hpov-ovtopmd Download
IPHost Network Monitor offer an easy way of SNMP monitoring your Hewlett Packard network devices.
OID list for hpov-ovtopmd
- hpOVDStnType
- Revision description identifier for the distribution software. This object can be used to test whether an agent is a collection station.
- hpOVDStnVersion
- The version of the collection station implementation type. Version 3: NNM 4.1 Version 4: NNM 4.2
- hpOVDStnDescr
- A descriptive string for the collection station, possibly containing type, version, and patch information.
- hpOVDStnManagedNodeCount
- The number of nodes currently managed locally by the collection station.
- hpOVDStnLicenseNodeLimit
- The maximum number of managed nodes permitted by the license. A value of -1 indicates no limit.
- hpOVDStnLicenseExpDate
- The time at which the license expires. A value of 0 indicates that there is no expiration date.
- hpOVDStnTopoDBCreateTime
- The time at which the topology database was created.
- hpOVDStnEventSeqNr
- The sequence number of the last event sent related to topology changes.
- hpOVDStnLocalTime
- This is a reference time for the collection station and can be used to resolve any differences in time between management and collection stations.
- hpOVDStnFilterName
- The filter name to use when determining which objects in the local topology to expose in the MIB.
- hpOVDStnName
- The name used by the collection station when referring to itself. This name will be sent as part of the field change event (see hpOVEvtStnName).
- netCount
- Number of networks in netByIDTable.
- netByIDTable
- List of networks by OpenView object identifier.
- netByIDEntry
- Each entry contains relevant data for a network.
- netID
- OpenView object identifier of the network.
- netTopoID
- OpenView UUID of the network.
- netName
- Name of the network, which will usually be the IP address of the network or the corresponding entry in /etc/networks.)
- netStatus
- Status of the network as defined by the status propogation rules of the topology database.
- netAddr
- Network's IP address.
- netMask
- Network's subnet mask.
- netIfCount
- Number of interfaces in the network.
- netSegCount
- Number of segments contained in the network.
- netIpxAddr
- Network's IPX address.
- netIpxHopCount
- Number of hops to this network from this station.
- segCount
- Number of segments in segByIDTable.
- segByIDTable
- List of segments by OpenView object identifier.
- segByIDEntry
- Each entry contains relevant data for a segment.
- segID
- OpenView object identifier of the segment.
- segTopoID
- OpenView UUID of the segment.
- segName
- Name of the segment.
- segStatus
- Status of the segment as defined by the status propogation rules of the topology database.
- segNetID
- OpenView object identifier for the network containing the segment.
- segIfCount
- Number of interfaces in the segment.
- segConnIfID
- If this is a segment containing 'smart connectors', this is the OpenView object identifier of the interface on the 'main device' for the segment (e.g., the hub at the center of a star segment), otherwise the value is 0.
- segType
- The OpenView segment type.
- nodeCount
- Number of nodes in nodeByIDTable.
- nodeByIDTable
- List of node by OpenView object identifier.
- nodeByIDEntry
- Each entry contains relevant data for a node.
- nodeID
- OpenView object identifier of the node.
- nodeTopoID
- OpenView UUID of the node.
- nodeName
- IP hostname of the node including the fully qualified doman (if used and available). It is derived by performing a name lookup (gethostbyaddr) for the IP address of the first interface of the node. If no name exists for any of the interfaces of a node, ...
- nodeStatus
- Status of the node as defined by the status propogation rules of the topology database.
- nodeConnType
- Node connector type. This is a bit mask, thereby allowing multiple values, i.e, a node can be a router and a bridge. The genericConnector bit should always be set if one of the more significant bits is set. If the node is not a connector at all, this o ...
- nodeSnmpAddr
- IP address used for SNMP request to the node.
- nodeDescr
- Value obtained from the node via SNMP from the sysDescr object.
- nodeLocation
- Value obtained from the node via SNMP from the sysLocation object.
- nodeContact
- Value obtained from the node via SNMP from the sysContact object.
- nodeIfCount
- Number of interfaces of the node.
- nodeSysObjectID
- Value obtained from the node via SNMP from the sysObjectID object. If there is no sysObjectID for the node, 0.0 will be reported.
- nodeIpForwarding
- Value obtained from the node via SNMP from the ipForwarding object.
- nodeSnmpSupportLevel
- The extent to which this node supports SNMP.
- nodeIsClusterMember
- Indicates if this nodes is part of a cluster.
- nodeIsFileServer
- Indicates if this nodes is a file server.
- nodeIsPrintServer
- Indicates if this nodes is a print server.
- nodeSysName
- Value obtained from the node via SNMP from the sysName object.
- nodeIsIpxRouter
- Indicates if this nodes is an IPX router (but not a server).
- nodeIsNetWareServer
- Indicates if this nodes is an IPX/NetWare server.
- nodeIpxServerName
- Value obtained from the node via IPX for server nodes.
- nodeSnmpIpxAddr
- Node's IPX address.
- nodeIfsTable
- List of interfaces for a node.
- nodeIfsEntry
- The number of entries for each node is given in nodeIfCount. Each entry contains only the minimum information needed to recognize and/or indentify the interfaces for a node. For complete information, use the ifID to lookup the entry in ifaceByIDTable.
- nodeNodeID
- OpenView object identifier of the node.
- nodeIfID
- OpenView object identifier of this interface of the node.
- nodeIfAddr
- IP Address of this interface of the node (if any). It is provided in the nodeIfsTable to aid in identifying the interfaces associated with a node.
- ifCount
- Number of interfacess in ifByIDTable.
- ifByIDTable
- List of interfaces by OpenView object identifier.
- ifByIDEntry
- Each entry contains relevant data for an interface.
- ifID
- OpenView object identifier of the interface.
- ifTopoID
- OpenView UUID of the interface.
- ifName
- The name of the interface, which is a shortened version of the Value obtained via SNMP from the ifDescr object for this interface.
- ifStatus
- Status for the interface in the topology database: either critical or normal.
- ifAddr
- IP address of the interface.
- ifMask
- Subnet mask of the interface.
- ifNumber
- Value obtained via SNMP from the ifIndex object for this interface.
- ifType
- Value obtained via SNMP from the ifType object in ifTable for this interface.
- ifDescr
- Value obtained via SNMP from the ifDescr object in ifTable for this interface.
- ifPhysAddr
- If the node to which this interface is connected responds to SNMP, this is the value obtained via SNMP from the ifPhysAddr object for this interface, otherwise, this value was obtained from some other node which knows about this interface. The ifLinkAddr ...
- ifSegID
- OpenView object identifier for the segment containing the interface.
- ifSegType
- The segment type in which this interface should be contained.
- ifNetID
- OpenView object identifier for the network containing the interface in the topology database.
- ifNodeID
- OpenView object identifier for the node containing the interface in the topology database.
- ifSegConnIf
- Indicates if this interface is the one to connect the 'main device' (e.g., the hub at the center of a star segment) to the segment.
- ifPortClass
- For devices for which OpenView can do 'smart' network (i.e, bridges and hubs) submap layout, this indicates which port this interface corresponds to on the device, according to following: Value Meaning ------- ------------------------------------- < 255 ...
- ifCanMigrate
- Indicates if this interface can migrate from one node in a cluster to another.
- ifIpxAddr
- IPX address of the interface.
- ifCritIfUuid
- OpenView topology UUID of a related interface whose (primary) failure has caused a (secondary) failure on this interface. That is, this interface is now inaccessible from the management stations netmon process. This field is used for Event Correlation.
- hpOVEvtStnName
- The name of the collection station issuing the event.
- hpOVEvtSeqNr
- The sequence number of the event.
- hpOVEvtOpType
- The operation type of the OBJ_FLD_CHG_EV (OBJect FieLD CHanGe EVent).
- The OpenView object identifier of the object whose field changed.
- hpOVEvtOVTopoID
- The OpenView UUID of the object whose field changed.
- hpOVEvtObjType
- The object type of the object whose field changed.
- hpOVEvtTime
- The time the field change occured.
- mgmtStnTable
- List of active management stations by IP address.
- mgmtStnEntry
- Each entry contains all data available for a management station.
- mgmtStnAddr
- Primary IP Address of the management station.
- mgmtStnName
- IP Hostname of the management station.
- mgmtStnAccess
- Access level of the management station. The management will attempt to set this object to the desired level, but the collection station software will reset to the access permission allowed by the SNMPv2 party configuration.
- mgmtStnStatus
- Status of the management station as viewed by the collection station. The management station must set this object to active(1) when it is creates an entry for itself. The management station sets this object to delete(2) when it wants to delete itself fr ...
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