Cabletron ATM Default Application
The default application to be run on this physical ATM interface. Selecting lane04 will cause the application known as FORE LAN Emulation 0.4 to be the default application on this interface using the spans signalling stack. This will also cause ILMI to be disabled. i.e., a read on ctATMSignalType will return spans; and a read on ctATMIlmiStatus will return disable. It is an error to set ctATMSignalType to a value other than spans when this object is set to lane04. It is an error to set ctATMIlmiStatus to a value other than disable when this object is set to spans. Selecting lane will cause the application known as ATM Forum LAN emulation version 2.0 to be the default application on this physical interface. If an attempt to be operational using LANE 2.0 is unsuccessful because of a bad-version error, then ATM Forum LANE 1.0 will be the default application. Selecting this also enables ILMI in autoconfigure mode. i.e., a read on ctATMIlmiStatus will return the value enableAutoConfigure). It is an error to set ctATMSignalType to the value spans when this object is set to lane. This object is persistent.
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