
CISCO-MGX82XX-DSX3-BERT-MIB - dsx3bertPattern

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dsx3bert Pattern

This variable determines BERT pattern to be transmitted on the interface identified by dsx3bertLine or dsx3bertPort. Bit error measurements are widely used to assess the performance of a digital transmission equipment. Precise error measurement requires that the bit pattern transmitted is known before hand. During BER testing a known pattern is transmitted on a interface. The pattern received on the receive side is checked for bit errors. In order to measure the performance of digital line under real condition this patterns should also simulate real traffic as closely as possible. There are two categories of test patterns that can be generated by a BERT equipment: repetitive and pseudo-random. The former test patterns are zeroes or ones or alternating zeroes and ones; the latter patterns are exponential numbers and conform to CCITT/ITU O.151, O.153. There are different patterns for different interface speeds. This object allows the user to configure this BERT patterns. The supported values are : Repetitive Patterns allOnes(1): All Ones(Continuous Marks). This is repeating pattern of ones(...1111...). This provides testing of maximum power level requirements. The all one pattern test causes the repeater to consume the maximum amount of power. If there is insufficient DC span power then the repeater may begin to fail. Typically this pattern is used for a simple continuity check. It may also be used to detect the presence of unwanted loop in the network. allZeros(2): All Zeroes(Continuous spaces). This is repeating pattern of zeros(...000...). The use of this pattern is to test and verify that the ones density policing mechanism is functioning properly. This pattern must be used in circuits optioned for B8ZS. alternateOneZero(3): Alternate one/zero pattern(..1010..). This pattern produces a 50% ones density. It is used to stress the repeater's DC power consumption. doubleOneZero(4): Double alternate one/zero(..10101010..). threeInTwentyFour(5): This is a 24 bit pattern which contains 3 ones. The largest string of consecutive zeros is fifteen. This pattern is used primarily to test timing(clock) recovery and may be used framed or unframed for that purpose. This pattern covers both the minimum ones density and the maximum number of consecutive zeros. oneInSixteen(6): N repetitive pattern, 1 in 16. oneInEight(7): This is an eight bit pattern which contains single one. This pattern is used primarily to test timing(clock) recovery and may be used framed or unframed for that purpose. This pattern is used to verify frame synchronization by providing the minimum acceptable pulse density. oneInFour(8): This pattern is standard loop up remote code. Typically it is used when the loop up remote test fails to place the remote system into loopback. sfLoopUp (9): D4/SF Loopback activate/up Valid only for T1 line. sfLoopDown(10): D4/SF Loopback deactivate/down Valid only for T1 line. threeBit (11): Repetitive patterns of 3 bits in length. fourBit (12): Repetitive patterns of 4 bits in length. fiveBit (13): Repetitive patterns of 5 bits in length. sixBit (14): Repetitive patterns of 6 bits in length. sevenBit (15): Repetitive patterns of 7 bits in length. fracT1LoopUp(16): Fractional T1 Loopback activate/up. fracT1LoopDown(17): Fractional T1 Loopback deactivate/down. nineBit (18): Repetitive patterns of 9 bits in length. tenBit (19): Repetitive patterns of 10 bits in length. elevenBit (20): Repetitive patterns of 11 bits in length. fifteenBit (21): Repetitive patterns of 15 bits in length. seventeenBit (22): Repetitive patterns of 17 bits in length. eighteenBit (23): Repetitive patterns of 18 bits in length. twentyBit (24): Repetitive patterns of 20 bits in length. twentyBitQRSS(25): 20 bits of Quasi Random Signal Source. twentyOneBit (26): Repetitive patterns of 21 bits in length. twentyTwoBit (27): Repetitive patterns of 22 bits in length. twentyThreeBit (28): Repetitive patterns of 23 bits in length. twentyFiveBit (29): Repetitive patterns of 25 bits in length. twentyEightBit (30): Repetitive patterns of 28 bits in length. twentyNineBit (31): Repetitive patterns of 29 bits in length. thirtyOneBit (32): Repetitive patterns of 32 bits in length. thirtyTwo (33): Repetitive patterns of 33 bits in length. REFERENCE CCITT/ITU O.150, O.151, O.152, O.153, O.161 Standards.


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