With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
Cisco CAS OLS Make Time
This object specifies the time value for which the Tx Pattern being transmitted. ::= { ccasIfExtOutgoingLineSignalEntry 4 } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) UNITS "milliseconds This object specifies the time value for which the pattern being transmitted will switch to the original pattern before the Tx pattern was asserted on the line. The value of 0 indicates there is no break time for this signal. ::= { ccasIfExtOutgoingLineSignalEntry 5 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Register Signal Table -- ********************************************************************* SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION This table defines the signal to action definitions for the Register signals for R2 variant. ::= { ccasIfExtConfigRegisterSignal 1 } SYNTAX CcasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Entries are configured per country. When DS0 groups are associated with a CAS profile, it is also associated with one of these entries if the CAS variant is an R2 variant. Entries are explicitly created modified and deleted by managers. When the country is specified, the rest of the objects of this entry are populated with known defaults. These can be overridden via configuration. Entries with index 1 are reserved for the ITU defaults. This entry may not be added, modified or deleted. In this table, no two actions can have the same signal defined for it. The signal to action mapping should be unique. INDEX { cmgwIndex, ccasRSIndex } ::= { ccasIfExtRegisterSignalTable 1 } CcasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry::= SEQUENCE { ccasRSIndex Unsigned32, ccasRSCountry CASCountryCode, ccasRSSubRegion SnmpAdminString, ccasBwdRSNextDigitANI CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSNextDigitDNIS CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSPrevDigit CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSXtoGroupBSignals CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSCongestion CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSCallingPartyCategory CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSAddrCompleteGroupA CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSPrevNminus2Digit CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSPrevNminus3Digit CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSCountryCode CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSLangDiscr CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSNatureOfCircuit CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSInfoEchoSuppressor CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSInternationalCongst CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSXtoGroupC CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSRepeatLastDigit CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSRepeatCalledDigit CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSPlaySITTone CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSSubscriberLineBusy CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSNetworkCongstInGroupB CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSInvalidDialedNumber CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSSubLineFreeWithCharge CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSSubLineFreeWithNoCharge CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSSubLineOutOfOrder CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSAnnouncement CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSXtoGrpASendNextDNIS CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSXtoGrpASendDNISFrmBeg CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSXtoGrpAResendLastDNIS CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSSSendCatSwGrpB CASBackwardSignal, ccasBwdRSSGrpCCong CASBackwardSignal, ccasFwdRSANIDigitAvailable CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSANIDigitNotAvailable CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSEndANICallingPartyNotRev CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSEndANICallingPartyRev CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSEndOfDNISDigit CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSNoCategoryAvailble CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSCCEchoSuppressor CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSCCNoEchoSuppressor CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSCCInsertEchoSuppressor CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSIncHalfEchoRequired CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSTestCall CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSatelLinkIncluded CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSatelLinkNotIncluded CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSDiscriminatorDigit CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSOtherLanguage CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSOtherLanguage1 CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSOtherLanguage2 CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSRequestNotAccepted CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSubWithoutPriorNational CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSubPriorNational CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSubPriorInternational CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSMaintenanceEquipment CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSOperatorCall CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSDataTransNational CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSDataTransInternational CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSOperNoFwdTransFacility CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSOperFwdTransFacility CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSubsrcWithMeter CASForwardSignal, ccasFwdRSSubsrcWithIDD CASForwardSignal, ccasRSInterpreFirstANIDigit INTEGER, ccasRSGetValueFromValidIndex Unsigned32, ccasRSSeqInfCollect SnmpAdminString, ccasRSSendFirstFwdSig INTEGER, ccasRSRowStatus RowStatus } SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION This is an arbitrary index that uniquely identifies an entry in this table. This parameter is mandatory when creating an entry. ::= { ccasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry 1} SYNTAX CASCountryCode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies the country where the meaning for the signal definition/action applies. This parameter is mandatory when creating an entry. When the R2 country (ITU or other) is specified, the default values for the rest of the MIB objects are populated based on this. ::= { ccasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry 2 } SYNTAX SnmpAdminString ( SIZE (0..64) ) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object is used to describe a variation within a particular country. DEFVAL { "" } ::= { ccasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry 3 } SYNTAX CASBackwardSignal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies a backward signal requesting transmission of the next ANI digit (n + 1) after reception of digit n. The default value is country specific. REFERENCE ITU-T Q440 - Specifications of signaling system R2 Interregister Signaling. Section Backward signals. ::= { ccasIfExtRegisterSignalEntry 4 } SYNTAX CASBackwardSignal MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object specifies a backward signal requesting transmission of the next DNIS digit (n + 1) after reception of digit n. The default value is country specific.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ccasOLSMakeTime on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco firewalls right now.