
cvaIfEMCfgSignalType - cva If EM Cfg Signal Type - CISCO-VOICE-ANALOG-IF-MIB

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cva If EM Cfg Signal Type

The signaling type of E&M tie trunk interface. winkStart - the calling side seizes the line by going off-hook on its E lead but waits for a short off-hook 'wink' indication on its M lead from the called side before sending address information as DTMF digits. immediateDial - the calling side seizes the line by going off-hook on its E lead and sends sends address information as DTMF digits. delayDial - the calling side seizes the line by going off-hook on its E lead. After a timing interval, the calling side looks at the supervision from the called side. If the supervision is on-hook, the calling side starts sending information as DTMF digits; otherwise, the calling side waits until the called side goes on-hook and then starts sending address information. lmr - the e&m port is used to interface with Land Mobil Radio system. The e-lead and m-lead are not used in the traditional way. fgd - Feature Group D is an access switched services that provides access to Local Exchange Carrier of the public switched network. It is supported in North America only based on E&M wink-start. fgd-eana - Exchange Access North American signalling protocol of Feature Group D. REFERENCE EIA/TIA-464B: Sections Signaling Protocols. DEFVAL { winkStart } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 1 } SYNTAX INTEGER { twoWires (1), fourWires (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Specify the operation of the E&M signal. twoWires - 2-wire operation. fourWires - 4-wire operation. DEFVAL { twoWires } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 2 } SYNTAX INTEGER { typeI (1), typeII (2), typeIII (3), typeIV (4), typeV (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Specifies the E&M Lead Signaling type. LEGEND: V = -48V /\/\/ = detector/resister X = normally open relay contact + = normally closed relay contact G = ground SB = Signal Battery SG = Signal Ground typeI - Leads: E (output, relay to ground) M (input, referenced to ground) The tie line equipment (switch/router/etc) generates the E-signal to the PBX type grounding the E-lead. The tie line equipment detects the M-signal by detecting current flow to ground. A common ground must exist between the line equipment and the PBX. PBX | TIE LINE | E: V--/\/\/---|-----X----G | M: V----X-----|---/\/\/--G typeII - Leads: E (output, relay to SG) M (input, referenced to ground) SB (feed for M, connected to -48V) SG (return for E, galvanically isolated from ground) This interface requires no common ground between the equipment, thus avoiding ground loop noise problems. E-signal is generated toward the PBX by connecting it to SG. M-signal is indicated by the PBX connecting it to SB. While this interface does NOT require a common ground, it does have the tendency to inject noise into the audio paths since it is asymmetrical with respect to current flow between devices. PBX | TIE LINE | E: V--/\/\/---|-----X---- | | SG: G----------|---------- | M: ----X-----|---/\/\/--G | | SB: ----------|----------V typeIII - Leads: E (output, relay to ground) M (input, referenced to ground) SB (connected to -48V) SG (connected to ground) This interface operates similar to type I with respect to the E-signal. The M-signal, however, is indicated by the PBX connecting it to SB on assertion, and alternately connecting it to SG during inactivity. Unfortunately, a common ground must be shared between the equipment. PBX | TIE LINE | E: V--/\/\/---|-----X----G | SG: ----------|----------G + | M: ----------|---/\/\/--G X | SB: ----------|----------V typeIV - Leads: E (output, relay to SG) M (input, referenced to -48V) SB (feed for M, connected to ground) SG (return for E, galvanically isolated from ground) This interface is fully symmetrical; it does not require a common ground, does not inject noise into audio paths, and can be connected back to back by swapping E/SG for M/SB. E-signal is indicated to the PBX by connecting it to SG. M-signal is provided by the PBX connecting it to SB. PBX | TIE LINE | E: V--/\/\/---|-----X---- | | SG: G----------|---------- | M: ----------|---/\/\/--V X | SB: ----------|----------G typeV - Leads: E (output, relay to ground) M (input, referenced to -48V) Type V line equipment indicates E-signal to the PBX by grounding the E-lead. The PBX indicates M-signal by grounding the M-lead. This interface does require a common ground, but does allow back to back connections by swapping E for M. This interface is quasi-symmetric in that while the line is up, current flow is more or less equal between the PBX and line equipment. But noise injection is still a problem. PBX | TIE LINE | E: V--/\/\/---|-----X----G | M: G-----X----|---/\/\/--V | REFERENCE EIA/TIA-464B: Sections 4.2.3 E&M Lead Signaling. DEFVAL { typeI } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 3 } SYNTAX InterfaceDialType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION Specifies the out dialing type of E&M interface. DEFVAL { dtmf } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 4 } SYNTAX INTEGER { inact (1), audio (2), dial (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The M lead behavior of E&M LMR interface. inact - The m-lead status should be ignored. audio - The m-lead status is used to control generating voice packet. dial - Perform the same audio case except abling to initiate a call when offhook in a idle state. DEFVAL { inact } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 5 } SYNTAX INTEGER { seize (4), voice (5), inactive (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION The E lead behavior of E&M LMR interface. seize - The e-lead used as seize signal voice - The e-lead status is used to indicate voice packet received or not. inactive -- e-lead is inactive. DEFVAL { seize } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 6 } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object is used to enabling/disabling automatic gain control(AGC) on this interface. AGC allows DSP to adjust the input voice volume and avoid rapid voice volume change. DEFVAL { false } ::= { cvaIfEMCfgEntry 7 } --**************************************************************************** -- The E&M interface Status Table --**************************************************************************** SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CvaIfEMStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The E&M interface Table. The table contains the status of the E&M tie trunk interface. ::= { cvaIfEMObjects 2 } SYNTAX CvaIfEMStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the status table for each E&M interface. AUGMENTS { cvaIfEMCfgEntry } ::= { cvaIfEMStatusTable 1 } CvaIfEMStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cvaIfEMInSeizureActive TruthValue, cvaIfEMOutSeizureActive TruthValue } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object contains the incoming seizure state of the E&M interface. If the value is true, then the interface has an incoming trunk seizure active; otherwise, it doesn't. ::= { cvaIfEMStatusEntry 1 } SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION This object contains the outgoing seizure state of the E&M interface. If the value is true, then the interface has an outgoing trunk seizure active; otherwise, it doesn't. ::= { cvaIfEMStatusEntry 2 } --**************************************************************************** -- The E&M Timing Parameters Table --**************************************************************************** -- This table contains the E&M interface timing parameters information. SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CvaIfEMTimingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION The E&M tie trunk Timing Parameters table. It contains the configuration of the various E&M signaling protocol timing parameters. ::= { cvaIfEMObjects 3 } SYNTAX CvaIfEMTimingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the E&M Timing Parameters Table for each E&M interface.


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