
cpqSm2CntlrAction - Compaq Sm2 Controller Action - CPQSM2

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Compaq Sm2 Controller Action

Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Action Flags. This is a collection of flags used to indicate the various options available. ResetSupportBit: If bit-0 is set to 1, the option is available. If bit-0 is set to 0, the option is NOT available. iLOAlerts If bit-1 is set to 1, iLO alerts are enabled. If bit-2 is set to 1, iLO alerts are disabled. These two bits should never have the same value. HostAlerts If bit-3 is set to 1, Host alerts are enabled. If bit-4 is set to 1, Host alerts are disabled. These two bits should never have the same value. Bit-31 is used to execute the set operation. NOTE: bit 31 is the most significant bit, bit 0 is the least significant. Status This is a collection of flags. Each bit has the following meaning when it is on (1): Bit 0: Reset Supported Bit 1: iLO Alerts Enabled Bit 2: iLO Alerts Disabled Bit 3: Host Alerts Enabled Bit 4: Host Alerts Disabled Bit 5-30: RESERVED Bit 31: Execute Set ::= { cpqSm2Cntlr 29} -- **************************************************************************** -- Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out Event Log Group -- ===================================================== -- -- The compaq enterprise ( -- cpqSm2 Group ( -- cpqSm2Component Group ( -- cpqSm2EventLog Group ( -- -- The cpqSm2EventLog group contains ... -- -- Implementation of the cpqSm2EventLog group is mandatory for all agents -- that support the Compaq Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out MIB. -- -- **************************************************************************** SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION The number of entries in the Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out event log. Setting the number of entries to 0 clears the Remote Insight/ Integrated Lights-Out event log. Setting the number of entries to something other than 0 will always fail.

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