ctron-sfps-vlan-mib Download
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OID list for ctron-sfps-vlan-mib
- sfpsVAPIVerb
- Specifies the action to be initiated as a result of setting this leaf.
- sfpsVAPIInPort
- Specifies the ingress port of the Virtual LAN if mapping a connection. Specifies the source port of a user when mapping a user
- sfpsVAPIVlanName
- Specifies the Virtual LAN ID.
- sfpsVAPIOutPort
- Specifies the egress port of the Virtual LAN if mapping a connection.
- sfpsVAPIUserMAC
- Specifies the actual user's MAC value for the action.
- sfpsVAPIUserAliasTag
- Indicates the Alias Value of the user. Not yet supported.
- sfpsVAPIUserAlias
- Indicates the Alias Value of the user.
- sfpsVAPIAdminStatus
- Sets the administrative state of the object.
- sfpsVAPIAutoRegisterRule
- Specifies the AMR rule in which to perform the action on.
- sfpsVAPIAutoRegMask
- Indicates the mask to apply when the IP-Subnet rule is invoked.
- sfpsVAPIAutoRegValue
- Indicates the Alias Value of the user.
- sfpsVAPIUnicastPolicy
- Sets the vlan policy type.
- sfpsVAPIPortPolicy
- Sets the port mode type.
- sfpsVAPIFloodPolicy
- Sets the flood mode type.
- sfpsVAPIRouterPort
- Sets router port
- sfpsVAPIVlanId
- Indicates the Vlan Id.
- sfpsVAPINvramId
- Indicates the Nvram Id
- sfpsVAPIRelayAgent
- Indicates the Relay Agent.
- sfpsVAPILayer3Learning
- Indicates layer 3 learning enabled/disabled
- vlanNameTable
- This table contains information of each SFVlan instance. Essentially, a separate SFVlan instance exists for each Vlan. If SFVlan is not configured on a module, than an entry will not exist.
- vlanNameEntry
- Each entry specifies the configuration for the Vlan instance.
- vlanNameNHash
- The primary index to the VlanName table.
- vlanNameIndex
- The secondary index to the VlanName table.
- vlanNameVlanName
- The Virual LAN ID.
- vlanNameAdminStatus
- The administrative state of the Vlan.
- vlanNameOperStatus
- The operational state of the Vlan.
- vlanNameUniPolicy
- The communication policy with respect to other Vlans.
- vlanNameFloodPolicy
- The multicast and unknown destination flood policy.
- vlanNameStatusTime
- The amount of time that this Vlan has been in its current operational state.
- vlanNameNumUsers
- The number of users per port
- vlanNameEnabledPorts
- The list of ports which have are enabled for this Vlan.
- vlanNameMappedPorts
- The list of ports which have this Vlan mapped to it.
- vlanNameVlanRule
- .
- vlanNameFloodPorts
- vlanNameVlanId
- vlanNameRelayAgent
- vlanSystemTable
- This table contains the configuration and administrative information of each SFVlan switch instance. Essentially, a separate SFVlan switch instance exists for each switch module. If SFVlan is not configured on a module, than an entry will not exist.
- vlanSystemEntry
- Each entry specifies the VLAN configuration for the VLAN instance.
- vlanSystemSwitchInstance
- The primary index to the VLAN switch table. This identifies the VLAN switch for which the entry exists.
- vlanSystemAdminStatus
- Sets the administrative state of the VLAN switching services for this VLAN instance. This controls the VLAN state at a module level. Regardless of the per-port state of each VLAN switching port and the state of active connections, writing the value disa ...
- vlanSystemAdminReset
- Resets this VLAN switch instance. Writing a vlue of reset(2) will force a soft restart of the VLAN without any graceful shutdown. Any active connections or services will be interrupted.
- vlanSystemOperStatus
- Indicates the current operating condition of the VLAN instance.
- vlanSystemOperTime
- Indicates the amount of time (# of time ticks) that this VLAN switch instance has been in its current operational state.
- vlanSystemLastChange
- Indicates the last time a change was made to the configuration entry for this VLAN switch instance.
- vlanSystemVersion
- Indicates the current revision level of the VLAN firmware for this VLAN switch instance.
- vlanSystemMibRev
- Indicates in textual format the current revision level of the Cabletron VLAN MIB implemeted by the agent for this VLAN switch instance.
- vlanSystemAgentIP
- IP Address of VLAN Manager who owns this switch.
- vlanSystemDomainName
- Indicates domain name
- vlanSystemPollCount
- Number of polls
- vlanSystemFirstPollTime
- System time when first polled
- vlanSystemLastPollTime
- Last time polled
- vlanSystemPriorPollTime
- Poll time one before the last poll time
- vlanSystemDeltaPollTime
- Time difference between last poll time and prior poll time
- vlanTestAPIVerb
- Specifies the action to be initiated as a result of setting this leaf.
- vlanTestAPIVlanName
- Specifies the Virtual LAN to be acted upon.
- vlanTestAPIPort
- Specifies the Port to be acted upon.
- vlanTestAPIVlanId
- Specifies the ID.
- vlanTestAPIOutputTable
- This table contains the output results of the VlanAPI action.
- vlanTestAPIOutputEntry
- Each entry specifies one output result of the VlanAPI action.
- vlanTestAPIOutputIndex
- The primary index to the VLAN Test API Output table.
- vlanTestAPIOutputVlanName
- Specifies the Virtual LAN by name.
- vlanTestAPIOutputUserCnt
- Specifies the number of users on this Vlan.
- vlanTestAPIOutputStatus
- Specifies the operational state of this Vlan.
- vlanTestAPIOutputPolicy
- Specifies the uni-cast policy of this Vlan.
- vlanTestAPIOutputPort
- Specifies the Vlan port.
- vlanTestAPIOutputMap
- Specifies whether the Vlan is mapped.
- vlanTestAPIOutputAble
- Specifies whether the Vlan is enabled.
- vlanTestAPIOutputTap
- Specifies whether the Vlan is tapped.
- vlanTestAPIOutputVlanId
- Specifies the Vlan Id.
- vlanCountAPITotal
- vlanCountAPIAdmin
- vlanCountAPIAutoreg
- vlanAMRRulesTable
- This table displays the on/off status of each individual AMR Rule.
- vlanAMRRulesEntry
- vlanAMRRulesRule
- Refers to the enumerated value corresponding to each AMR rule
- vlanAMRRulesStatus
- Displays whether the rule is currently on or off
- vlanAMRStatsNumRulesEnabled
- Refers to the number of rules that are on in the AmrRules
- vlanAMRStatsSingleMask
- Displays the mask that is used with the IP-Subnet AMR rule
- vlanAMRSubnetsPrefix
- vlanAMRSubnetsMask
- vlanPortTable
- vlanPortEntry
- vlanPortPortNum
- The primary index to the VlanPort table.
- vlanPortPortStatus
- vlanPortPortPolicy
- vlanPortVlanName
- vlanPortAdminStatus
- vlanPortUniPolicy
- vlanPortFloodPolicy
- vlanPortRouterPort
- vlanPortVlanId
- vlanPortRelayAgent
- vlanPortLayer3Learning
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