With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
cisco Integrated CSU DSU Loopback Point
Point in network where last loopback was performed. Meaning for t1 CSU/DSU: dtePayload - local DSU loopback. The configured 'fractions' of the DS1 signal is looped back as the receive signal. Used to verify operation of DSU portion of local CSU/DSU. dteFull - local CSU loopback. DS1 transmit signal is looped back as the receive signal. Runs at full bandwidth irrespective of fractions configured. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU. lineFull - DS1 signal received from the network is transmitted back to the network. Signal is regenerated but not reframed. Loopback performed at the CSU. Used to verify operation of T1 network. linePayload - DS1 signal received from the network is transmitted back to the network. Data is regenerated and reframed with any LCV or CRC errors corrected. Loopback performed at the DSU. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU and T1 network. remoteSmartJack - the remote smart jack (telco installed wall socket device used to delineate network between CPE and telco equipment) is used to loopback the DS1 signal. Similar to remoteFull loopback except that the signal is looped at the smart jack before reaching remote CSU/DSU. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU and T1 network. remoteFull - remote unit placed in lineFull loopback. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU and T1 network. remotePayload - remote unit placed in linePayload loopback Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU, T1 network, and remote CSU/DSU. Meaning for switched 56k CSU/DSU: dteFull - local CSU loopback. Transmit signal is looped back as the receive signal at a point close to the physical network interface. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU. lineFull - CSU/DSU is split into separate DTE and loop interface sections. Signal received from the network is transmitted back to the network. Data received from DTE is transmitted back to DTE. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU and network from remote site. linePayload - Signal received from the network is looped back at the DTE interface and transmitted back to the network. Data received from DTE is ignored. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU and network from remote site. remotePayload - Similar to linePayload except that the remote unit is placed into loopback. Used to verify operation of local CSU/DSU, T1 network, and remote CSU/DSU. ::= { ciscoICsuDsuTestReportEntry 8 } SYNTAX INTEGER { noPattern (1), patternQRW (2), pattern0In1 (3), pattern1In1 (4), pattern1In2 (5), pattern1In3 (6), pattern1In5 (7), pattern1In8 (8), pattern3In24 (9), patternUser (10), pattern2047 (11), pattern511 (12), patternStressDDS1 (13), patternStressDDS2 (14), patternStressDDS3 (15), patternStressDDS4 (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Test pattern used for locally initiated remote loopback. Valid only if a remote loopback was last performed. Following patterns valid for T1 or Switched 56k CSU/DSU: noPattern - no specific pattern is used, data provided by the DTE. Used to loopback transmit data. Following patterns only valid for T1 CSU/DSU: patternQRW - Quasi-Random Word pattern. Specifically used to measure Bit Error Rates. pattern0In1 - repeated binary pattern of '0' or all zeros. Typically used for verification of B8ZS optioning of the T1 facility. pattern1In1 - repeated binary pattern of '1' or all ones. Typically used for signal power measurements. pattern1In2 - repeated binary pattern of '01'. Typically used in testing for bridge taps. pattern1In3 - repeated binary pattern of '001'. Typically used to terminate a remote loopback. pattern1In5 - repeated binary pattern of '00001'. Typically used to put the remote unit in loopback. pattern1In8 - repeated binary pattern of '00000001'. Typically used to stress the timing recovery circuits of repeaters and other intermediate equipment. pattern3In24 - repeated binary pattern of '000000000000000000000111' or hex '000007'. Typically used to test for one's density (consecutive zeros) tolerance on AMI lines. patternUser - user defined pattern. Following patterns only valid for Switched 56k CSU/DSU: pattern2047 - 2047 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 10 sequential zeros and 11 sequential ones. pattern511 - 511 bit long pseudorandom pattern containing a maximum of 8 sequential zeros and 9 sequential ones. patternStressDDS1 - DDS Stress test pattern #1. patternStressDDS2 - DDS Stress test pattern #2. patternStressDDS3 - DDS Stress test pattern #3. patternStressDDS4 - DDS Stress test pattern #4.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor ciscoICsuDsuLoopbackPoint on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco wireless switches right now.