
clmLicenseConfigCommandStatus - clm License Config Command Status - CISCO-LICENSE-MGR-MIB

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With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.


clm License Config Command Status

The status of the license install / uninstall / update operation. success (1) - install/uninstall/update operation completed successfully. inProgress (2) - License install/uninstall/update operation is in progress. corruptedLicenseFile (3) - License file content is Invalid/Corrupted. targetLicenseFileAlreadyExist (4) - Target license file name already exist. invalidLicenseFileName (5) - Invalid license file target name for install / uninstall operation. duplicateLicense (6) - License file is already installed. licenseInUse (7) - Can't uninstall a license file which is in use. generalLicensingFailure (8) - General error from license Manager. none (9) - no install/uninstall/update operation is performed. licenseExpiryConflict(10) - License exist with a different expiry date for the feature. invalidLicenseCount(11) - License count is invalid for the feature. notThisHost (12) - License host-id in the license file doesn't match. licenseInGraceMore (13) - Number of licenses in grace period is more than the number in install license file. licenseFileNotFound (14) - License file not found, for install / uninstall / update operation. licenseFileMissing (15) - A previously installed license file is found missing. invalidLicenseFileExtension (16) - License file does not have a .lic extension. invalidURI (17) - Invalid license file URI, specified for install operation. noDemoLicenseSupport (18) - Demo License Not Supported. invalidPlatform (19) - Invalid Platform.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor clmLicenseConfigCommandStatus on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco routers right now.

Easy monitoring of clmLicenseConfigCommandStatus with IPHost tools

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