atmxCesSvcConfigRestart - atmx Ces Service Config Restart - XYLAN-ATM-CE-MIB

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atmx Ces Service Config Restart

When the value is set to 'restart' the active SVC is released if necessary and a new setup procedure is begun. As a result of this action, the atmxCesSvcConfigOperStatus object transitions to 'establishmentInProgress' (if not already in this state) and the atmxCesRetryFailures object is cleared. When the value is set to 'noop' no operation is performed. When read, the value 'noop' is returned.

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IPHost Network monitor uses SNMP for monitoring health and availability of devices and applications in your network. You can send a SNMP Set to any remote device to monitor a specific SNMP object (CPU, Memory, Disk, Server Temperature, RAID failures, IO statistics, connection counts, error and much more).

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