With IPHost Network Monitor you can run simple snmp requests against a Cisco device in your network.
cwr Led Mode
This objects specifies the desired mode of LED updates. automatic(1) and latched(2) are settings used by the software to determine how the LED should be updated. The others are for diagnostic purposes. The LED will be turned on or off as specified by the other (3-8) settings. The modes mean the following: automatic(1): The system updates the LED according to the default settings for that entity. latched(2): Once the LED is turned on, user has to turn it off. This applies only to alarm LEDs. forceOff(3): Force the LED off. forceSolidGreen(4): Force the LED to be solid green in on state. forceSolidYellow(5):Force the LED to be solid Yellow in on state forceBlinkGreen(6): Force the LED to blink in Green. forceBlinkYellow(7):Force the LED to blink in Yellow. forceBlinkBoth(8): Force the LED to blink Yellow and Green alternatively.
IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor cwrLedMode on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco firewalls right now.