sm Run Exit Code
The value of this object indicates the reason why a script finished execution. The smRunExitCode code may have one of the following values: - `noError', which indicates that the script completed successfully without errors; - `halted', which indicates that the script was halted by a request from an authorized manager; - `lifeTimeExceeded', which indicates that the script exited because a time limit was exceeded; - `noResourcesLeft', which indicates that the script exited because it ran out of resources (e.g. memory); - `languageError', which indicates that the script exited because of a language error (e.g. a syntax error in an interpreted language); - `runtimeError', which indicates that the script exited due to a runtime error (e.g. a division by zero); - `invalidArgument', which indicates that the script could not be run because of invalid script arguments; - `securityViolation', which indicates that the script exited due to a security violation; - `genericError', which indicates that the script exited for an unspecified reason. If the script has not yet begun running, or is currently running, the value will be `noError'.