


MIBs list

With the IPHost SNMP tool, you can monitor any SNMP objects of the XEROX-HOST-RESOURCES-EXT-MIB . You can select a variable to monitor using the built-in IPHost MIB browser that provides you with all variables, their current values and descriptions taken from the XEROX-HOST-RESOURCES-EXT-MIB .


A table of general counters and information for ease of use of the XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB and the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) on this host system. Usage: The ONLY valid row in the 'xcmHrGeneralTable' shall ALWAYS have an 'xcmHrGeneralI ...
An entry of general counters and information for ease of use of the XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB and the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) on this host system. Usage: The ONLY valid row in the 'xcmHrGeneralTable' shall ALWAYS have an 'xcmHrGeneral ...
A unique value used by this host system to identify this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrGeneralTable'. Usage: The ONLY valid row in the 'xcmHrGeneralTable' shall ALWAYS have an 'xcmHrGeneralIndex' of one ('1').
This object is used to display status of the ONLY valid conceptual row in the 'xcmHrGeneralTable'. Usage: 'xcmHrGeneralRowStatus' is 'read-only' because the ONLY valid conceptual row shall NOT be deleted.
The software product ID of the SNMP sub-agent which implements the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) and XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB on this host system. Usage: This object shall specify the software product ID of an SNMP sub-agent (possibly also ...
The software build date of the SNMP sub-agent which implements the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) and XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB on this host system. Usage: This object shall specify the BUILD date of the SNMP sub-agent software (not availabl ...
The terse conformance statement of ALL mandatory, conditionally mandatory, and optional IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) and XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB objects which are supported by this management agent implementation (ie, version) on this hos ...
The last entry index (regardless of its current state) in the 'hrStorageTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB, on this host system. Usage: The last entry index explicitly bounds the valid range of 'hrStorageIndex'.
The last entry index (regardless of its current state) in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB, on this host system. Usage: The last entry index explicitly bounds the valid range of 'hrDeviceIndex'.
The last entry index (regardless of its current state) in the 'hrFSTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB, on this host system. Usage: The last entry index explicitly bounds the valid range of 'hrFSIndex'.
The last entry index (regardless of its current state) in the 'hrSWRunTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB, on this host system. Usage: The last entry index explicitly bounds the valid range of 'hrSWRunIndex'.
The last entry index (regardless of its current state) in the 'hrSWInstalledTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB, on this host system. Usage: The last entry index explicitly bounds the valid range of 'hrSWInstalledIndex'.
The last entry index (regardless of its current state) in the 'xcmHrSystemFaultTable' of this XCMI Host Resources Ext MIB, on this host system. Usage: The last entry index explicitly bounds the valid range of 'xcmHrSystemFaultIndex'.
The terse conformance statement of ALL mandatory, conditionally mandatory, and optional IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) and XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB objects which are supported for dynamic row creation (via '...RowStatus') by this management ...
The terse conformance statement of ALL mandatory, conditionally mandatory, and optional IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514) and XCMI Host Resources Extensions MIB objects which are supported for existing row update (via SNMP Set-Request PDUs) by this manag ...
A 'sparse' table containing device info objects for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514). Usage: Although this group is Mandatory in thi ...
A 'sparse' entry containing device info objects for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevInfoTable' and ALSO manages the row status of the associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
Human-readable device name, used by system administrators and end users to identify this device for systems management. Usage: This device name shall be the one normally used in a CLI/GUI/API for control of this device (eg, 'LPT1:').
Human-readable serial number, used by system administrators and end users to identify this device for systems management.
An extended device type (or device 'realization'), used by system administrators and end users of this device.
An extended device status, used by system administrators and end users of this device (here, read 'state' for 'status'). Usage: Conforming implementations shall NOT 'bubble up' status from 'physical' devices to associated 'logical' devices. All devices ...
A relatively generic description of the current 'conditions' of this device. Usage: It is desirable that the implementor report 'conditions' of all devices corresponding to conceptual rows in the 'hrDeviceTable' as accurately as feasible. 'Conditions' o ...
A device specific description of the extended 'conditions' of this device. Usage: For FUTURE expansion. Usage: Exactly one bit mask of extended device conditions shall be defined for each basic device type (eg, 'hrDevicePrinter'). These device specific ...
The date of the most recent install or upgrade of the device represented by this conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable'.
The date of the most recent auto or managed reset of the device represented by this conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable'.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to: a) the next associated row in the 'hrDeviceTable'; or b) zero if this is the last associated conceptual row in a given set; or c) zero if this conceptual row is NOT part of a set.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to: a) the previous associated row in the 'hrDeviceTable'; or b) zero if this is the first associated conceptual row in a given set; or c) zero if this conceptual row is NOT part of a set.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the directly associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing: a) the first underlying 'physical' device (if any), if this row has 'xcmHrDevInfoRealization' of 'logical'; or b) the first subordina ...
The value of the enterprise-specific OID in an SNMPv1 trap sent whenever a device status variable changes. See SNMPv2 trap definition 'xcmHrDevInfoV2Event' below for 'special semantics'.
A 'sparse' table containing device help objects for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing device help objects for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevHelpTable'.
Human-readable operator message, used by system operators and system administrators to display an operator message for end users of this device. For example, 'Out to lunch - back at 1pm'.
Human-readable problem message, used by system operators and system administrators to display a problem message for end users of this device. For example, 'Toner low - only small jobs accepted'.
The value of 'xcmCommsAddressIndex' corresponding to the first associated conceptual row in the 'xcmCommsAddressTable', or zero if this 'xcmHrDevHelpEntry' does NOT require such information. This 'chain' of address entries provides device help contact inf ...
A 'sparse' table containing management control objects for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing management control objects for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevMgmtTable'.
The most recent device management command request specified for this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevMgmtTable'.
The most recent device management command data (if any) specified for this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevMgmtTable'.
The simple device management error status associated with this conceptual row in 'xcmHrDevMgmtTable'. Usage: Conforming management agents shall ALWAYS set this object to the value returned in an SNMP Set-Response PDU when a simple device management opera ...
A protected end user password for this device.
A protected system operator password for this device.
A protected system administrator password for this device.
The device management in progress status associated with this conceptual row in 'xcmHrDevMgmtTable'.
The value of the enterprise-specific OID in an SNMPv1 trap sent whenever an 'xcmHrDevMgmtCommandRequest' completes. See SNMPv2 trap definition 'xcmHrDevMgmtV2Event' below for 'special semantics'.
A 'sparse' table containing power management cycle objects for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing power management cycle objects for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevPowerTable'.
A device 'warm up' feature support management object, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the support present (if any) for a device 'warm up' feature ('standbyMode' to 'readyMode'). For example, a photocopier might ...
A device 'cool down' feature support management object, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the support present (if any) for a device 'cool down' feature ('readyMode' to 'standbyMode'). For example, a printer might ...
A device 'energy save' feature support management object, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the support present (if any) for a device 'energy save' feature ('standbyMode' to 'sleepMode'). For example, a printer mi ...
A device power cycle time unit, used by system administrators of this device for power management cycle times. Usage: Used to scale the values in the Device Power group, for convenience and (optional) high resolution.
A device 'warm up' feature delay time, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time delay after last 'warm up' trigger event (eg, arrival of a job, some local user action, etc) before the 'warm up' cycle will begin (to p ...
A device 'warm up' feature duration, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time after last 'warm up' initiation before the 'warm up' will complete (to power 'readyMode' in 'xcmHrDevInfoConditions').
A device 'cool down' feature delay time, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time delay after last 'cool down' trigger event (eg, completion of a job, some local user action, etc) before the 'cool down' cycle will be ...
A device 'cool down' feature duration, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time after last 'cool down' initiation before the 'cool down' will complete (to power 'standbyMode' in 'xcmHrDevInfoConditions').
A device 'energy save' feature delay time, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time delay after last 'energy save' trigger event (eg, completion of the last 'cool down' cycle to 'standbyMode') before the 'energy save ...
A device 'energy save' feature duration, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time after last 'energy save' initiation before the 'energy save' will complete (to power 'sleepMode' in 'xcmHrDevInfoConditions').
A device 'wake up' feature support management object, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the support present (if any) for a device 'wake up' feature ('sleepMode' to 'standbyMode'). For example, a photocopier might ...
A device 'wake up' feature delay time, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time delay after last 'wake up' trigger event (eg, arrival of a job, some local user action, etc) before the 'wake up' cycle will begin (to p ...
A device 'wake up' feature duration, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time after last 'wake up' initiation before the 'wake up' will complete (to power 'standbyMode' in 'xcmHrDevInfoConditions').
A device 'shutdown' feature delay time, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time delay after last 'shutdown' trigger event (eg, completion of the last 'energy save' cycle to 'sleepMode') before the 'shutdown' cycle w ...
A device 'shutdown' feature duration, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time after last 'shutdown' initiation before the 'shutdown' cycle will complete (to power 'offMode' in 'xcmHrDevInfoConditions' and 'down' in ...
A device 'startup' feature delay time, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time delay after last 'startup' trigger event (eg, 'xcmHrDevCalendarCommandRequest' or local user action) before the 'startup' cycle will beg ...
A device 'startup' feature duration, or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: The time after last 'startup' initiation before the 'startup' cycle will complete (to power 'readyMode' in 'xcmHrDevInfoConditions' and 'running' i ...
A 'sparse' table containing traffic information objects for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing traffic information objects for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevTrafficTable'.
A device input traffic support management object, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the support present (if any) for device input traffic (I/O). For example, a ROM only supports input traffic (ie, reads). * 'other ...
A device output traffic support management object, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the support present (if any) for device output traffic (I/O). For example, a ROM does NOT support output traffic (ie, writes). * ...
A device input unit, used by system administrators of this device for input traffic counters. Usage: For example, a disk drive might use 'mediaBlock'. Usage: Thanks to XCMI WG members for stimulating the following discussion. There are three reasonable ...
A device output unit, used by system administrators of this device for output traffic counters. Usage: For example, a terminal might use 'textLine'.
A device input traffic count, used by system administrators and end users of this device. Usage: Although no default value ('DEFVAL' clause) is permitted (by IETF SMIv2) for this counter, conforming host systems shall ALWAYS zero this counter upon concep ...
A device output traffic count, used by system administrators and end users of this device. Usage: Although no default value ('DEFVAL' clause) is permitted (by IETF SMIv2) for this counter, conforming host systems shall ALWAYS zero this counter upon conce ...
A device input maximum size, or zero if infinite, used by system administrators and end users of this device. Usage: It is device specific how (or if) this limit object is used (eg, disk with 'xcmHrDevTrafficInputUnit' of 'mediaBlock' might limit block c ...
A device output maximum size, or zero if infinite, used by system administrators and end users of this device. Usage: It is device specific how (or if) this limit object is used (eg, disk with 'xcmHrDevTrafficOutputUnit' of 'mediaBlock' might limit block ...
A device input traffic timeout (in seconds), or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the timeout to be used (if any) for device input traffic (I/O). For example, a disk drive might want to timeout disk ...
A device output traffic timeout (in seconds), or zero if none, used by system administrators of this device. Usage: This object specifies the timeout to be used (if any) for device output traffic (I/O). For example, a terminal might want to timeout scree ...
A table of the system faults which have been recorded (logged) on this host system. Usage: Conforming implementations shall ALWAYS ensure that this table contains (up to) a product specific number of the most 'recent' faults on this host system. Usage: ...
An entry for a system fault which has been recorded (logged) on this host system.
A unique value used by this host system to identify this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrSystemFaultTable'. Usage: Conforming implementations shall NOT 'reuse' values of 'xcmHrSystemFaultIndex' until its' 32-bit value wraps. Even in the case of eventual wra ...
This object is used to create (by management agent) and delete (by management station and/or management agent) individual conceptual rows in the 'xcmHrSystemFaultTable'. Usage: Conforming implementations need NOT support dynamic row deletion (via 'destro ...
Encoded fault code of the system fault which is recorded in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrSystemFaultTable'.
Human-readable fault string of the system fault which is recorded in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrSystemFaultTable'.
An (optional) unambiguous system object reference (which MAY include instance suffix information), used by system administrators and end users to qualify this system fault. Usage: Since this system object reference is specified as an object identifier, i ...
An (optional) device index (ie, value of 'hrDeviceIndex'), used by system administrators and end users to qualify this system fault.
The time stamp for the system fault which is recorded in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrSystemFaultTable'.
A 'sparse' table containing calendar management objects for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing calendar management objects for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
The day of week when the command specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCalendarTable' shall be invoked.
The time of day when the command specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCalendarTable' shall be invoked, specified as hours (0..23) multiplied by 100, added to minutes (0..59), added to a constant bias of 10000 (avoids an index value of zero in ...
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCalendarTable'.
The explicit date when the command specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCalendarTable' shall be invoked. Usage: When 'xcmHrDevCalendarExplicitDate' is used, the value of 'xcmHrDevCalendarDayOfWeek' shall be 'everyDay' and the value of 'xcmHrD ...
The management command request specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCalendarTable', which shall be invoked based on 'xcmHrDevCalendarDayOfWeek', 'xcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay', and (optionally) 'xcmHrDevCalendarExplicitDate'.
The management command data specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCalendarTable', which shall be invoked based on 'xcmHrDevCalendarDayOfWeek', 'xcmHrDevCalendarTimeOfDay', and (optionally) 'xcmHrDevCalendarExplicitDate'.
A 'sparse' table containing software info objects for loaded and (possibly) active software on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrSWRunTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing software info objects for loaded and (possibly) active software on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrSWRunTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrSWRunTable' and ALSO manages the row status of the associated conceptual row in the 'hrSWRunTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB.
Human-readable software name, used by system administrators and end users to identify this software for systems management. Usage: This software name shall be the one normally used in a CLI/GUI/API for control of this software. Note: The 'hrSWRunName' ...
An extended software status, used by system administrators and end users of this software (here, read 'state' for 'status'). Note: This extended software status is present for future extensions.
The date and time when this conceptual row was created.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the first associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing a supported and (possibly) ready 'physical' device, which has 'xcmHrDevInfoRealization' of 'physical' or 'logicalAndPhysical', or zero, i ...
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the first associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing a supported and (possibly) ready 'logical' device, which has 'xcmHrDevInfoRealization' of 'logical' or 'logicalAndPhysical', or zero, if ...
The value of 'hrSWRunIndex' corresponding to the next associated row in the 'hrSWRunTable', or zero if this is the last associated conceptual row in a given set.
The value of 'hrSWRunIndex' corresponding to the previous associated row in the 'hrSWRunTable', or zero if this is the first associated conceptual row in a given set.
A 'sparse' table containing software info objects for installed and (possibly) active software on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrSWInstalledTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing software info objects for installed and (possibly) active software on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrSWInstalledTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrSWInstalledTable' and ALSO manages the row status of the associated conceptual row in the 'hrSWInstalledTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
Human-readable software name, used by system administrators and end users to identify this software for systems management. Usage: This software name shall be the one normally used in a CLI/GUI/API for control of this software. Note: The 'hrSWInstalled ...
An extended software status, used by system administrators and end users of this software (here, read 'state' for 'status'). Note: This extended software status is present for future extensions.
The date and time when this conceptual row was created.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the first associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing a supported and (possibly) ready 'physical' device, which has 'xcmHrDevInfoRealization' of 'physical' or 'logicalAndPhysical', or zero, i ...
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the first associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing a supported and (possibly) ready 'logical' device, which has 'xcmHrDevInfoRealization' of 'logical' or 'logicalAndPhysical', or zero, if ...
The value of 'hrSWInstalledIndex' corresponding to the next associated row in the 'hrSWInstalledTable', or zero if this is the last associated conceptual row in a given set.
The value of 'hrSWInstalledIndex' corresponding to the previous associated row in the 'hrSWInstalledTable', or zero if this is the first associated conceptual row in a given set.
A 'sparse' table containing device detail information for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514). Usage: UNLIKE the 'xcmGenOptionTable' in ...
A 'sparse' entry containing device detail information for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514). Usage: An entry in this table may be used ...
The type of the device detail information specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevDetailTable'.
A unique value used by this host system to identify this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevDetailTable', OR a common value shared across a set of related conceptual rows (with different values of 'xcmHrDevDetailType'. Usage: For device detail types which ar ...
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevDetailTable'.
The value unit class of the detail information specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevDetailTable'. Usage: Used to select a textual convention for specifying the value unit of this device detail. Usage: The 'xcmHrDevDetail[UnitClass|Class]' ob ...
The value unit of the detail information specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevDetailTable'. Usage: Used to select an enumerated choice from a textual convention to specify the value unit of this device detail. Usage: The 'xcmHrDevDetail[Unit ...
A device detail value integer, used by system administrators and end users to specify the current value for a device detail with a base value syntax of 'INTEGER'.
A device detail value OID (object identifier), used by system administrators and end users to specify the current value for a device detail with a base value syntax of 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER'.
A device detail value string, used by system administrators and end users to specify the current value for a device detail with a base value syntax of 'OCTET STRING'.
The value of the enterprise-specific OID in an SNMPv1 trap sent whenever a device detail usage or time limit is reached. See SNMPv2 trap definition 'xcmHrDevDetailV2Event' below for 'special semantics'.
A 'sparse' table containing storage info objects for 'logical' or 'physical' storage elements on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrStorageTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing storage info objects for a 'logical' or 'physical' storage element on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrStorageTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrStorageTable' and ALSO manages the row status of the associated conceptual row in the 'hrStorageTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
An extended storage type (or storage 'realization'), used by system administrators and end users of this storage. Usage: The use of either 'other' or 'unknown' is uninformative and should be avoided by conforming implementations.
A storage status, used by system administrators and end users of this storage (here, read 'state' for 'status'). Usage: Conforming implementations shall NOT 'bubble up' status from 'physical' storage to associated 'logical' storage. All storage shall AL ...
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the product associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing the product (container) device (eg, of type 'hrDevicePrinter'), which uses this storage.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the platform associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing the CPU device (of type 'hrDeviceProcessor'), which manages this storage.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the paging associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing the paging device (usually of type 'hrDeviceDiskStorage'), which provides secondary storage for swapping of this storage.
The value of 'hrDeviceIndex' corresponding to the matching associated conceptual row in the 'hrDeviceTable' representing the matching device (eg, of type 'hrDeviceDiskStorage'), which corresponds to this storage.
The value of 'hrSWRunIndex' corresponding to the superior associated conceptual row in the 'hrSWRunTable' representing the running software which manages this storage.
The value of 'hrSWInstalledIndex' corresponding to the superior associated conceptual row in the 'hrSWInstalledTable' representing the installed software which manages this storage.
The value of 'hrStorageIndex' corresponding to: a) the next associated row in the 'hrStorageTable'; or b) zero if this is the last associated conceptual row in a given set; or c) zero if this conceptual row is NOT part of a set.
The value of 'hrStorageIndex' corresponding to: a) the previous associated row in the 'hrStorageTable'; or b) zero if this is the first associated conceptual row in a given set; or c) zero if this conceptual row is NOT part of a set.
The value of 'hrStorageIndex' corresponding to the directly associated conceptual row in the 'hrStorageTable' representing: a) the first underlying 'physical' storage (if any), if this row has 'xcmHrStorageRealization' of 'logical...'; or b) the first sub ...
A 'sparse' table containing storage detail information for 'logical' or 'physical' storage elements on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrStorageTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514). Usage: UNLIKE the 'xcmGenOptionTable' in ...
A 'sparse' entry containing storage detail information for a 'logical' or 'physical' storage element on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrStorageTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
The type of the storage detail information specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrStorageDetailTable'.
A unique value used by this host system to identify this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrStorageDetailTable', OR a common value shared across a set of related conceptual rows (with different values of 'xcmHrStorageDetailType'. Usage: For storage detail types ...
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrStorageDetailTable'.
The value unit class of the detail information specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrStorageDetailTable'. Usage: Used to select a textual convention for specifying the value unit of this storage detail. Usage: The 'xcmHrStorageDetail[UnitClass|C ...
The value unit of the detail information specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrStorageDetailTable'. Usage: Used to select an enumerated choice from a textual convention to specify the value unit of this storage detail. Usage: The 'xcmHrStorageDe ...
A storage detail value integer, used by system administrators and end users to specify the current value for a storage detail with a base value syntax of 'INTEGER'.
A storage detail value OID (object identifier), used by system administrators and end users to specify the current value for a storage detail with a base value syntax of 'OBJECT IDENTIFIER'.
A storage detail value string, used by system administrators and end users to specify the current value for a storage detail with a base value syntax of 'OCTET STRING'.
A 'sparse' table containing cover and/or interlock info for installed and (possibly) active devices on this host system, augmenting the basic entries in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A 'sparse' entry containing cover and/or interlock info for an installed and (possibly) active device on this host system, augmenting a basic entry in the 'hrDeviceTable' of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC 1514).
A unique value used by this host system to identify this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCoverTable'.
This object manages the SMIv2 row status of this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCoverTable'.
Human-readable name of this device cover or interlock specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCoverTable'. Usage: This name shall be locally unambiguous (if specified) on this managed host system and shall be the one normally used in a CLI/GUI/A ...
Human-readable description of this device cover or interlock specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCoverTable'. Usage: This description may contain the manufacturer's name, the color, the physical location, etc, of this device cover or interlo ...
The type of the device cover or interlock specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCoverTable'. * 'true' - this is a device cover conceptual row; * 'false' - this is a device interlock conceptual row. Usage: The IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759) combin ...
The status of the device cover or interlock specified in this conceptual row in the 'xcmHrDevCoverTable'. * 'true' - this cover/interlock is currently open; * 'false' - this cover/interlock is currently closed. Usage: The IETF Printer MIB (RFC 1759) comb ...
The Host Resources Extensions MIB General Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Info Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Help Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Mgmt Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Power Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Traffic Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB System Fault Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Calendar Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Software Running Ext Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Software Installed Ext Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Detail Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Storage Ext Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Storage Detail Group
The Host Resources Extensions MIB Device Cover Group

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