
imaLinkIntervalNeSevErroredSecs - ima Link Interval Ne Sev Errored Secs - IMA-MIB

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ima Link Interval Ne Sev Errored Secs

Count of one second intervals containing >= 30% of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (e.g., LOS, OOF/LOF, AIS, or LCD), LIF defects, or LODS defects, except during UAS-IMA condition, in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals.

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IPHost Network monitor allows you to monitor imaLinkIntervalNeSevErroredSecs on Cisco device via the SNMP protocol. Download IPHost Network Monitor (500 monitors for 30 days, 50 monitors free forever) to start monitoring Cisco optical switches right now.

Easy monitoring of imaLinkIntervalNeSevErroredSecs with IPHost tools

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