allows entries to be added and removed from this table. Changing the smScriptRowStatus from `active' to `notInService' will remove the associated script from the runtime system. Deleting conceptual rows from this table may affect the deleti ...
This object contains a descriptive error message if the transition into the operational status `enabled' failed. Implementations must reset the error message to a zero-length string when a new attempt to change the script status to `enabled' is started.
The date and time when this script table entry was last modified. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script table entry has not yet been modified. Note that the resetting of smScriptError is not considered a change of the script table entry.
This table contains the script code for scripts that are written via SNMP write operations.
An entry describing a particular fragment of a script.
The index value identifying this code fragment.
The code that makes up a fragment of a script. The format of this code fragment depends on the script language which is identified by the associated smScriptLanguage object.
A control that allows entries to be added and removed from this table. The value of this object has no effect on whether other objects in this conceptual row can be modified.
This table lists and describes scripts that are ready to be executed together with their parameters.
An entry describing a particular executable script.
The manager who owns this row in the smLaunchTable. Every instance of a running script started from a particular entry in the smLaunchTable (i.e. entries in the smRunTable) will be owned by the same smLaunchOwner used to index the entry in the smLaunchTab ...
The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this launch table entry. This object allows an smLaunchOwner to have multiple entries in the smLaunchTable. The smLaunchName is an arbitrary name that must be different from any other smLaunchTable en ...
The value of this object in combination with the value of smLaunchScriptName identifies the script that can be launched from this smLaunchTable entry. Attempts to write this object will fail with an inconsistentValue error if the value of smLaunchOperStat ...
The value of this object in combination with the value of the smLaunchScriptOwner identifies the script that can be launched from this smLaunchTable entry. The zero-length string may be used to point to a non-existing script. Attempts to write this object ...
The argument supplied to the script. When a script is invoked, the value of this object is used to initialize the smRunArgument object.
The maximum number of concurrently running scripts that may be invoked from this entry in the smLaunchTable. Lowering the current value of this object does not affect any scripts that are already executing.
The maximum number of finished scripts invoked from this entry in the smLaunchTable allowed to be retained in the smRunTable. Whenever the value of this object is changed and whenever a script terminates, entries in the smRunTable are deleted if necessary ...
The default maximum amount of time a script launched from this entry may run. The value of this object is used to initialize the smRunLifeTime object when a script is launched. Changing the value of an smLaunchLifeTime instance does not affect scripts pre ...
The default maximum amount of time information about a script launched from this entry is kept in the smRunTable after the script has completed execution. The value of this object is used to initialize the smRunExpireTime object when a script is launched ...
This object is used to start the execution of scripts. When retrieved, the value will be the value of smRunIndex for the last script that started execution by manipulating this object. The value will be zero if no script started execution yet. A script is ...
This object is used to request a state change for all running scripts in the smRunTable that were started from this row in the smLaunchTable. Setting this object to abort(1), suspend(2) or resume(3) will set the smRunControl object of all applicable rows ...
The value of this object indicates the desired status of this launch table entry. The values enabled(1) and autostart(3) both indicate that the launch table entry should transition into the operational enabled(1) state as soon as the associated script tab ...
The value of this object indicates the actual status of this launch table entry. The smLaunchOperStatus object may have the following values: - `enabled' indicates that the launch table entry is available and can be used to start scripts. - `disabled' in ...
This variable is used for creating rows in the smRunTable. The value of this variable is a currently unused value for smRunIndex, which can be written into the smLaunchStart object associated with this row to launch a script. The value returned when readi ...
This object defines if this row is kept in volatile storage and lost upon reboot or if this row is backed up by stable storage. The value of smLaunchStorageType is only meaningful if the value of the corresponding RowStatus object is active. If smLaunchSt ...
A control that allows entries to be added and removed from this table. Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService' while the smLaunchOperStatus is `enabled' will result in an inconsistentValue error. Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a ...
This object contains a descriptive error message if an attempt to launch a script fails. Implementations must reset the error message to a zero-length string when a new attempt to launch a script is started.
The date and time when this launch table entry was last modified. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the launch table entry has not yet been modified. Note that a change of smLaunchStart, smLaunchControl, smLaunchRunIndexNext, smLaunchRowExpireT ...
The value of this object specifies how long this row remains in the `enabled' or `disabled' operational state. The value reported by this object ticks backwards. When the value reaches 0, it stops ticking backward and the row is deleted if there are no sm ...
This table lists and describes scripts that are currently running or have been running in the past.
An entry describing a particular running or finished script.
The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated with this running or finished script. This value must be unique for all rows in the smRunTable with the same smLaunchOwner and smLaunchName. Note that the data type and the range of this object must ...
The argument supplied to the script when it started.
The date and time when the execution started. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not started yet.
The date and time when the execution terminated. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not terminated yet.
This object specifies how long the script can execute. This object returns the remaining time that the script may run. The object is initialized with the value of the associated smLaunchLifeTime object and ticks backwards. The script is aborted immediatel ...
The value of this object specifies how long this row can exist in the smRunTable after the script has terminated. This object returns the remaining time that the row may exist before it is aged out. The object is initialized with the value of the associat ...
The value of this object indicates the reason why a script finished execution. The smRunExitCode code may have one of the following values: - `noError', which indicates that the script completed successfully without errors; - `halted', which indicates tha ...
The result value produced by the running script. Note that the result may change while the script is executing.
The value of this object indicates the desired status of the script execution defined by this row. Setting this object to `abort' will abort execution if the value of smRunState is `initializing', `executing', `suspending', `suspended' or `resuming'. Sett ...
The value of this object indicates the script's execution state. If the script has been invoked but has not yet begun execution, the value will be `initializing'. If the script is running, the value will be `executing'. A running script which received a r ...
This object contains a descriptive error message if the script startup or execution raised an abnormal condition. An implementation must store a descriptive error message in this object if the script exits with the smRunExitCode `genericError'.
The date and time when the smRunResult was last updated. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunResult has not yet been updated after the creation of this smRunTable entry.
The date and time when the smRunError was last updated. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunError has not yet been updated after the creation of this smRunTable entry.
A collection of objects providing information about the capabilities of the scripting engine.
A collection of objects providing information about installed scripts.
A collection of objects used to download or modify scripts by using SNMP set requests.
A collection of objects providing information about scripts that can be launched.
A collection of objects providing information about running scripts.
A collection of objects providing information about installed scripts.
A collection of objects providing information about scripts that can be launched.
A collection of objects providing information about running scripts.

MIBs list