With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
Cisco CAS G Cnf Inc Call high Frequency Power
This object specifies the power of the high frequency signal component for incoming call. REFERENCE TIA-689-A: PBX and KTS Support of Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Service, section ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 7 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) UNITS "dBm This object specifies the power of the low frequency signal component for incoming call. REFERENCE TIA-689-A: PBX and KTS Support of Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Service, section ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 8 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) UNITS "dBm This object specifies a negative power twist when the power level of the low frequency component is set to relatively higher than the high frequency component for incoming call. REFERENCE TIA-689-A: PBX and KTS Support of Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Service, section ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 9 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) UNITS "dBm This object specifies a positive power twist when the power level of the high frequency component is set to relatively higher than the low frequency component for incoming call. REFERENCE TIA-689-A: PBX and KTS Support of Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Service, section ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 10 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) UNITS "dBm This object specifies a power level which is used for detection of on hook to off hook transition for incoming call. REFERENCE TIA-689-A: PBX and KTS Support of Enhanced 911 Emergency Calling Service, section ::= { ccasIfExtGeneralConfigEntry 11 } SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000..1000) UNITS "dBm This object specifies the power level of the low frequency component for outgoing call. The power level of the high frequency component of outgoing call is relative above or below the value specified in object ccasGCnfOutCallPowerTwist. If the value of ccasGCnfOutCallPowerTwist is 0, the power level of the high frequency component as well as the low frequency component is specified by this object. REFERENCE Q.23, Q.24, EIA/TIA-464
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ccasGCnfIncCallHiFreqPower on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco firewalls right now.