
cvaIfCfgTable - cva If Cfg Table - CISCO-VOICE-ANALOG-IF-MIB

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cva If Cfg Table

The Analog Voice Standard Configuration Table. It contains the standard configuration information of the analog telephony interface. ::= { cvaIfGeneralObjects 1 } SYNTAX CvaIfCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the configuration table for each voice analog interface. The entry is created when the voice analog hardware is detected. INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { cvaIfCfgTable 1 } CvaIfCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cvaIfCfgImpedance INTEGER, cvaIfCfgIntegratedDSP TruthValue } SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), ohms600Real (2), ohms600Complex (3), ohms900Complex (4), ohmsComplex1 (5), ohmsComplex2 (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Specifies the terminating impedance of voice analog interfaces. other - none of the following; arbitrary, within limits, for special cases. ohms600Real - 600 Ohms. ohms600Complex - 600 Ohms + 2.16uF ohms900Complex - 900 Ohms + 2.16uF. ohmsComplex1 - complex 1; 220 Ohms + 820 Ohms || 115nF. This impedance is primarily used in Germany. ohmsComplex2 - complex 2; 270 Ohms + 750 Ohms || 150nF. This impedance is primarily used in United Kingdom and Sweden. ::= { cvaIfCfgEntry 1 } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Indicates whether the interface has an integrated Digital Signal processing (DSP) unit. ::= { cvaIfCfgEntry 2 } --**************************************************************************** -- The Analog Voice Interface Status Table --**************************************************************************** SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CvaIfStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The Analog Voice Status Table. It contains general information about the status of Analog Telephony interface including the error statistics. ::= { cvaIfGeneralObjects 2 } SYNTAX CvaIfStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the status table for each Analog voice interface. AUGMENTS { cvaIfCfgEntry } ::= { cvaIfStatusTable 1 } CvaIfStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cvaIfStatusInfoType INTEGER, cvaIfMaintenanceMode INTEGER, cvaIfStatusSignalErrors Counter32 } SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), voice(2), g3Fax(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION The information transfer services for the current or last call. none - no information transfer service voice - analog voice. g3Fax - Group 3 FAX. ::= { cvaIfStatusEntry 1 } SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), hostCompressedLoopback (2), hostUncompressedLoopback (3), ifCompressedLoopback (4), ifUncompressedLoopback (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Indicates the maintenance modes of the Analog voice interface. Managed system +=============+=============================+ | Voice | +===========+ telephony | <=====+ application +===+ CODEC +===end point +=== test IP | (Host) | . +===========+ .(Interface)| equipment backbone +=============+=============================+ . . Host ======>===+ . Compressed <======+ . . . Host ===================>======+ Uncompressed <======================+ . . Interface +========<========================== Compressed +==================================> . . Interface . +===<=============== Uncompressed . +==================> Compress Uncompress Loopback Loopback point point none(1) - the interface is not in maintenance mode. hostCompressedLoopback(2) - Host Compressed Loopback. This mode is set by the managed system to perform the compressed voice loopback test. The voice packet is passed by voice application to the interface associated CODEC. Instead of feeding these into the CODEC for decompression, they are immediately sent back to the voice application as if they had originated locally and been compressed. hostUncompressedLoopback(3) - Host Uncompressed Loopback. This mode is set by the managed system to perform the uncompressed voice loopback test. The voice packet is sent by voice application all the way through the interface associated CODEC and then turned around instead of being sent to the telephony endpoint. ifCompressedLoopback(4) - Interface Compressed Loopback. This mode is set by the managed system to perform the interface uncompressed voice loopback test for the external test equipment that is connected to the voice interface. The voice samples are sent from the test equipment all the way through the interface associated CODEC and then turned around instead of being sent to voice application. ifUncompressedLoopback(5) - Interface Uncompressed Loopback. This mode is set by the managed system to perform the interface uncompressed voice loopback test for the external test equipment that is connected to the voice interface. The voice samples are sent from the test equipment to the interface associated CODEC. Instead of feeding the voice samples into the CODEC for compression, they are immediately sent back to the telephony interface. ::= { cvaIfStatusEntry 2 } SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Accumulated number of signaling protocol errors that are detected in the interface since system startup.


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