
cdot1agMaMepListRowStatus - Cisco IEEE 802.1ag Ma Mep List Row Status

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Cisco IEEE 802.1ag Ma Mep List Row Status

The status of the row. Read SNMPv2-TC (RFC1903) for an explanation of the possible values this object can take. ::= { cdot1agMaMepListEntry 2 } -- ****************************************************************** -- The MEP Object. This object represents a Maintenance End -- Point as described in 802.1ag document. -- ****************************************************************** -- ****************************************************************** -- The MEP Table -- ****************************************************************** SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Cdot1agMepEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The Maintenance Association End Point (MEP) table. Each row in the table represents a different MEP. A MEP is an actively managed CFM entity, associated with a specific DSAP of a Service Instance, which can generate and receive CFM PDUs and track any responses. It is an end point of a single Maintenance Association, and is an endpoint of a separate Maintenance Entity for each of the other MEPs in the same Maintenance Association (802.1ag clause 3.18). This table uses three indices. The first two indices are the indices of the Maintenance Domain and MA tables, the reason being that a MEP is always related to an MA and Maintenance Domain. The Transmit Loopback table. Entries in this table are created/removed at the same time than entries in the MEP table are created/removed. The MEP table also stores all the managed objects for sending LBM and LTM. *LBM Managed objects LBM Managed objects in the MEP table enables the management entity to initiate transmission of Loopback messages. It will signal the MEP that it should transmit some number of Loopback messages and detect the detection (or lack thereof) of the corresponding Loopback messages. Steps to use entries in this table: 1) Wait for cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus value to be 'ready'. To do this do this sequence: a. an SNMP GET for both SnmpSetSerialNo and cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus objects (in same SNMP PDU). b. Check if value for cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus is 'ready' - if not, wait x seconds, go to step a above. - if yes, save the value of SnmpSetSerialNo and go to step 2) below 2) Change cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus value from 'ready' to 'notReady' to ensure no other management entity will use the service. In order to not disturb a possible other NMS do this by sending an SNMP SET for both SnmpSetSerialNo and cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus objects (in same SNMP PDU, and make sure SNmpSetSerialNo is the first varBind). For the SnmpSetSerialNo varBind, use the value that you obtained in step 1)a.. This ensures that two cooperating NMSes will not step on each others toes. 3) Setup the different data to be sent (number of messages, optional TLVs,...). 4) Record the current values of cdot1agMepLbrIn, cdot1agMepLbrInOutOfOrder, and cdot1agMepLbrBadMsdu. 6) Change cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus value from 'notReady' to 'transmit' to initiate transmission of Loopback messages. 7) Check the value of cdot1agMepTransmitLbmResultOK to find out if the operation was successfully initiated or not. 8) Monitor the value of cdot1agMepTransmitLbmMessages. When it reaches 0, the last LBM has been transmitted. Wait an additional 5 seconds to ensure that all LBRs have been returned. 9) Compare cdot1agMepLbrIn, cdot1agMepLbrInOutOfOrder, and cdot1agMepLbrBadMsdu to their old values from step 4, above, to get the results of the test. 10) Change the cdot1agMepTransmitLbmStatus value back to 'ready' to allow other management entities to use the table. *LTM Managed objects The LTM Managed objects in the MEP table are used in a manner similar to that described for LBM transmission, above. Upon successfully initiating the transmission, the variables cdot1agMepTransmitLtmSeqNumber and cdot1agMepTransmitLtmEgressIdentifier return the information required to recover the results of the LTM from the cdot1agLtrTable. REFERENCE 802.1ag clauses 12.14.7 and 19.2


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