With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
Cisco CAS G Cnf Echo Cancellation
This object specifies the echo cancellation mode, and it is applicable to an outgoing R2 register. DEFVAL { outgoingHalfEchoRequired } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 17 } SYNTAX INTEGER{ subscriberWithoutPriority (1), subscriberWithPriority (2), maintenanceEquipment (3), operatorCall (4), dataNationalTransmission (5), subscriberOrOperatorWithoutForwardTransfer (6), operatorWithForwardTransfer (7), dataInternationalTransmission (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies the subscriber category types: . (1) subscriber without priority . (2) subscriber with priority . (3) maintenance equipment . (4) operator call . (5) data national transmission . (6) subscriber or operator without forward transfer . (7) operator with forward transfer . (8) data international transmission DEFVAL { subscriberWithoutPriority } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 18 } SYNTAX INTEGER{ notIncluded (1), included (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies if there is any satellite link in the path: . (1) Satellite link is not included. . (2) Satellite link is included. DEFVAL { notIncluded } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 19 } SYNTAX INTEGER{ enbloc (1), overlap (2), endtoend (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies the Compelled Signaling type: . enbloc (1): The called number is forwarded in a block. . overlap (2): The called numder is forwarded one at a time. . endtoend (3): The signaling between register over two or more links in tandem without regeneration in intermediate exchanges. DEFVAL { enbloc } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 20 } SYNTAX INTEGER { aniDnis (1), dnisAni (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies the transmit digit order in which ANI and DNIs will be dialled out when the controlling application gives both the the calling party number and the called party number to the CAS module for dialing out in a single request. DEFVAL { dnisAni } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 21 } SYNTAX INTEGER { dtmf (1), mf (2), dp (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This objects specifies the digit detect mode that the GW should be opened with for reception of digits. . dtmf (1): Dual tone multifrequency . mf (2): Multifrequency . dp (3): Dial pulse This object applies to non R2 interfaces. DEFVAL { mf } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 22 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) UNITS "milliseconds This object specifies the duration between two consecutive metering pulses, if it changes more than value specified in this parameter then an event will be triggered to MGC. DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 23 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "seconds This object specifies the amount of time that the GW must wait for receiving digits after generating the seize ACK or start dial indication for an incoming call. The value of 0 indicates the timer will not be started and GW would wait forever. DEFVAL { 16 } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 24 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "seconds This object specifies the period between receiving digits. The timer is not started until the first digit is received. The GW starts this timer during digit collection when at least one or more digits is required for a digit string to match any allowed pattern in the digit map. The timer is restarted after every new digit is received. This continues until the digit string matches at least one pattern in the digit map. The value of 0 indicates the timer will not be started and GW would wait forever. DEFVAL { 16 } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 25 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10000) UNITS "seconds This object specifies the period between receiving digits. The GW starts this timer during digit collection when the digit string that it has collected matches at least one pattern in the digit map, but reception of another digit could change the match to a different pattern. In this case, GW waits to confirm that no more digits are received while this timer is running before reporting the match to the MGC. The value of 0 indicates the timer will not be started and GW would report immediately. DEFVAL { 4 } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 26 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (100..9900) UNITS "milliseconds This object specifies long duration event when placed in front of a digit. It indicates that that position is satisfied only if the duration of the event exceeds the long-duration threshold. DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 27 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100000) UNITS "milliseconds This object specifies the timer in the GW waiting for the MGC to provide the rest of the information for CAS signaling. During overlap CAS signaling, for an outgoing call, the MGC might specify a part of the digits to be signaled out of the GW while it is waiting to collect the rest of the information that also needs to be signaled. In this case, if the GW has finished signaling all the available digits, it can start this timer to wait for the MGC to specify the rest of the information. The backward signal from the far end can also request for information that the MGC has not yet specified to the GW. In this case also, this timer is started to wait for the MGC to provide the information needed by the GW. REFERENCE H.248 International CAS Compelled Register Signaling Packages (icasc), section 6.1.2
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ccasGCnfEchoCancellation on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco switches right now.