
MIBs list


mte Trigger Context Name

The management context from which to obtain mteTriggerValueID. This may be wildcarded by leaving characters off the end. For example use 'Repeater' to wildcard to 'Repeater1', 'Repeater2', 'Repeater-999.87b', and so on. To indicate such wildcarding is intended, mteTriggerContextNameWildcard must be 'true'. Each instance that fills the wildcard is independent of any additional instances, that is, wildcarded objects operate as if there were a separate table entry for each instance that fills the wildcard without having to actually predict all possible instances ahead of time. Operation of this feature assumes that the local system has a list of available contexts against which to apply the wildcard. If the objects are being read from the local system, this is clearly the system's own list of contexts. For a remote system a local version of such a list is not defined by any current standard and may not be available, so this function MAY not be supported.


MIBs list