frPortCnfPortGrpTable - fr Port Cnf Port Group Table - CISCO-WAN-FR-PORT-MIB

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fr Port Cnf Port Group Table

This table is used for creating/configuring Frame Relay Logical(referred to as frame relay port)Ports. Relation with ifTable: The modules in which ifTable is implemented, the creation of frame relay port in this table will cause an entry to be created in ifTable. The possible interfaces that are created in ifTable are identified by ifType = frameRelayService(44) and frForward(158). The deletion of an entry in this table causes the corresponding entry in ifTable to be deleted. ::= { frPortCnfPortGrp 1 } SYNTAX FrPortCnfPortGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION An entry in the frame relay port table.


IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor frPortCnfPortGrpTable on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco mobile switches right now.

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